Joyous Blossom

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Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... Joi-uh s Blos-uh m


RACE & CLAN... Hellsguard, Roegadyn.

GENDER... Female.

AGE... Appears in late 20's or early 30's

NAMEDAY... 6th Sun, 2th Umbral Moon

MARITAL STATUS... Entirely Uninterested

Other Statistics

BIRTHPLACE... Singing Springs, Sharlayan.

CITIZENSHIP... Sharlayan | Limsa Lominsan.


OCCUPATION... Director of Magicks and Artifacts, C.O.M.E.T, Officer.

PATRON DEITY... Thaliak, the Scholar.

HEIGHT & WEIGHT ... 8 fulms, 6 ilms. 186 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Type 4 Neutral Good.

General Information
An academic on the surface, serious and cold, Joyous Blossom is the Director of Artifacts and Magicks for C.O.M.E.T, serving as officer for the Free Company, as well as the curator for trinkets concerning magic and civilizations of eld. She as a Scholar by trade, having all but mastered the Nymian manner of combat, and is a proud Sharlayan, even boasting their fabled Transfiguration magicks which turn ordinary objects to life...for a brief period of time.
Stout, confident. Right-handed. N/A.
Hair & Eyes
Though it's not entirely sure which side of her true family she acquired them from, Joyous's eyes are a magnificent shade of blue-green. They are far from perfect however, as she requires reading glasses in order to scour over her books, and her vision close up is rather poor. They seem to change color ever-so-slightly, depending on the light of the area around her.
Joyous's hair, on the other hand, is directly attributed to her father, a man whom she apparently has a very poor relationship with. Stating that she dyes her hair on purpose, it's not entirely known what hue it actually is only that, apparently, she loathes it. It has been kept in a short cut, the woman stating she loathes her hair being in her face, and has colored it black with blonde streaks for as long as she's been in Eorzea, records show.
Physique & Markings
Like many of her kind, Joyous is notably tall and while thicker in muscle than most other races, but is surprisingly lacking in physical strength. She is curvy, with more an hourglass figure than the bulk of her kin, with accentuation on hips and chest both. Noticeable scars include several along her back, to which if inquired upon, will earn you only the deepest of her scowls.
If nothing else, Joyous enjoys adorning her body with different markings, most celebrating an achievement. To note, she has one along her right arm, symbolizing her triumph in becoming a full Scholar, another on her back of Sharlayan design, and two trailing down her legs, marking both her acceptance into the Maelstrom, and her indoctrination into the crew of the L.S.S. Indigo Lass She totes the Mark of the Archon on her neck, and the two lines on her face are rumored to represent her fallen mother, and her mentor.
Hygiene & Attire
In spite of her former Malestrom ties, Joyous Blossom is a tidy woman, who enjoys being presentable in public. Though not the sort of creature to turn up her nose at getting dirty, it is noted that she commonly wears white, and dislikes getting anything stained on it, insisting that a Scholar is neat and orderly both mentally and physically. She's hardly the sort of person who goes out of her way to wear fancy or overly-stylish clothing; everything on her person has a function and a purpose, and that is precisely how she likes it.

"Public" Attire: Joyous dons a set of plain, white robes, and simple leggings.

"Nymian Scholar" Attire: When presented the opportunity to do so, whether it be at some manner of dinner party or formal event, Blossom will typically don her traditional Nymian Scholar's attire.

"Combat Scholar" Attire: Modified ever-so-slightly to the traditional wear of a Nymian Scholar, Joyous added a series of Aetheric cells compartments to her gloves, to further her abilities and extend the duration of her spells.

