Ado Tado

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 Ado Tado
Placeholder person.gif
Birth Name Alto Talon
Pronounced Ah-doe Tah-doe
Nickname(s)/Alias Ado Tado
Age 19
Nameday 29th Sun of the Second Umbral Moon (April 29th)
Birthplace Unknown
Race Lalafell
Clan Plainsfolk
Alignment Lawful Good
Citizenship Unknown (Birth)
Ul'Dah (Childhood)
Undetermined (Present)
Guardian Oschon
Height 35.7 inches
Physique Lean
Hair Ash-gray with subtle navy blue highlights
Eyes Rust-red
Skin Tanned with freckles on his cheeks and shoulders
Piercings Two on each ear
Scars Several shot scars up both of his arms
Clothing Long-sleeved and heavy
Keywords Amiable, adventurous, naive, anxious, moralistic
Hobbies Skywatching, sightseeing, sketching, playing music???
Likes Skies, scenic views, heights, climbing anything taller than him
Dislikes Doctors, medicine, strong scents, bitter tasting food, vegetables, toads??
Core Motivator Somewhere, out there, is a place that he could belong in. That, and he can change the world by healing its problems, one wound at a time.
Fears Abandonment, and non-consensual, life-changing alterations by the hands of an imposing person
Greatest Accomplishment Surviving up to this point, honestly.
IC Profession Conjurer and adventurer
Combat Style Healer and DPS
Physical Advantages Small and agile, quick reflexes
Physical limitations Weak physical strength, easy to knock down
Primary Weapon Wand and shield
Secondary Weapon Staff
Username Darlingist
Time Zone EST
Server Mateus
RP Preferences FFXIV, Discord

**Side bar template adapted from: Infobox-roe by [MoenMoen]

**"The TMI Character Template for the Hopelessly Detail Oriented" created by [MoenMoen]

Ado Header 2.png
"Things that are damaged can be mended, no matter how ruined they may be. That is why I am a conjurer. I will not rest so long as there are things and persons that are in need of healing."
Ado Tado (Ah-doe Tah-doe) is a Plainsfolk Lalafell who was sold to a corrupted alchemist as a boy and was rescued by an adventurer. After being in his rescuer's care for a few months, Ado Tado sought to help her with her personal quest. The two parted ways as Ado Tado was left in Gridania in order to pursue conjury - his rescuer's discipline of magic - while she continued her search. With his newfound freedom, Ado Tado developed a fascination for nature and the sky, and could be found within all corners of Eorzea - Gridania especially - as if he were looking for something...

Basic Info


Night skies and stars
Scenic views
Sunrises and sunsets


Wooden crafts
Baby animals - especially chocobos
Soft music


Doctors / Infirmary-like environments
Medicine / Medical equipment
Strong scents


Alignment: Lawful Good
Favorite Food: Apple Tart
Favorite Drink: Water, or Hot Chocolate
Favorite Colors: Green, White
Ado Tado could be found wherever the sky is seen best whenever he isn't working for others. He especially likes to scale buildings and mountains in order to get the best view of the sky and the land, and can spend hours at a time staring up at the clouds and the stars. Ado Tado welcomes others who share his passion for heights and admiring the sky, and happily experiments with the pursuits that his friends invest themselves within in turn... so long as they are not medical nor alchemical.


Ado Tado is a Plainsfolk Lalafell with tanned freckled skin, downturned rust-red eyes, and ash-colored hair with subtle navy highlights. His hair, which reaches down to the middle of his back when let down, is often tied into a low-hanging braid; a few stubborn strands of his hair fan away from his hairline to the back of his head, and a fringe of his hair partially covers the right side of his face. His ears are pierced, and he consistently wears simple silver earrings on each of them. Ado Tado is smaller than most Lalafell.
Ado Tado wears light clothing in order to have the best sense of mobility when doing his job as a conjurer. He occasionally wears a hairpin adorned with light blue chocobo feathers along the left side of his head. His expression is often that of curiosity or wonder, and he is especially bright-eyed when he is outside during the night.
While Ado Tado is boyish in behavior, his speech is clear and enunciated most of the time. When angered, his words become clipped through his hasty delivery of them - "-ing" suffixes suffer a lack of G at the end, and vowels are glazed over as his words race to catch up with his thoughts.


