Wandering Heart

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Wandering Heart

Dramatic WH.png


Birth Name: Wandering Heart

Gender: Male

Race & Clan: Roegadyn Hellsguard

Age: Upwards of 50

Height 10 fulms 6 ilms

Weight: 378 ponzes

Nameday: 10th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon

Guardian deity: Oschon, the Wanderer


Birth Place: Parts Unknown

Citizenship: Limsa Lominsan

Current Residence: Lives with his daughter Fhilwyda, in the Mists

Marital Status: Widower

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Job: Former adventurer turned Defense teacher and security

Hobbies: Reading, making dad jokes, simple activities with friends/family

Alignment: Neutral Good

Latest activities (RP hooks): Heart has currently been taken on as a defense instructor for the Golden Tiger, and as added security. He's become close with his daughters friends Elise Blackheart and Ayla Thatcher, and many other associates such as Aysa Farland, and Tajih Yatko.


Wandering Heart had a simple past, but he never expected his future to bring him to where he stands today. Out of time and family, he's facing the difficulties of re-entering society after a bad run-in with a coven of thaumaturges.

So far he has been able to lead a meager existence, residing with his daughter Fhilwyda in her apartment by the beach, and also was taken on by a company he's come to adore. A kind and gentle soul, save for when he's on the battlefield, Heart has been showing compassion to all of those whom he has been fortunate enough to cross paths with.

Wandering Heart.png

The gargantuan stands tall for a roegadyn, at ten fulms, six ilms. His stature is nothing to scoff at, as he's done nothing but maintain a near-peak physical condition for most of his life. While he claims no hair atop his head, he's grown a beard that covers most of his chin, and what would seem a fair to normal amount of body hair. One of the more intimidating and striking features would be his eyes. While they're a beautiful blue, they're fierce and piercing, things he passed on to his daughter.

Scars & Markings: Heart has been lucky enough to retain only slight scarring upon his appendages, with the real damage being done under his shirt. To note, he has a very large scar running from the back of his left shoulder down to his waist on the ride side.

Voice: Despite his outward appearance, the roegadyn has a very deep and calming voice. Despite this, he can be loud and commanding whenever he needs be. (Note: While I hope he's not overused, the voice I've always imagined for Heart is similar to James Earl Jones.)

Clothing: When walking about, Wandering Heart can usually be seen in an open jacket, wearing a necklace and other odd bits of jewelry complete with big boots. He's currently working on expanding his wardrobe, however. If swords, axes, and the like are being thrown about he will definitely be sure to bring his armor. Most times he travels clad head-to-toe in plate armor.

Devoted, Patient, Fatherly, Kind

  • Literature
  • Well-fitting glasses
  • Bears for some reason
  • Family outings
  • Dad jokes
  • BEER
  • Couerls
  • Picnics
  • Jewelry


  • Thaumaturges
  • Pretty much anything bad
  • Bad literature
  • Wigs
  • Morbols
  • Sand
  • Being left behind
  • Behemoths

Distinctive Features

  • Loss of what family he has left
  • Abandonment
  • Forgetting his wife
  • Dying in front of his children


  • Favorite food: Eel pie (Disgusting!)
  • Favorite drink: Fine Lominsan Ale
  • Favorite colour: Gold
  • Vices: Foolhardiness, sometimes headstrong
  • Possible alignment: Neutral good

Helpful Heart.png

While not always the calm and collected Father he seems to be, Heart used to have quite the wild streak when he was younger. This led to him pursuing a life of adventure, excitement, everything an aspiring warrior would want. Upon falling in love with his wife, he found more. Passion, patience, kindness, parts of himself he never knew existed. His wife tamed the free spirit within him, and he hers, to create the man we know today.

Most encounters with the roegadyn at first are quiet, yet respectful. He treats nobody unjustly or with malcontent unless given good reason to, and even then tries to be as considerate to those around him as possible. At times he will attempt to carry on conversations with others, just to catch up and see how they are. Sometimes instead of a conversation it could just be a "Good Day." An intimidating presence for sure, but also one that is calming and tranquil at the same time.

A lot might consider him aloof or unfriendly, but in reality his old age has merely made him more reserved and quiet, especially after the death of his wife.

Skills & Abilities

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Wandering Heart is just what you'd think he'd be: A font of pure, physical power. Being as tall as he is and in shape means getting to bully around most enemies as if they were mere playthings. Though he can use an axe, he prefers a greatsword due to being able to swing faster. In a battle, he'll use any means necessary to take down his opponent, whether it's his sword, fist, foot, a log sitting off the path, anything.

That being said, he is not the most nimble of fighters, nor the most dexterous, leading him to be more of a bruiser than anything else. Give him a lance, and he'll most likely try to use it as a club. Most notable he was a mentor to his own daughter, whom has become an accomplished warrior in his absence, teaching her all she knows.

💗 Romantic Relationship
Romantic Interest
💖 Platonic Love
Trusted Friend
Lost contact


Heart's Family ( )

Haldgeim Ofanhwabwyn : Cherished wife and partner, deceased. Haldgeim = Kind Jewel.

Fhilwyda Eyrihaerzwyn: Beloved daughter and youngest child, alive and well. Her name roughly translates to Yellow Willow, Daughter of Wandering Heart.

Abrecan Eyrihaersyn: Oldest child, son, and currently missing.


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Wiki Templates: Using the skill stats window from Fancy Template and my layout is inspired by Rixo and Nanagi's template for its simplicity and clarity. Thanks to the authors! Layout by Suen Shyu! Thank you!