"Sharlayan Scholar Neos" Attire: Her most common attire. Consists of white labcoat, Sharlayan earrings, and Alexandrian-style gloves.
Tough. That is a word that resonates in the very core of what Joyous Blossom is. With a tongue as sharp as Garlean Steel, Joyous is quick to tell people precisely what she's thinking, when she's thinking it. Stubborn and tenacious to a fault, the woman will do whatever it takes in order to accomplish the things that she wants, and will stoop to whatever means in order to do it. So long as she keeps her honor and gets what she sets out to do, in her eyes, everything is fair game. She makes her way, though she is kind and often benevolent towards others. Joyous follows her own moral compass, which, although good, may not exactly blend in with what is proper in society. While she believes in things that are good and right, Joyous has little time or patience for laws and regulations, particularly those of Eorzean setting, claiming that the populace has no idea what's good for them.

To the outside eye, Joyous is poised, highly cynical, elegant, and charming. Typically carefree, even whimsical upon first glance, Joyous Blossom is quick to violently respond at the slightest provocation, being instinctively hotheaded, impetuous, and confrontational. To many onlookers, she is like a frozen flame--pleasant and beautiful to behold, cold, and slightly off-putting...but when closer inspected, bright and passionate and usually too hot to handle for nearly anybody involved nearby. However, she is actually rather sensual, warm, and friendly behind her layers and layers of thick skin. She cares for the safety and well-being of people she meets, but would rather see them fight for their survival, rather than running and hiding. In spite of everything that has happened to her, Joyous tries her best to be realistically optimistic towards people she doesn't know; she is wary, but still makes efforts to be trusting to others. Arrogant to a fault, prideful of her knowledge, heritage, and courage, she finds it difficult to admit when she's wrong, if she ever does at all. To her, weakness is something she'd rather hide. Despite the crap-free attitude, cold exterior, and less-than-polite means of communication, the Sharlayan is good at heart. Although her methods are definitely unorthodox, she means well in what she does, and does legitimately feel for people when they're in some form of trouble. Joyous Blossom would do just about anything to defend the unprotected, unwary, and innocent, to include putting her own life on the line. Fearless to death, the Hellsguard takes life by the horns, and refuses to let go. A fighter until the very end, it could very well come to pass that she does go down swinging...

Many people see Joyous as a hard-ass, incapable of showing emotion beyond scowling, looking down her nose (both figuratively and literally), and being generally cross. She puts people at their limits to test their abilities, in an attempt to improve themselves. She cares for the safety and well-being of people she meets, but would rather see them fight for their survival, rather than running and hiding. Although she appears to be reluctant to do so, if asked for advice in the matters of combat, the Scholar is always pleased to test their mettle, reforge it, and improve it. Arrogant to a fault, prideful of her knowledge, heritage, and courage, she finds it difficult to admit when she's wrong, if she ever does at all. To her, weakness is something she'd rather hide.

She often goes out of her way to pick fights with others she feels are morally wrong or unjust to others, and it is painfully apparent she delights in making them look foolish through her means of visual trickery and aetheric ability. Easily infuriated by the stupidly brash, morally unjust, and careless, many people see Blossom as a trickster with a harsh punchline—jovial in making people she sees as lower than herself miserable and foolish, but rather stony and crass in every other respect.

