Kodaro Ba'rococo

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Kodaro Ba'rococo
Ffxiv 10192015 181552.png
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 22
Sexuality Bisexual
Occupation Adventurer, Soldier, and General Do-gooder
Guardian Azeyma, the Warden
Namesday 18th Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon
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Kodaro Ba'rococo was abandoned on the doorstep of a Lalafell shopkeeper in the Silver Bazaar on or near the night of his birth. The family took him in and raised him as one of their own without hesitation, and due largely to their successful (if shrewd) mercantilism were able to give Kodaro and his two older sisters a happy and comfortable childhood. When he wasn't helping around the shop or the home he spent much of his idle time fishing or swimming in the bay, but the highlights of his younger life were the family trips to Ul'Dah. It was on one of these trips that he saw the pugilist Annaliese Swiftstrike fight in the Bloodsands, kindling his lifelong passion for the martial arts. Ko's life was otherwise pleasantly uneventful, save for on his tenth nameday where, after years of pestering, his parents reluctantly gave him a box of training scrolls and instructional manuals they had bartered off of an Ala Mhigan trader. From then on the young Seeker devoted several bells each sun to his private practice, and though clumsy at first his natural athleticism would increase his gains as he grew.

His simple life continued in a pattern of tending to his duties at the shop, training on his own, and idling his time away by the waterfront until approximately five cycles ago when business began to dry up at the Bazaar. The Ba'rococos had been wise enough to see the writing on the wall and after packing up anything they couldn't sell off, moved in to a modest home in the city. They managed to find work with the Weaver's Guild and recently their income has been complemented by Kodaro's not inconsiderable adventuring profits. He has sworn to himself to provide his adoptive family with the same protection and care they so lovingly gave to him.

On one of his early leves in Drybone, he met up with the group that would in time grow to become the 81st Foreign Levy. Despite his rough patches and rows with its members, he still considers the Company to as close a family as the one that raised him. Kodaro was eventually forced to return to Ul'dah to tend to his long overdue duties to the Immortal Flames. At their "request" he has cut all ties with his former family in the 81st and was assigned as a Company Liaison to the Pathfinders. Though standoffish at first, he quickly grew attached to its crew of oddballs and outsiders.

Over time, Kodaro distinguished himself through service in the field with the Company but after a scant nine moons with them he vanished; unbeknownst to the Company at the time he had set off on a forward scouting mission with the Flames as part of a Grand Alliance initiative to probe the Garlean boundary defenses. His unit was intercepted, but Kodaro held off their attacks long enough for his squad to escape. He was captured for his efforts and spent four moons in a Garlean labor camp, eventually escaping during prisoner transit when the convoy was attacked by the Ala Mhigan Resistance. Since then, he's returned to his beloved Pathfinders and tried his best to reintegrate with the Company.


Kodaro has more or less stopped growing taller only recently, leaving him at a respectable (for a Miqo'te) five fulm, six ilm. His strict conditioning regimen and near constant training have layered his lithe frame with compact, functional muscle. The Seeker’s tail is curiously short at a scant eight ilm, and his black-tipped ears are ragged and notched. His body is peppered with scars from his years of adventuring and Bloodsands matches, most notably the heavy webwork that creeps from beneath his eye patch, a smaller scar on his right cheek, and a wide scar running from his left pectoral to his right hip. He has a series of identical tattoos on his arms and legs that are more recent additions; circular sigils on his shoulders and hips and thin bands of blocky glyphs around his biceps, elbows, and wrists with matching sets around his thighs, knees, and ankles.


Kodaro's behavior is best summarized as exuberant, indefatigable, earnest, and caring. He’s by and large an open book, with no room in his heart for deception. He may not see good in everyone he meets, but he often assumes the best about them until they can prove otherwise. His open-hearted honesty leads him to be easily mislead, and he could be described as being overly-trusting. Despite his profession, he loathes killing and will always seek a peaceful resolution to any problem before resorting to violence. However, should things come to blows, he will strike to make sure the threat is completely neutralized.

Your Character May Know Him If...

  • They've served with the Immortal Flames Foreign Battalions, where he is currently a Second Lieutenant
  • They've recently been inducted in to the Maelstrom, where as a liaison officer he oversaw the hand-to-hand training of fresh recruits
  • They follow or participate in the matches at the Bloodsands, where he's risen through the ranks with an undefeated record (8-0)


Kodaro’s fighting style developed primarily through tireless practice and the study of the scrolls that were gifted to him; a style known as the Nine Weapons of Ala Mhigo. He utilizes his fists, feet, knees, elbows, and head with brutal efficiency, and even without the use of his aether moves with staggering speed and force. His years of experience enable him to analyze the actions of his opponents and target any weakness therein. For more than a cycle, he’s been studying Ala Mhigan monastic practices and while he’s only able to utilize six (five light, one shadow) of his chakras; each that he opens adds a significant amount of speed and strength to his already considerable abilities.

