Isarmont Sorel

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The Sentinel. The Pillar. The Keeper. The Coward.
 Isarmont Sorel
Gender Male
Race Elezen
Clan Duskwight
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Nameday 7th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon, age 34
Height 7 fulms, 2 ilms
Weight 215 ponze
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Bisexual
Theme Song Youtube Link
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(Art by Maexm)

Height lends no favors to the Duskwight, Isarmont Sorel. Being of a tall race to begin with, the Twelve thought it humorous to tack on a few extra ilms, as though They wanted to see how long it would take for the tree of a man to start ducking under low hanging eaves or door frames. "Yarzon Legs", as he has called himself on more than one occasion, stands at a "meager" seven fulms & two ilms. Isarmont stands even a few good ilms over other Elezen, almost capable of touching noses with some Roegadyn, and it makes for blending into a crowd all the more difficult. His build is a surprise to many, deceptive, as upon first glance he looks fairly lanky and twiggy with limbs being too long. However, under whatever finely tailored piece of clothing he may be wearing lies a rather honed, solid man. A swimmer's build, some call it, with a muscle structure that is carved to show that he does much more than just stand around and look 'pretty'. Few scars and scrapes adorn his body, but nothing unusual is of note. His hands are almost always gloved and, when they are not, every long digit and nail is tended to. More often than not there are scuffs and bruises along his knuckles, thus the need for gloves to hide the damage.

Isarmont, as though his height did little to help hide, stands out more than just by the length of his legs. He is, for lack of a better term, strikingly handsome. The Elezen's countenance is chiseled out of a light, dusky pallid skin. His facial structure is exceptionally sharp, both his high, gaunt cheekbones and his strong, set jaw. He would look sickly, gravely ill, if he were to drop a few ponze. His eyes are narrow, just slightly upturned at the outside apex. A pair of cool, grey-blue pupils rest within, and a small amount of smudgy, smoky kohl ring his lids, more of an appearance of seeming unwell. Many a time, Isarmont can be seen squinting, especially when he is wanting to identify something in the distance, courtesy of his rather moderate nearsightedness. No facial hair is seen, as he is very meticulous about being clean shaven at all times. He takes extreme care in his skin care regiment, and the fruits of his labor are seen by the lack of wrinkles or blemishes.

(Art By Rheiyel)

An equally as sharp nose rests in the middle of his face, with the most minute of imperfections, a bend (to the right) of the bridge before straightening back out. This is courtesy of a swift jab that just happened to connect, resulting in a broken snout, Gods love the poor soul. His nostrils, a tiny upward turn, giving him the expression of something smelling foul, especially if he makes a sour face. His lips are thin, perpetually set into a straight line, however this does not hide the almost feminine curve and quality of them. To complete the package, he almost always wears an expression of complete and utter disinterest. Any sort of emotion he ever happens to show is bland, bored, giving the impression of either not fully invested in what happenings are around him or that he lives in a constant state of daydreaming. "Are you even listening?" some have asked.

Jutting out from both sides of his skull are a pair of long ears, with the appearance of the Twelve having pulled on the tips to craft them in an exaggerated fashion. They are satellites that, if one were just speculating, amplify a Duskwight's already sensitive hearing. Gracing the long ears are a handful of decorative ear piercings. In the lobe, his first set, which always adorn some intricate piece of jewelry, more often than not a gaudy chandelier earring of sorts. Traveling up his lobes are another set of piercings, these housing diminutive hooped rings in each. Past that, the last piercing he owns is marked by yet another small hoop, on his right forward helix, close to the base of his ear.

And to top off the tall Elezen, is a head of thick, long, dark brown hair. It is naturally straight, lacking any wave, and pulled back into a twisted bun. From the base of his left ear, at the temple, a thick, two ilm wide braid begins, the hair wound back until it is tucked away inside the twisted tail. It's composition looks hastily done, as some sprigs of hair are sticking out of the bun, and at times a long strand or two falling from the nape of his neck over a shoulder. A few bangs hang loose around his face after having fallen free from the trappings. The messy care seems to be intentional, purposefully making him look windswept.