It is often remarked by onlookers that she spends most of her brawls overjoyed and giddy at having outsmarted her opponents, often taking her enemies off-guard with just how incredibly implausible some of her schemes really are. Her sleight of hand tricks are a marvel to behold when not on the receiving end...In terms of combat, Joyous Blossom delights in being the center of attention, being something of a brash, egotistical show-off at times, and typically goading enemies into attacking her while planning several steps ahead of them. She is not a woman who shies away from stooping as low as surly taunts, or even outright death threats, and her determination to see victory is so high that those who know her well are somewhat surprised she's not lost a limb...or worse. While usually kind to people, Joyous Blossom isn't shy about returning wrongs tenfold to those who spread them, and is far from squeamish about gruesomely wounding her opponents if she feels the need to do so to make a point.
Raised in Sharlayan, Joyous was granted with the slight English lilt and tone to her voice, as well as a rather flowery vocabulary, which she uses quite often. However, several summers of being in the Malestrom and the Limsa Lominsan area both seem to have made her forget that the letter “H” exists, and when provoked into anger, will resort to straight-out cursing. Her voice itself is a held-back presentation of force and power, albeit merely mental or magically speaking.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
Ah...freedom. While many might think they understand the concept, Blossom sees freedom for what it truly is...subjective, unfathomable, and ultimately, unobtainable... But that doesn't mean she intends not to seek it out anyway. She places value not only in freedom, but on life and the individual as well, finding that individualism is equally as strong as a group united. Free ultimately believes life not to have any manner of plan, and that destiny is merely a word used to describe what cannot have answers. To her, freedom is the only way one can achieve happiness and satisfaction, knowing all too well the pain of being forced to do something you don't wish to do. The right of a single person to seek their own pleasures is one of the cornerstones of society; but, being good, Joyous refuses to step on others in order to accomplish it...though, she probably could... despite that, she feels every other creature has the right to the pursuit of pleasure as well. Free could never bring herself, however, take action that could unnecessarily jeopardize the lives of other persons or creatures, and does her best to prevent others from doing the same...usually with a few tricks up her sleeves and some insults to throw their way.
Blossom is not beyond harming those who deserve it, and finds a great deal of pleasure in making those who decide to be ignorant and brutish look foolish. Stone finds there is a lesson to be had in everything, and those not willing enough to listen to them ultimately deserve to be picked on by smarter people—mostly, her.
❄ Red wines.
❄ Vylbrand.
❄ Meat, particularly roasted meat.
❄ Outwitting her opponents.
❄ Exploring new places.
❄ Reviving the past.
❄ Learning or creating new magicks.
❄ Learning or creating new tricks
❄ Picking fights.
❄ Rowdy Parties.
❄ Dishonesty.
❄ Zealotry.
❄ Extreme heat.
❄ Dry weather.
❄ People who try too hard to be intimate
❄ People who can't respect her / others
❄ Those who flaunt their authority.
❄ Those who dismiss education.
❄ Pettiness.
❄ Betraying a promise.
❄ Plays the flute.
❄ Magic.
❄ Healing.
❄ Translating texts (Nymian, Mhachi, and Amdapori only.)
❄ Transfiguration. (Small-Medium objects. No smaller than a minion. No larger than a karkul.)
❄ Excellent Tactician
❄ High knowledge of Aether
❄ High knowledge of Nymian lore


Incredibly Brave
Lengthy Combat Experience
Willing to sacrifice self for the good of her overall goals
Solitary Hellsguard lifestyle and hardened personality gives little to no understanding of people's emotions, or empathy towards them.
Socially numb
Pure, unadulterated Alpha Female (Although it is not entirely out of question that she can be charmed into being more docile with drinks, gifts, long-term kindness, or people more alpha than she is.)
Painfully blunt -- about as subtle as a Goblin in drag.

Basic Statistics
High: Aether, Mind
Above Average: Intelligence
Average: Charisma, Dexterity, Speed
Low: Defense
Aetheric Abilities
Mastery: Scholar Lores
Expert: Sleight of Hand | Transfigurative Magicks
Average: Arithmeticks | Black Magicks
Novice: White Magicks
Combat Skills
Mastery: Aether Shields, Magick-based healing, Nymian Tactics
Expert: Supportive Skills (IE: Arithmeticks)
Average: Basic Survival skills
Poor: Physical Strength, Easily overpowered
Trade & Field Crafts
Mastery: N/A
Expert: Goldsmithing, Armorsmithing
Average: Mining, Botany
Novice: Everything else

OOC Note
Joyous's style of combat is an unusual one. Of all her assets, the most powerful and deadly is not her magicks, or her Scholar Lores, but her incredibly sharp wit. Blossom is strikingly perceptive, in spite of her mannerisms and outward appearance, able to quickly analyze a person's personality and therefore paint an accurate picture of what their strengths and flaws are. Joyous Blossom finds a bit of glee in psyching out her opponents, doing her best to use their own weaknesses against them, typically resorting to playing on people's overconfidence in themselves. However, she is as susceptible to these tricks as her enemies, and those who can pick up on what she tries to pull will find Joyous backed up into a corner.