Under varied tutelage, he began studying the use of sword and shield, and he’s adapted his lessons to better fit his precise form of fighting. He uses his sword and shield as extensions of his own body, striking and turning aside blows with either, with a notable preference for using his blade for thrusts rather than cuts.

More recently, he’s taken to the use of a halberd in combat. Due largely to his martial experience, he’s taken quickly to using every part of the weapon to devastating effect.

Overall, Kodaro is something of a prodigy although he has a tendency to overextend himself, overtax his body, and put too much faith in his abilities. His confidence in combat easily turns to recklessness, and aetherically-savy opponents can tell that he has access to more power than he can safely control.



Spending time with friends
Physical activity


When his friends fight


Close combat


Favourite Food/Drink: Rabbit pie / Prickly pear cider
Favourite Place: Basking in the sun, preferably on a dock with fishing pole in hand
Favorite Weather: Cloudless afternoons
Favorite Season: Late spring
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Scents: Busy kitchens, the sea, clover


Romantic Interest Sexual Desire Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing

Friends and Allies

Shou Lushan – Shou has been one of Ko's closest friends for the whole of his stay with the Pathfinders and he finds her endlessly fascinating. From her stunning intellect to her sharp sense of humor to her dependability in the field, he can't get enough of the Keeper. He's begun trying to court her, though he suspects that his more traditional methods may be ineffective.
E'lios Tia – While he has only recently come to know his birth father, Kodaro has grown attached to the man in an astoundingly short period of time. Kodaro holds everything he does in high regard, and seeks to earn his approval and respect with his every action.
Tahla'li Tayuun – Their time apart has given Tahla'li a clean slate in Kodaro's mind. He cannot forget their time together, although now he seeks mostly to get to know him again. That so much time has passed with so little communication is painful for the Seeker.
Lahn Aier – Kodaro's standing with Lahn has long been questionable, but once he reunited with her following his emancipation they seem to be on good terms. He recognizes her as an incredibly skilled arcanist and overall caring and committed member of the Company, even if he doesn't always understand her methodology.
Rinha'li Dhavha – This skittish Keeper is something of a curiosity to Kodaro. He understands very little of his background, but is continuously impressed by the depth of his knowledge on a growing array of subjects. In recent times, he has found himself increasingly impressed with Rin's confidence, resourceful thinking, and more-than-occasional displays of outright brilliance.
Ralamano Nulumano – Their infrequent communications aside, Kodaro holds Ralamano in high regard. He respects the man in more ways than he could list, and will forever be grateful for any council he's offered; past, present, and future. There are not many he'd like to get to know more.
S'aerdha Tia – Kodaro has at long last grown fairly close to the errant magister. He owes him a debt of gratitude for both his help in developing his monastic studies and for his efforts in designing his tattoos to help him in controlling his aether. Though he still finds his aloofness off-putting, he actually considers the man a friend.

Acquaintances, Enemies, and Rivals

The Maelstrom 81st Foreign Levy – Despite frequent disagreements with the leadership and the vengeful direction the Company had taken before Kodaro was forced to depart, he holds his former Free Company in the highest of regards. He owes much of his development and progress through the years to their constant influence and can only hope they feel the same. He regrets not having the chance to say goodbye before being forcibly withdrawn back to Ul'dah at the behest of the Immortal Flames and wishes them the best in the future efforts.


Easily Overheard Rumours
"The little guy with the weird way of speaking? Heard he was raised by Lalafell." - Drybone Barkeep
"I think I saw him training last night well after sundown. I don't know where he gets the energy!" - Brass Blade Guard
"I hear tell he knocked some guy's block off for picking on one of his friends! Who'da thought the runt had it in him?" - Ul'Dah Citizen, near the Gate of Nald
Somewhat Difficult To Overhear Rumours
"He's been moving up the ranks with surprising speed. We're thrilled to have him 'on loan' as it were from the Flames to help train our own recruits." - Maelstrom Commander at the Aftcastle
"The damn kid works us like mules, but I think we're gettin' a break soon! I heard he's going back to Ul'dah to try his hand at the Bloodsands." - Maelstrom Private at Moraby Bay
Player Character Rumours
"He talks funny." - X'linwh Tia
"He's gone out of his way to help me more than once... even when I didn't deserve it." - Tahla'li Tayuun

Current Happenings

Kodaro's present focus is on returning to his pre-capture levels of conditioning, physique, and proficiency. Although he's still not back to being his old self, he's in far better shape than when he first returned. After numerous mission-related setbacks he's able to train every day once again and couldn't be happier to return to the field. As one of the few people who knows about it his main interest is assisting Shou with her "condition", tapping his old friends Rinha'li and S'aerdha at the Quill & Eye Investigations Agency. Outside of helping the Pathfinders through their various scrapes, he's seeking anyone at all familiar with the teachings of the Fists of Rhalgr.


Theme Song: The Thermals - The Sword By My Side

TV Tropes: Determinator, Skilled but Naive, Undying Loyalty

Alignment: Neutral Good
