User:Fearless Shadow

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Revision as of 20:35, 5 September 2017 by Fearless Shadow (talk | contribs)
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 Fearless Shadow
Ffxiv 09052017 200542.png
Gender Male
Race Roegadyn
Clan Hellsguard
Citizenship Ala Mhigo, Ul'dah
Server Mateus
Nameday 14th sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Age 36
Ocupation Merc/bodyguard
Guardian Rhalgr
Alias Midnight Blade
Marital Status In a relationship

"I've worn this darkened armor for so long now, there's no mote of light left in me. Not even... in my heart."


Fearless is a trained Dark Knight and fights accordingly. He is a veteran of many conflicts and is no stranger to battle. He is proficient in the Greatsword as well as one handed swords. He will usually resort to traditional swordplay and only use his Dark Knight magic if he feels he is loosing. He is a fearsome combatant and will use his overwhelming size and strength to his advantage. He will also rely on his armor to absorb the brunt of an attack, concentrating all his effort on offense, making sure he lands that one perfect, fight stopping blow.


  • A relaxing fire at night
  • Good fellowship
  • Strong drink


  • Hurting others needlessly
  • Bullies
  • Opression


Foods: Coeurl Stew, Onion soup, meat on a stick
Drinks: Tea with honey, Rum, grape juice
Colors: red, white


  • Taiko Drumming
  • Triple Triad

Theme Song

Disturbed - The Light


Hair/Fur: Black with streaks of gray
Skin: a dark tan/shade of peach
Eyes: Leaf green
Height: 7'3
Weight: 619 (PONZ)
Build: very muscular and solid

Fearless Shadow is a very typical Hellsguard in appearance. He is tall and very wide and muscular. He appears middle aged with slight wrinkles and :folds just starting to appear on his face. His hair is combed back neatly but a few strands hang down into his face. He has leaf green eyes which is :an unusual contrast to his raven black hair. He keeps a neatly trimmed beard. he smells of leather oil and pine.


  • Alignment

    Neutral Good
  • Motivation

    To wash away mistakes of his past that haunt him.
  • Disposition

    Fearless is rather stoic, polite but pragmatic.
  • Outlook

    To have peace in Eorzea first we must walk though the fire of war.
  • Positive personality traits

    Fiercely loyal once his fealty is given. A good friend and confidant.
  • Negative personality traits

    Can indulge too much in a good thing.




Romantic Interest, Sexual Interest, Platonic Love, Good Standing, Neutral Standing, Poor Standing

Romantic Interest

Wayfarer Nyln - Tended to her and watched over her when she was injured, feelings developed fast.

Platonic Love

Good Standing

Gaspard Beaudonet - Leader of the Aetheric Order and Fearless's boss.
Conner Cinwulf - Commander of the Inquisition and Fearless's Commanding Officer.

Neutral Standing

Poor Standing


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Rarely heard

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