Blossom comes off as borderline goofy, and almost dimwittedly careless to most who find themselves in a scuffle against her--however, this is done quite on purpose. Able to disguise one plan within the shroud of another, most people would brush off her actions as carelessness or sheer stupidity; Joyous Blossom on the other hand, makes critical moves while seemingly acting foolish in order to catch people off guard.

With her perceptive nature and Nymian Tactics comes the ability to seamlessly flow from one situation to the other, carefully planning, (and then planning around those plans, and so on,) around each new confrontation that sets itself before her. With this said, Blossom's ability to use her environment and whatever tools are on hand to her advantage comes naturally to her. She keeps a number of tools concealed on her person for such occasions. (See related tab for details)

Joyous Blossom is not a fair player. She considers that every move in combat is fair play (unless it involves damage to the innocent, or being needlessly cruel,) and will resort to run away, throw low blows, or even cheating outright. If her life, or the life of another, is in danger, Blossom is quick to act, regardless of what dishonor or humiliation is involved in the consequences. She picked this particular set of morals from the Maelstrom pirate crew she lived with after the Calamity, her flamboyantly dramatic mentor Archon Blyssbyrn, and the Nymian Tactician Palov Zolev, who was attributed to stating that "Honor means very little to Nym as a people if they are not alive to tell of it. I should rather suffer the dishonor of a foul tactic against our foes than have our children's children pay prices for being too meek to carry them forth."

NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Oh, Joy? She's practically a local after all she's done for Limsa Lominsa. Even if she was Sharlayan before, her aid after the Calamity was a Twelvesend. We consider her one of ours, all n' all." -- Yellowjacket Ryssfloh
"You'd think with as big as that tome is, it held the secrets to the bleedin' cosmos. Looks like she collects just about everythin' in that thing. Ain't like any sort of tome I've ever seen." -- A passerby in Ul'Da
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Ah, Blossom. She's an interesting character. Animated a whole table once when someone tried cheatin' her at Triad though. That thing was runnin' about for a few moons a'fore someone finally chopped it into splinters." -- A fisherman of Limsa
"I saw her, once, in the Drowning Wench...I don't think I've ever seen a woman drink that much in my life." — A conjurer near Hawthorne Hut.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Joyous Blossom...that lass what're known for savin' the crew of the Malestrom's Anna-Lee. Kindly sort, that one, though she's a temper somethin' fierce... " — Loitering Pirate.
"What was that? Her? She collects...interesting things, so the rumors go. Forbidden texts, ancient scriptures, relics...hides them up somewhere up in the Shroud. It's protected by all sorts of weird...weird things, so it's said. I don't know much about it myself... " — Mihko Zihko.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.

Relationship Status Legend


Blackeye Panda – Joyous Blossom's enigmatic and strangely theatrical employer. A collector of all things rare and extravagant, nothing is too dangerous or too expensive to procure to his galley. He seems to trust Joyous to the point where he has given her full run of all things magical or ancient in his gallery, allowing her to experiment and research items that come in and out of C.O.M.E.T HQ.


Emerald Song: Joyous's mother. Formerly, she worked as a sellsword before Ala Mhigo was taken, and barely escaped with her life. Quiet, reserved, and sunny in her personality, she was killed during childbirth giving life to her only blood daughter.

Geissahtyn Kylnlaenysyn'': Father to Joyous. He'd toiled within the earth since the day he'd learned to hold a pickaxe. Stubborn, hard-working, and boisterous in nature, he was a character all in his own right, lighting up a room with his jolly presence, until the death of his wife. He was stricken with madness, unable to cope, and blamed her demise on his daughter, Joyous Blossom. He left Joyous and all five of her adopted siblings abandoned in the wilderness of the Dravanian Hinterlands, only reaching the Sharlayan Colony barely alive. Whereabouts of Geissahtyn are presently unknown.


