Aubrey Lockhart

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Ishgard.jpg Aubrey Lockhart
Placeholder person.gif
Titles, a quote - whatever you wanna put.
Gender Female
Race Hyuran
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ishgardian
Server Cerberus
Age 20
Deity Halone, the Fury
Orientation Asexual
Marital Status In a delicate marriage
Occupation Courrier, mercenary
Nameday XXth Sun of the Xst Astral Moon
Your Character's Name, better known as Nicknames If Applicable, was born on the XXth Sun of the Xst Astral Moon. A basic little bit about your character. Generic information.
Where is your character often found? Out in Eorzea, or in the Quicksand? Say so here.
Does your character keep up with politics, or do they not really care? Say so here.
If you're in a Free Company, state it here.

Your Character's Inventory

Last updated: XXX XXth, 20XX

- Something in their bag or on their person.