A lot can be said about someone by the company they keep, and both through her time with the Flame Yataghans and just sitting around in the Hourglass or otherwise, Lyse has made some amazing connections to some lovely people.
♥Khyros Oroban: Lyse spent many years wandering alone and never letting other people crack through her shell, until a fated encounter with Khy in the Shroud one night. She learned she could smile, she could feel that low-down dirty unf feeling, and her heart still thrummed with emotion. He's like no one she's ever met before and she feels she owes a great deal to him, even if his modesty keeps him from accepting how much he might have actually done for her. Budding feelings are an odd thing for a woman who was completely ready to spend her life alone.
♥Augustine Frost: Augustine made the mistake of approaching Lyse in a drunken stupor one night and hadn't really expected for her to take to him, as far as she can tell. She didn't fall for his advances, but over the next little while did find she cared about him more than she cared to admit and, at one point, had considered actually taking him up on his offer for a date. Since then, he's found his true place with his heart and she couldn't be happier for him, and has instead taken up the role of the girl who throws rocks at him that he might have had romantic inclinations towards, but now just seems to care about; a feeling which is reciprocated.
♥Garrett Sancsaron: Garrett is family, and even Lyse cannot explain why she took so suddenly to the man, but he seems to appreciate the way that she treats him as both and an adult, bolstering his confidence and assuming he is full capable, which she truly believes. As much as she can, Lyse is determined to rebuild his confidence and allow him to be the man she knows he can be, all while protecting him as much as she would any of her other dear friends.
♥Aerius Destroven: Quiet and pretty are the best ways to describe Aerius on any given day. Her association with him was sudden, but she seems to like him as much anyone would an associate that they see infrequently. Likely to trust him at her back in a fight, she sees something there between he and Lily and wishes to encourage that.
♥Lily Dawnsworn: Tough as nails and soft as feathers - it's a hard balance to hold for a woman of the cloth, but Lily does it with grace and dignity, a thing Lyse wishes she had more often. There's a strength in Lily that Lyse sees mirrored in her own self, and a softness that she shows infrequently which speaks to the dragoon on many levels. If you want a woman at your back in a fight, It's Lily.
♦Garrett Slater: In her mind, Lyse often refers to Garrett as blondiebear, and took to him a bit more than he likely took to her because of his chivalry and compassion. Not one to be conned into doing something untoward just because of someone's feigned sob story, Lyse realised she was very fond of him when his resolve held true even though it was upsetting to him. He seems a man afraid of falling short of others expectations, but has met Lyse's and then some.
♥Trisselle Ganathain: Though a fairly new associate of Lyse's, she's fond of the current-Hyur, former-Elezen, and sees a doting, mothering compassion in her, as well as a deep respect for the people around her, regardless of their race, gender, or creed. Though Triss often sells herself short, Lyse sees in her a fire that would burn the world to cinder if her friends were at stake, and that is worth everything in the world to Lyse.
♦Kale Aideron: When Lyse transferred over to the Flame Yataghans, she had no idea what to expect, but found a sort of odd comradery with her company. Kale was one of the first she met, and is her commanding officer. Though she often wants to hit him with rocks or just hit him in general, she tends to maintain a professionalism around him that she doesn't when she's off-duty, as if being good at what she does was a source of pride; and Kale encourages that, for the most part.
♦Dweia Delacroix: The healer for the Flame Yataghans, offered over from the Adders in their time of need, as everyone else within the Yataghans seems more adept at creating chaos than healing it, Dweia is irreplaceable in Lyse's eyes. It isn't just because of the fact that the woman is their healer, but that she seems to have this deep desire to mother everyone and keep people safe, regardless of what it might cost her personally. Lyse's attentions and protection tends to fall for Dweia in combat situations unless she's told otherwise.
(Feel free to add your character, this is going to be ever growing and I'll add a symbol and description for you.)