• Surito Carito -- A once Lalafellan Scholar of ancient Nym, preserved through a terrible curse. He seeks to find a cure to the state of his people...even at the cost of his own life. Witty, tactical, and unparalleled in his intelligence, he taught Joyous all she knows of Nymian Lore.

Music links to Youtube or SoundCloud. Careful of the volume when using speakers/headphones.
Lady of Worlds
Artist: Gavin Dunne
Origin: Miracle of Sound
She Who Watches
Artist: Peter Gundry
Origin: Elven Fantasy Music
Crann Na Beatha
Artist: Adrian von Ziegler
Origin: Celtic Music
Where The Shadows Cannot Reach
Artist: Adrian von Ziegler
Origin: Film Music


Location & Probability
Meallaire travels all across the world, and can be found in a variety of locations, though a few stand out more than others.
The Shroud: High
Ishgard: Moderate
Dravania: High-Moderate.
Coerthas: Low
Mor Dhona: Moderate.
Thanalan: Moderate-Low.
Limsa Lominsa: High
La Noscea: Extremely High
She has made a number of connections across the world in her travels.
Sharlayan: Though technically no longer considered a citizen of Sharlayan, Joyous Blossom states that when you've spent your whole life somewhere, you never stop being part of it, nor it you. She insists she is Sharlayan first and Lominsan second, despite her choices clearly reflecting otherwise.
Arcanist's Guild: When not buried in tomes, you may find Blossom in the Lominsan guild, teaching Sharlayan Arcana to newcomers...much to the frustration of the guildmaster.
The Nymian Tonberries: Perhaps the most likely of places to find Joyous Blossom is in what once was the great city-state of Nym...or rather, its remains. Having lived under the tutelage of Surito Carito for several summers, she is incredibly tied to not only the old ways of this long lost civilization, but one day reviving it and its secrets to at least part of its former glory.
Idyllshire: Having once been a resident of the former colony, Joyous Blossom spends a great deal of her time in the Dravanian Hinterlands, guiding would-be pioneers through potential death traps, explaining the advanced technological aspects of the Sharlayans to locals, and (on more than one occasion,) shutting the door to the Great Gubal Library when careless adventurers leave it open.
C.O.M.E.T: The Collector's Organization of Magical and Experimental Trickets, known as Comet to the common people, is Blackeye Panda's pride and joy gallery of both magical and technological items, used not only for showing off, but for the purposes of research and experiments to only those the Au Ra trusts indefinitely to benefit Eorzea and her people. Joyous is currently the director of the Magical and Ancient research branch of the Comet division.
IC Inventory
The following items are things that Joyous carries on her person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets, and those watching her closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell.