Upon first meeting, Isarmont has the personality of a brown paper bag that has gotten soggy. His expressions are one speed, and that is apparent boredom. Many a time he is caught simply staring at whoever is speaking to him, and he usually seems to be zoned out during this time. When he does strike up a conversation, his responses are usually flat and monotone, lacking any real spark. However, if said person decides to stay around longer than the first few seconds of ear bleeding pain and the recipient of the wonderful encounter pays attention, a new Isarmont begins to emerge. Interest and intrigue begins to take shape, as he is always listening and learning. Deadpan snark starts mixing in, which to most outsiders could be taken as seriousness. On more than one occasion he has had to follow up a statement with a swift "I'm joking", as some of his sarcasm has easily been taken as fact.

Isarmont is a distrusting, introverted sort who spends a good majority of his time holed away in his cave. When the stars align and when he has reason, the Duskwight emerges and becomes a solid member of any order, group, or society. Most all he meets and begins to form any bond with he keeps at arm's length, not offering to let anyone close. He will ask and probe questions, wanting to get to know and have a better understanding of any new friendships or partnerships he forms; yet he is hesitant to divulge any information about himself. This leads to others trusting him before he ever trusts them.


Isarmont's history is shrouded in secrecy; and not because it is a terribly horrendous past where heinous crimes were commited, but rather because he refuses to delve deeply in discussion of the matter. He keeps his past closely guarded, very rarely bringing up anything about it, abiding by the belief that the past does not make him who he is.

His present and future will be paved each day.



  • Cookies, cakes, and desserts of all sorts, namely upside down pineapple ponze cake
  • His chocobo, Arvenois
  • Nice clothes, fashion, jewelry
  • Beautiful (in his opinion) people
  • Making sure his hair is well groomed


  • Blistering sun
  • Being uninformed
  • Soiled clothing
  • Bodies of water, especially if he cannot see the bottom; he does not know how to swim


  • Hand-to-hand combat
  • Skilled chocobo riding
  • A dark talent, and one not spoken of frequently, thievery


  • Arvenois has an extreme fear of Amalj'aa due to an unfortunate misunderstanding
  • Arvenois now has an extreme fear of Ixal
  • A good majority of the time Isarmont smells markedly of sweet vanilla, cocoa, and buttercream



  • Cartier Sorel, father, deceased from natural causes
  • Noelle Aleviaux-Sorel, mother, deceased from natural causes
  • Ila Sorel, sister, estranged
  • Remilline Raitmeaux, ex-'wife', estranged
  • Isabelle Sorel, daughter, assumed deceased from natural causes
  • Laileone Raitmeaux, ex-'sister-in-law', minimal contact


