Ryuji Malaguld

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Revision as of 11:49, 8 September 2017 by Weiss (talk | contribs)
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Garlemald Flag.jpg Weiss Loire
Aura weiss.png
Right or wrong are just a matter in prepestive.

Gender Male
Race Au'ra
Clan Raen
Citizenship Doma
Nameday 25th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Age 25
Guardian Thaliak Icon.png Thaliak, the Scholar
Occupation Swordsman, Fisher and Chef
Maritial Married


Ryuji Malaguld (マラグルド 竜児, Maragurudo Ryūji), is an Au Ra who hails from the continent of Othard, and as someone born in the Azim Steppe he isn't stranger to conflict due to it being a constant between Xaela tribes. A curious person by nature to what the unknown world is he is willing to travel great lengths just to see new places he has never been, a habit that has been dimming less by each passing summer but that in one way or another will always be present in his life. Since little, he learned how to respect and be respectful towards not only other people as well as their culture, something he follows even now that he moved to Limsa Lominsa on the Eorzean continent. During his stay overseas he made some acquaintances, and while some encounters he had were good others were really bad. He might not have many friends, being able to count them with the fingers of one hand, but the ones he has are respected deeply and he’s never willing to betray them, especially his wife. Thanks to the experiences he had since the day he arrived, he decided to change his name to Weiss Loire in order to make future encounters easier, as well as to better fit Eorzea society.

Although kind-hearted in nature he has a belief that every conflict has its own different standpoint and perspective, that there is no good or bad side, and will always try to avoid jumping into one before knowing both sides of the story. However, no matter how hard he believes in this, if he sees something he deems unfair (e.g:. bullying the week), he will probably make a stand since violence shouldn't be used as a solution to a problem.


He tries to wear clothing better fitting the occasion he’s in, going as far as spending some time if necessary to find an adequate garment, having a preference for loose clothing so he can move more freely and feel more relaxed. When wearing armor he tries to make it light but always avoids exaggerating since it’s better to not forget that that armor is meant for protection and not for fashion or comfort. The muscles of his body are a bit toned thanks to the training he underwent and keep doing even today, but aren’t very noticeable due to being mostly hidden with the clothes he chooses to wear, especially when using armor. He is physically capable to fight and travel great lengths in a short time.

His long white hair is rarely seen loosen preferring to hold it in a ponytail, not only because of personal preference but also so it doesn’t get in his way when doing something, like battling. His face is adorned with a small number of scales, more prominent in the cheeks and chin area, as well as a calm and collected expression that it’s always accompanied with a gentle smile. This is better seen when he becomes lost in thought while looking at the ocean (which has a calming effect on him). One of his discerning features are his odd-eyes (right is yellow, left is blue), something his mother always told him, as well as to his brother, it was a gift of Azim and Nhaama to show the boys how much they were loved, however both him and his twin lack glowing limbal rings.

When walking, and even standing, he keeps his backs mostly straight and although in formal situations he sits in seiza-style, when near friends or alone he just sits with his legs crossed, revealing a more relaxed side.


Loyal, kindhearted and generous. Due to the continuous confrontations between tribes in Azim Steppe, Weiss (or Ryuji) had the need to become a capable fighter since he was very young, something that made him courageous in the face of danger and especially if someone important to him is in trouble. Although he is very confident in his abilities he is too self-conscious of his own limitations (sometimes too much) and ends up giving himself less credit than what he should, going as far as doubting about himself and if he is capable of accomplishing what is needed to. Because of this, he resents assuming/being given leadership, but he is the first to ensure that what is necessary gets done. His pragmatism and sense of responsibility lead others to trust and follow him and in turn, knowing about this, he tries to not disappoint them and avoids at all cost betraying their trust. As he always keeps his word he despite people who aren’t able to do the same.

He has a sense of humor and is receptive towards jokes and puns, especially between friends, but he is also respectful and won’t partake in it if the situation is not appropriate or if he is working. He goes as far as, during duty, even his friends are treated in a more formal or respectful way and he doesn’t accept any kind of disrespect of it, especially from strangers. While Weiss treasures friendship, being a very good listener and being capable of advising his friends on several aspects of life, being able to go out of his way to help them, he tries to keep his problems to himself and fight them alone, even when depressed. During these times he can be seen looking at the Ocean since it has a calming and relaxing effect on him as if he feels part of it. Deep down he harbors a fear of being forgotten and can’t stand the idea of losing someone, especially someone important to him. The doubts he has about himself sometimes make this feeling pop up in his mind and he can’t help it but feel depressed about it.

Although he is very perceptive to details, being able to easily notice small changes, things out of place or even suspicious, he has very little sense of direction being unable to follow direction to new places, and although he loves traveling a meeting new places this can be a problem if that’s not the intention of his journey. This doesn’t happen if he travels enough times to a place.

Lastly, Weiss is very committed and devoted to his wife, always worrying for her well-being as she does for his. However as she is always traveling due to work, when they are together he tries to make full use of that time. When they are not together for a long time people can see him during the night looking up at the sky as he believes if they both end up doing the same they can be a bit close to each other even when far apart. As she is his "Nhaama" (his moon) he grew an affinity to also watch the moon in the middle of the sea of stars.


The Ocean


Stars/Starry sky



People with no word

Moonless nights

Tight clothes




Perceptive to details




Little sense of direction

Too nice


Hold his feeling inside/Hardly vents










Haiku Poetry


Losing someone

Dying in vain

Being forgotten

Sleep paralysis


■ Birthplace: Azim Steppe

■ Favorite Food: Any rice dish, sweets

■ Favorite Drink: Water

■ Favorite Colour: Blue

■ Alignment: Neutral Good


This is a list of the items that Weiss currently is keeping on him. Feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in the course of RP, such as pickpocketing, a search, etc.