Glio coinpurse.png Tome.png Page64.png 300px-Ahriman-stock.png

Coinpurse: A simple coin purse made of soft leather, containing a few hundred gil.
Joyous Blossom's Sharlayan Tome: A worn, torn, smeared, smudged, far-from-pristine book of Sharlayan make. One could say it is because of Sharlayan magicks that this book is so sturdy...or it may very well have fallen apart ages ago. Joyous Blossom has carried this book around with her since beginning her training in the Sharlayan capital, and it's been filling up with information ever since. This book is utterly enormous, weighing several ponze. It's sheer girth is astonishing, with the novel nearly bursting at the seams with how large it is. Anybody even glancing at its contents would be striken with utter confusion, as the entire tome is a mangled mess of parchment pieces glued to already existing pages—evidence that these are bits that Joyous Blossom herself stuck to them in order to make additional notes. Some of these stick out when the book is shut, giving it a very messy, disorganized appearance at best. Joyous claims she's the only one who could make sense of the labyrinthine tome...given how it's laid out, one could certainly mark that as true. It contains all of her magic incantations (that she knows of, and when she learns new ones, she slaps them in there as well,) including Nymian Lores, Nymian tactics, sleight-of-hand tricks, Sharlayan transfiguration magicks, in addition to other important information she might have. [This will never contain information she already doesn't know, and therefore is not an Ex Machina.]
"Understanding Eorzea" by Archon Sevaron L'Nuit: Formerly a guidebook on Eorzea, brought to life by Sharlayan Transfigurative magicks. While devoid of its original contents, the accidental creation follows Joyous Blossom around relentlessly, scribbling down details of her exploits down to the very last. Full of quips, nagging, and a snarky-yet-serious attitude, the book serves as a comedic foil to Blossom's more casual nature. It has a terrible habit of hurling itself at strangers, in spite being completely without threat to them.
Speedreader: One of many types of Voidsent, formerly bound to the Great Gubal Library in service to the researchers there. Speedreaders were often used to scour tomes and scrolls set before them, absorbing and gathering information to be relayed to one of the many living inkwells within the Library's confines, making gathering research quick and efficient and cutting both time and manhours spent nearly in half. While this particular Speedreader was freed from its fetters to the Library by Joyous Blossom, it was quickly put back into service as her assistant (and mount) on her adventures. Though not usually given titles in their enthrallment, Joyous elected to dub this particular creature with the name Angra.
RP Limits
Meallaire is an adult and has done and endured a lot during her long life. There are very few things she shies away from when it comes to interaction - she'll approach a fight or a cup of tea with equal gusto, and she's not afraid to get her hands dirty, in either the figurative or literal sense. Some topics are listed as unacceptable, and that means it takes major plot points to be permissible.
Acceptable is all RP themes from dark, serious and mature (violence, sexuality, torture, murder, conflict, drug / alcohol use) to the more light-hearted, humorous and simplistic, as long as it makes sense in the course of the RP. Plots that range from long-term to one-shots, elaborate and large-scale to minor and frivolous. Serious injury. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary captivity or imprisonment. Combat, ambushes, assassination attempts, rivalries, friendships, romantic or sexual tension, coarse language and morally unclear subjects are all welcomed.
Ask about mutilation, permanent scarring or symbolic markings, long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment. Temporary character death. Significant mental tampering or programming. Anything dramatically character-changing or that might render her unplayable for a prolonged period of time.
Unacceptable is permanent character death. Permanent maiming or any crippling that prevents her from functioning independently. Random ERP that occurs outside of organic interactions.
■ I follow the lore to the T. I won't jump off it, but I am lax on certain things.
Player Information
Player Note
First, thanks for taking the time to read my wiki! I'm the voice of reason and terrible creative mind behind Joyous. I've been RPing for over half my life (12 years now and counting), and love the hobby. That said, I do have a few extra things to note. First and foremost is that I know Meallaire is opinionated and has some pretty extreme viewpoints, but that's not necessarily reflective of me as a person. I always expect and try myself to maintain a clear IC / OOC division in RP. Joyous's feelings and my feelings are separate. I prefer clear lines of communication with whomever I'm RPing with, and those I'm RPing with should always feel free to send a /tell to clear up any questions.
Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt.
■ Transfiguration, a nod towards the animation arts, is a name I've given it myself, as it has no official name. (Believe me, I own the Encyclopedia Eorzea 2016 edition...I checked. Thoroughly.) It's also a bit of a wink to the type of spell used in the “Harry Potter” series, describing turning one object (or person) into another.
Miscellaneous Information
Concept: Joyous Blossom is a bizarre mix-up of Joseph Joestar from “Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure” and Whis from “Dragon Ball Super.”
Claims: Voice: Tress MacNeille
Classes: 60 Scholar, Paladin, Astrologian, and Black Mage / 60 Goldsmith and Armorsmith
Server: Balmung
Timezone: US Player; CST (UTC -6)

Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as Joyous's story changes. It was last modified on September 16th, 2016.

A blank version of the old wiki template can be found here. No template for the new wiki has been created yet.
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave all link-backs and credits intact if you use this template.
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse.
■ Tabling, more formatting & bits by/from Suen Shyu.