Ado Header 3.png
"Finding view like this can be hard to achieve - but it's well worth the trouble finding it.
See? Look! The stars and the clouds are as brilliant and as beautiful as ever."








Autophobia - fear of abandonment
Iatrophobia - fear of doctors
Trypanophobia - fear of needles
Ado Tado comes off as a loner upon first glance, but he quickly proves to be a friendly individual when engaged. He is passionate about his life as an adventurer, and he freely wanders through Eorzea in order to take in its sights and help those who are in need of it.







◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"That Lalafell's fond 'a rushin' in, buying nothin' but pies and meat, and runnin' back outside. Won't take his vegetables without the rest o' his meal bein' made've somethin' else entirely. Will someone teach that man t' eat his blasted veggies?!" -- Overbearing bartender
"He books a room during the day and leaves at night. Seems like he don't like sunlight much." -- Musing innkeeper
"Ado Tado? I met him when he was climbing up the roof've my house the other day. He taught me how to climb really tall things when I asked him! He's so cool!" -- Excitable youth
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Eh? That boy who came into th' bar an' left minutes later? He was lookin' at them alchemy apprentices like they're out fer his throat. Looked real uneasy, that one. Seems like 'es got history with that lot, if y' ask me." -- Gargantuan-gutted gossiper
"Most've his clothes look too big on him. Ha! It's like he's scared to get his outfits tailored to his size. " -- Stuck-up socialite
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"I was talking to my retainer and told her to beware of the Ixal, especially those Dulltalons, and I swear I saw some passerby flinch. Before I could get a good look at them, they darted off. Strange." -- 'Worried warrior
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Poor Standing
Name : Description
Name : Description.
Name : Description.
Name : Description.



Ado Tado's name was nearly "Ado Cado," making his name sound similar to the word "avocado."
Theme song: Peak to Peak - Pixelmon OST

Out of Character


I can be easily reached through the forums via PM, as well as Discord. I can also be reached in-game as Ado Tado, but I am IC whenever I am doing anything as him, including activities such as crafting and gathering. In order to talk to me OoC, please send me a Tell and use bracketed text!
The above note has two exceptions, and those are for weaving and alchemy. While Ado Tado fears needles and ingesting achemical products, I will be leveling his weaving and alchemical skills at some point. Because I will be focusing on FFXIV's gameplay in this case, Ado Tado will not be in character when I am working with these crafts. People are free to help him grow out of these fears in character, but do note that his reaction towards these attempts will range from discomfort to full-on panic and aggression. (I am an enthusiastic advocate for helping Ado Tado outgrow his fears!)
I try to incorporate whatever Ado Tado is doing in-game to his character. Ado Tado is not a Warrior of Light - but he will assist other adventurers, Warriors of Light or not, with their goals if asked to do so.
Do not be afraid to get Ado Tado's attention in-game at any time - he's very friendly! He'll happily talk to and accompany those who approach him.


Ado Tado can easily come to like others. However, his sense of justice and his morals will conflict with those who have dubious intentions, and he may flat out refuse to get along with those who strike him as wrongdoers. Ado Tado will be openly friendly or aggressive towards others depending on how much he likes them. Whether he likes or dislikes a person does not say the same for myself; my opinions on a character are separate from Ado Tado, and all actions that he may perform in reaction to what a character does will not be based off of my own biases.
On that note; if I or the person have any issues or concerns pertaining to RPing and Ado Tado's stance on somebody, I will be open to communication, and will address concerns as they occur.
Ado Tado has no preference when it comes to gender and forming romantic relationships, but I will not be doing anything remotely Not Safe For Work with his character. I am all for a relationship that is full of action, angst, drama and fluff, what have you - but activities that take place behind closed doors is where I draw the line.

Template credit goes to Bancroft Gairn!