Last Updated: August 7th, 2017

  • ITEM: An Eorzean Map given by his master when he traveled from Hingashi.

  • ITEM: A Blade given by his father.

  • ITEM: Sketchbook.

  • ITEM: Jug of water.

  • ITEM: Rice balls when traveling.


Although Weiss has learned with his master how to properly train in order to become a stronger and faster warrior, something that would mean both are equally balanced, his speed is the one who stands off the most. Thanks to this he is capable of doing quick swings with jis blade that are difficult to follow with untrained eyes. The way he moves in the battlefield makes one believe his opponents are making a swift dance with death itself thanks to the way he moves around swiftly and lands his blows in a quick succession with efficiency and precision. He knows however that there are warriors far more powerful than him, so he keeps training his mind and body in order to not perish in the battlefield, let alone have a death with no meaning. He is open to learning new techniques and styles if it helps him hone his skills.


Izumi no Kami – His father gave him this sword as a memento to give luck and protection on Weiss’s journey and as a symbol of his desire to see the well-being of his son. The blade once belonged to a renowned swordsman before ending up on the Steppe, and despite the many uses, it might have had the sword looks as good as new. It’s a normal sized Katana that is very treasured by Weiss, who hardly lets her away from him.


Here is a list of recent and/or notable fights, roleplay scenes, etc. that Weiss has been a part of. This list is by no means all inclusive, and serves more as a general reference as to what he has been up to.

  • Opponent Name (Date) : Weapon. Details about the fight.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam. Aliquam maximus nulla id congue imperdiet. Curabitur nisi elit, scelerisque mattis diam ac, blandit congue eros. Curabitur molestie lacus sed vestibulum euismod. Praesent aliquam lorem lacus, egestas vestibulum ante commodo ut. Ut nisl arcu, vestibulum ac vehicula at, aliquet et elit. Nam molestie interdum massa ac pharetra.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam. Aliquam maximus nulla id congue imperdiet. Curabitur nisi elit, scelerisque mattis diam ac, blandit congue eros. Curabitur molestie lacus sed vestibulum euismod. Praesent aliquam lorem lacus, egestas vestibulum ante commodo ut. Ut nisl arcu, vestibulum ac vehicula at, aliquet et elit. Nam molestie interdum massa ac pharetra.


Romantic Attraction Physical Attraction Platonic Love $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral 🔃 Unsure 🔒 Trust


These are mostly backstory-related relationships.

Mother’s Name, mother. ( SYMBOLS GO HERE )
CHARACTER’s Thoughts: "Quote goes here."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam.

Father’s Name, father. ( SYMBOLS GO HERE )
CHARACTER's Thoughts: "Quote goes here."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam..

Sibling’s Name, sibling. ( ??? )
CHARACTER’s Thoughts: ”Quote goes here.”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam.


Listed here are the non-family characters, both PC and NPC, that Weiss has interacted with enough or in such a way for HIM/HER to form a real opinion about them. Please don't take personal offense if your character isn't listed here, or how the interaction or relationship is described. It isn't that I dislike your character or our RP. I just tend to only add these as necessary for those who make a real impact on Weiss, and descriptions are purely based upon in character experiences and opinions!

Last Update... DATE.

* An asterisks denotes that Weiss doesn't know the individual's true name.

Character Name, short descriptor. ( SYMBOLS GO HERE )
CHARACTER’s Thoughts: "Quote goes here."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam.


These are rumors, both from NPCs and PCs, that one might overhear in regards to Weiss. Feel free to utilize these in your RP hooks, or add your own!

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
  • (Insert rumor here.) -- Rumor Author / Location

  • (If you add a player rumor, please first copy and paste the above line of code to leave behind for the next person! Thanks!)


A collection of screenshots of Weiss that serves as a visual reference, or snapshots from certain roleplaying scenes.


A collection of artwork of Weiss, either commissioned or gifted by the respective artist(s). Artist names & info are linked when you hover over images.
You are not permitted to re-use this artwork for your own characters or purposes, whether on Final Fantasy XIV or on other games, forums, etc.


After getting lost and ending up on the Goblet, Weiss has finally reached Ul’dha front gates.

  • Role Name or Type: Lost Samurai on Thanalan.


I'm not a native English, and I tend to use this to my advantage in RP since Ryuji/Weiss hails from the continent of Hingashi hence his English/Eorzean dialect isn't perfect. I might confuse things, use expressions that are wrong, or even say something that sounds strange for a proficient English speaker. However, If the person behind him (me) is confused with anything or has any questions, I'll state them as OOC!


Since my wife (Mari Loire) doesn’t do RP, if I’m with her please avoid starting RP right away. Always ask her if it’s okay to do so. I’m saying this because I don’t find it fair for her to find herself in the middle of RP without agreeing to it, mostly because we are enjoying some time together. I’ll only be open for RP, when I have the RP tag on.

I don’t really have any preference regarding RP Themes, as long as they are coherent with my character. Nor do I mind doing quick RP that doesn’t affect my character (nothing of it will be counting for my character progression. It will be as if it never existed to Weiss) since I understand that there are people who just like to make RP without being stuck to a story, however I will never agree in doing ERP (even vanilla ones). I also don’t like to be stuck in one kind of RP, be it duel themed, intrigue theme, etc, so please don’t put it in a category.

I’m sorry if any of those things seemed hard, or if I gave the impression of being a real jerk, but there are things I don’t agree with and I prefer to state them from the start in order to avoid miscommunication or any sort of troubles.

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