Cinnabar Prentice

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 Cinnabar Prentice
Cinnabar Sunrise.png
"Brighter days... right?"
Gender Female
Race Roegadyn
Clan Hellsguard
Citizenship Uncertain
Age 21
Nameday 23rd Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Martial Status Single
Occupation Wanderer, Adventurer
Free Company (Prospect) Blue Sky Ventures
Server Balmung
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Character Basics

Hyur-raised at the eastern foothills of Mor Dhona between the Black Shroud and Thanalan, Cinnabar Prentice is a passionate, if atypically introverted, roegadyn. The influences for such were seeded from early childhood, in a tumultuous series of abandonment and loss of family members- eventually leaving a young Cinnabar alone in the Thanalan desert sprawl.
Years of life in the otherwise unforgiving desertlands had found Cinnabar a survivor yet, applying her inherent brawn toward manual labor and back-alley fisticuffs for a pittance of gil. It wasn't until she was accepted into a community house that her lot in life had improved over a decade of such living, finding not only steady employment and her own bed, but friends and a blossoming love interest.
Spirits rekindled, Cinnabar found the inspiration to train her hand with the Lancer's Guild by gift of a spear from a sympathetic, elezen warrior- and with no purpose other than to defend that which she had gained. Alas, while accomplished she'd proven to be in her time in the Shroud among Lancers and Wailers, she returned home after several moons to find all traces of her home erased.
Today, she is once more on her own in the world. Nevertheless, with leathers on her back and weapon in hand, she forges onward, seeking those better moments in life that had come once, and should come again, Twelve willing.


Height: 7Fm 5Im || Weight: 322Pz || Age: 21Yrs

There is no questioning the pink-skinned Hellsguard's lineage. Even still, her muscle mass is more lean than bulky. Her vivid, crimson hair carries a natural wave and feathering, often tied back into a manageable braid. Beneath amber eyes rests a smattering of deep, rosy freckles that extend across the bridge of her nose- with other freckled patches hiding beneath clothing. Less noticable at a glance are the numerous scars speckling her exposed skin, telling of her life of manual labors, and the risks one would take for survival.
While often modestly garbed in unflattering attire, Cinnabar's combat and travel garments are fitting her adventurous lifestyle, painstakingly stitched, sewn, cured and crimped. At times, she may even find the nerve to wear something effeminate and appealing, though this is a rare occasion reserved for those she'd feel confident and comfortable enough around to expose more than her arms and face.
She is often seen with a large, dingy rucksack strapped to her back, overladen with her every personal belongings.


Cinnabar's childhood aspirations of knightly lancers and legendary dragoons have culminated in her formal education with the Lancer's Guild of Gridania. Though some might scoff at the sizable roegadyn wielding a polearm rather than a mighty axe, Cinnabar proves surprisingly agile and quick footed for her size, with all the force behind each swipe or stab that one can expect from her powerful physique. Her preferred weapon is the versatile spear-axe hybrid of the halberd.
Nevertheless, Cinnabar has seen some exposure to unarmed combat, and even the battleaxe as one would expect. The former, a relic mostly from her life on the streets, fighting in self-defense or in back alleys for pittance of gil. The latter, a dabbling in conjunction with her preferred weapon's style and plenty experience swinging axes and picks in logging and mining ventures.
Cinnabar finds difficulty in playing the aggressor in a conflict- even unto something as simple as sparring. She will opt to fight defensively, taking her time to place her strikes, and deflecting the attacks of her enemy- more often than not, to swiftly riposte.
Conversely, she has no qualms against engaging if the safety of an innocent or a comrade is at stake- fighting with unfettered aggression and fortitude. Those she has become close to would find her willing to lay her life down should it save theirs- if she must.


In line of work, Cinnabar is nothing if not driven toward the end result, cooperative with her colleagues. This can potentially come at the detriment to her own being, placing herself willingly into harm's way to protect someone of innocence or import- and compulsively so for those near and dear to her heart.
Socially, she is proves a stark contrast in confidence. Stammering, fidgeting, she will often avoid conversation of her own initiation, though may welcome it readily from others. She readily offers earnest compliments of others, but those aimed in her direction may find her face going red as a raddish. She is often reluctant to speak about herself in depth, however; particularly her past. The lack of self-confidence, often misleading others to figure her for a shy book-worm alone, rather than an agile hunter- much less a devoted defender.
Even then, Cinnabar would much sooner escape to a lonely corner or a desolate alleyway to lose herself in the pages of a sappy romance novel or bleed onto the pages of her most treasured diary. Given time and exposure, however, she would warm to familiar and amicable faces... And should she ever find someone fitting to serve as her sanctuary, would willingly share herself in ways that perhaps only that raggedy, old diary has ever been privy to.

Employment History

  • House Gemini (AKA, Gemini Bakery) – Resident and general helping hand, assisting with every day chores from cooking, cleaning, landscaping, repairs, and stable mucking.
  • Blue Sky Ventures - Current prospect for membership. Presently assisting with general help around the company tavern with cooking, cleaning, and waiting. Pending formal trial of combat to assess her skills.

Likes, Dislikes, Etc...


<Skill> - <Proficiency>


Snow and greenery
Romantic novels, poetry, music
Stuffed toys
Ishgardian culture
Hot springs/tubs
Camp fires/Fire places


Unsolicited body contact
Slavery, abusive employers
Needless violence
Tampering of her mementos
Orobon stew




Low self-esteem
Socially anxious


Alignment: Neutral Good
Favorite Food: Dzemael gratin
Favorite Sweet: Cinnamon roll
Favorite Drink: Honeyed cider with ginger
Favorite Colors: Red, Blue, Silver
Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite Weather: Snowy, Breezey, Warm
Favorite Time: Sunrise
Most valued possession: Diary

Gossip and Relations


Rumors may or may not be accurate, or necessarily true. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
“<Rumor>” - <Name>

◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
“<Rumor>” - <Name>

◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
“Hmh? Ya mean 'at pink lass ova' there? Freelancer, an' a picky lil' shite when it comes t'the job at that. 'S 'bout all I can say for certain. 'Cordin' to me mate, some poor sod got a right good wollop, just fer nickin' a playful squeeze on one o'them legs fer 'imself! Come t'think, ain't ever seen 'at one wear anythin' other'n trousers. Makes ya wonder if the stories 'bout those roegadyn lassies is true, 'ey!?” - Sauced Sellsword

◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
“<Rumor>” - <Name>


Love/ Mate Platonic Love Former Love/Mate
Colleague Friend Neutral Enemy
◢ Family

◢ Friends
Srav Cullinane: Cinnabar's final motivator to pursue the polearm as her means of self defense and of that which she cares for, came in Srav's generous gift of a simple spear. Though Cinnabar has not happened upon Srav since, she keeps the worn spearhead of her first weapon as a keepsake nonetheless, and will gladly greet the dusky elezen should their paths ever cross again.
Koschei Wynters: Headmistress of the now dissolved House Gemini, Koschei had come to take a deeper interest in the disheveled, malnourished street-rat of a Hellsguard. Passions and emotions bloomed, in secrecy from the greater population of the House. A mere couple suns after their first, official 'date,' Cinnabar left to train with the Lancer's Guild- foregoing giving an earnest response of commitment until she'd return after some moons. Alas, Cinnabar never had the chance. After the two years since, regret remains; wondering what had happened to her old sweetheart and if things would have been different had she'd just committed and stayed a while longer.
◢ Enemies

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