Rhesh'ir Zhwan

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Rhesh’ir Zhwan
“As if there was any doubt, darling~”

Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 30
Occupation Captain of the Maelstrom 81st Foreign Levy
Orientation Pansexual
Alignment Neutral Good
Marital Status Semi-Open Relationship


RHESH’IR ZHWAN, (Pronunciation: Resh-EAR Sch-WAN), is a miqo'te of many names and tales. He traveled the Black Shroud, round and round, moving along at early nightfall. In the recent past, he had been the leader of a makeshift band of wanderers without a path. Their adventures lead them from the Shroud, through the desert, to Ul'dah, and elsewhere. Their journeys together do not appear to be stopping anytime soon. With his past behind him, Rhesh'ir can now call himself an 'adventurer', for what it's worth. And now, that makeshift band became something more-- a Free Company. So far, their deeds have proven their strength through adversity, and the Captain only plans to continue that, as best he can.


As the chapter of the vagabond bard came to a close in Rhesh'ir's life, so did his appearance. Somewhat. For now, long, tribal braids were sacrificed in favour of a short more military cut. Ruby red eyes stand out against dark, earthy skin. Build is lean and muscular. His clothing, however, has become a little more ornate, as a sign of his new path and growing wealth. Rhesh'ir does not mind appearing flamboyant, and even takes some pleasure from it. He can be seen in anything from lounging attire, to dark leathers, to full plate armour.


Stubborn. Guarded. Loving.

Rhesh'ir is personable and flirty, but picky with his company. He does not allow many to get close. His first reaction is always to smile--whether good or bad. Behind the smile are true emotions, but usually they are kept from others that he hasn't yet trusted with his heart. Rhesh'ir does not shy from confrontation, but he usually is the one to end up walking away, especially when he's angry. The miqo'te is also incredibly stubborn and set in his ways about many things and his views of the world. Once an idea is in his head, it is very difficult to convince him otherwise. But it can be done with patience and kindness.











Grand Companies

Taking Orders






Fighter Since Birth. The Captain of the 81st is strong of heart, and has the muscle and aether to back it up.

Devotion. Once Rhesh’ir sets his heart to a cause, he will remain steadfast. No matter what.

Hope. Though not immune to heartbreak, Rhesh’ir is usually able to see through the dark times and have faith that things will turn out alright.

The Shield. Even before his immense history of training, Rhesh’ir has always used himself as a shield for those he cares for, without question.


Pride. Sometimes a good thing, sometimes a bad thing--Rhesh’ir’s pride in himself has the potential to bolster or hold him--and others--back.

Prejudice. Though he is trying to improve, Rhesh’ir’s blinded views on certain actions and peoples can override positive outcomes.

Shroud Baby. Being born and raised without access to knowledge in his formative years has set Rhesh'ir back in terms of basic skills like reading and writing.

Clinging to the Past. Rhesh’ir struggles with events of his past, and deals with it in odd ways. Sometimes these ways are not the healthiest, for himself and others.


This is a list of the items that Rhesh’ir currently is keeping on his person. Feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in the course of RP, such as pickpocketing, a search, etc.

Last Updated: 5/28/17.

  • Knife: Standard boot knife, for fileting fish or enemies. Rhesh’ir rarely leaves his home without some type of weapon. Force of habit.

  • Gil-purse: Though he doesn’t much understand money, the Captain does carry it on him, if only to get from one place to another without having to wash dishes.

  • Jewelry: Gifts from loved ones over time have amounted to this Keeper to owning some effective and lovely pieces.

  • Tattoos: Though not exactly an ‘item’, Rhesh’ir’s face and body are covered with tattoos of various meanings. Some are more ‘functional’ than others...

  • Leto: Rhesh'ir's long-time chocobo companion and steed. Leto is a fierce female chocobo, hardened and experienced with war, even prior to being owned by the Captain of the 81st. She puts up with little goatshite from anyone.


Face Claim: Rick Mora.

Body Claim: Pablo Robles. (Yes, the glitter is included.)

Voice Claim: Sharlto Copley

This template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea, then modified/mixed from Franz Renatus, Leanne Delphium, Bancroft Gairn, and Jaliqai Qulaan.
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