  • Solenne Lagarde: The relationship with his polar opposite, Gridanian highborn lady began on the rocks, the two of them bumping heads almost immediately. But since that time, the pair has found an equal understanding of each other which has led to them becoming fast friends with a strong bond. At one time, if asked outright, Isarmont will play off their friendship as a minor acquaintance, detailing that the two hardly know each other. However that is far from the truth as they have spent plenty of time in each other's company and have been seen traveling together for periods of time. Since Isarmont's disappearance, the romantic relationship between the two faded, considering he was presumed dead for many moons, however he still has a special place in his heart for Solenne and still claims to love her, though he would not dare speak it now. The pain is fresh, but time does heal all.
  • Mithril Wings: Joining the Wings wasn't completely planned, as speaking with them was intended for Solenne to find common ground with others who share her mindset. However by the time the meeting had concluded, he was in the possession of a link pearl to contact the other members. Isarmont has yet to make any connections with any of the others, but he has every intention of becoming involved with their cause.
  • Adeya Evenar: A leader of the Mythril Wings, Isarmont does not feel poorly toward Adeya. She seems, for lack of a better phrase, level headed in her decision making and understanding, and Isarmont can respect that. He wasn't certain if the Miqo'te would be receptive to both he and Solenne, but over time Isarmont feels she would be a formidable, trustworthy ally.
  • Synn Heolstor: Yet another leader of the Mythril Wings, Isarmont does not know Synn well enough to pass judgement.
  • Asheloux Thalantos: One of the leaders of the Wings, though still not very familiar with Asheloux, Isarmont holds no ill will toward the Elezen. He does find many of his actions and reactions questionable and irritating, but Isarmont does not know him well enough to pass judgement on why Asheloux may give orders and requests as he does.
  • Soren Shieldbreaker: Of all the Mythril Wings company members, Soren seems to be the most friendly from what Isarmont can see, however his view of Soren is still neutral.
  • Michaux Vidal: Despite not fully knowing nor fully calling Michaux a 'friend', Isarmont does feel a slight soft spot for the shortsighted Duskwight bard.
  • Lugh Danaan: Lugh had always been an acquaintance, as the Miqo'te would preform during the height of the Minstrel's Ballad. The two had lost contact over the last few moons, but Isarmont has since recently bumped into Lugh by chance at an event in the Lavender Beds. Isarmont considers Lugh an old friend now from former days and is glad they have the opportunity to rekindle a connection from before.
  • Judiel Farendaire: Isarmont is very unfamiliar and not at all acquainted with Lady Farendaire, but he has met her on more than one occasion at this point. Solenne Lagarde seems to respect and trust Judiel, so in turn Isarmont does as well.
  • Arcian Martell: This acquaintance happened to spring up when Arcian walked up on Isarmont and Solenne discarding a body over the side of Ishgard. The initial meeting was tense, as the situation at hand wasn't meant to be witnessed by outside eyes, but Arcian wasn't quick to judge. She now holds a rather dark secret that if sees the light of day could cause dire consequences in the future for both Isarmont and Solenne. Since then Arcian has bumped into Solenne and Isarmont, but there was no animosity.
  • Riven Astralyas: Yet another set of eyes to the dark crime, though the Midlander did not physically witness the act, Riven walked up on Isarmont, Solenne, and Arcian discussing the murder and subsequent body disposal of Raoul Devensois. Riven came dangerously close to alerting authorities, as she started yelling and causing a scene. Isarmont will certainly attempt to avoid the lady from here on out.
  • Chishou Yoshitsune: The encounter with this Hyur was very brief, but was pleasant enough. There is a bit of distrust for this man, though there is no reason to warrant such.
  • Adamantium Order: Despite having left the company without a moment's notice, he still believes he could find allies within their ranks.


None of note currently, and he prefers it stay this way.


Common Rumors

  • "Didn't 'e 'ave a song sung 'bout 'im? Somethin' like th' Gridanian Dream 'r some shit."
  • "Yeah, he was the Second Sword for the Adamantium Order, Hadhos Raythan's right hand man. No, this was a few moons back. He was never around to take care of the administrative duties. He was good... When he was there."
  • "Oh, right! I used to see him out on the lawn of the Gilded Oasis early in the morning. He's really tall, isn't he? He would always be stretching and bending and twisting like one of those pretzels. Maybe he's a dancer? I don't think so... He looks strong enough, I guess. Ha! Do you remember those flyers for the Minstrel's Ballad a while back? Yeah, that was him on it, drawn out dressed in drag."

Moderate Rumors

  • "Doesn't he have a thing for Miqo'te?" "I think he has a thing for anyone who catches his eye... He doesn't admit it, though. I've never heard him say anything of the sort, but you know it's true."
  • "I don't think anyone really knows anything about him. He tends to just come and go as he pleases, slipping through town like a ghost. There are times when he'll be away for moons on end, then you'll see him again for a time, like he isn't beholden to anything in this world. He's pleasant enough when I've spoke with him."

Rare Rumors

  • "I heard he left his wife. Or was it the other way around... His wife left him? Oh, I don't know, something about him not satisfying her or something. Or maybe it was about their daughter. I think she's dead? No, I don't know if that's true."

PC Rumors

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  • "Isarmont Sorel is one of the finest people I've ever known. Although we are not of the same clan, nor alike in station or background, I have come to respect and trust him as I have few others. It would be... more convenient if he were a Wildwood of high rank. The rumors about us would be fewer, or at least less vicious. But I have found that the best things in life are rarely obtained without a struggle." - Solenne Lagarde


Purplefl1.pngOOC Information

Playlist for Isarmont, created by SeekingIdlewild

Isarmont's Tumblr


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