Cyrilus Arcsman

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Cyrilus Arcsman
Dispossessed Warden

The Wheel guides; the Wheel abides.



Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... Seer-uh-luhs

BIRTH NAME... Ishiki Kirodatto

RACE & CLAN... Au Ra / Raen

GENDER... Male

AGE... Mid Thirties

NAMEDAY... 25th Sun, 6th Astral Moon



Other Statistics


CITIZENSHIP... Gridania (through service) and Ishgard (through marriage)

FAMILY... Many

RESIDENCE... Ishgard

OCCUPATION... Hunter/Expedition Guardsman


HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 6 fulms, 6 ilms. 225 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Lawful Neutral

General Information
Of moderate stature and mild temperament, the stone of the Raen's normal expression hides a molten, passionate heart. Pious, though not to his adopted patron, he follows the will of his family's patriarch - a doctrine simply called 'The Word' - in a perpetual war against the Void's blight. Note: birth name is written with family name first.
Brown Brown Light Tan Sinewy Quiet
Unmoving; Humble Sinister Many Many Simple; Functional
Hair & Eyes
Dark bark brown hair is kept loose, free, and decently groomed - at his wife's insistence. Though moderately thick, this hair still remains straight as well as mildly oily. His eyes are nearly the exact same color, but of slightly brighter shade. His left eye exhibits a strange, blue ring along the outside of the iris that is unnatural in origin, and bleeds a constant stream of aether.
Physique & Markings
Cyrilus is a man of almost pure sinew, and little visible bulk. Rather than mountainous, he is instead physically quite dense: thick bone, hard plates of scale in the chest, and steel-like horns. This sinew extends throughout his entire body, reflecting a man not prepared merely to fight, but also to survive, and thrive. Scars are plentiful, but small at the front of his body, with some scant evidence of deep puncture wounds close to his solar plexus and stomach. His back, however, is a holocaust of scars, and scabs; some having been the result of reopened wounds as inflicted by a scourge or similarly vicious implement. These scars start at the shoulder, and end at the lower back.
Hygiene & Attire
The Warden is very particular about keeping himself clean, and retains an unperfumed, slightly musky scent when freshly bathed. The vast majority of his body is completely void of hair, so grooming is a case of keeping the hair at the top of his head tamed and little else. His preferred dress is always simple, and functional. He dislikes ceremonial garb, or anything ostentatious as a whole.

Relationship Status Legend

Feryal [Wife]

✔ Caiyx [Feryal's Daughter]
� Pierus [Brother]

* Evagria [Sister]
Former Acquaintances

Known Information / Rumors
Known Information

Some are easier to figure out than others. Ask before using specialized knowledge.

◢ Common Knowledge - The obvious.
Cyrilus is not his birth name
Not born in Othard
◢ Uncommon Knowledge - Well known.
Formerly part of a nomadic family
Marriage to Feryal is polyamorous
Enjoys sweet drinks, and salty food
◢ Specialized Knowledge - Secrets through omission.
Nomadic 'family' was actually a multiracial cult
Blind in his unmarked eye
Aether-infusion of marked eye grants certain sensory advantages
Scars on his back are from self-flagellation

Feel free to add some yourself without breaking my profile, thanks.

◢ Rumors - People know better than to spread those. For now.

RP Info

Location & Probability
Note: Probably not accurate. These are only places of note; anywhere else is possible, but rare.
The Wilderness: Most Likely, Anytime
The Quicksand: Likely, Usually Day
Ishgard: Likely, Anytime
Lavender Beds: Rarely, Anytime
Gridania: Very Rarely, Anytime
Only things reasonably researched are listed.
Twin-adders: Expeditionary Guardsman, Chief Serpent Sergeant
House Maintigny: Through marriage
'Those Within The Arc': Through birth
RP Limits
I have few limits in terms of what I'm willing play out. As long as it makes contextual sense without being overly contrived, I'll go along with almost anything. If you think it might questionable, just ask me.
RP Hooks
Anything that involves a hunt, Voidsent, Voidtouched people, or his family is extremely easy to rope him into. He will also nearly always answer to someone clearly being violently victimized, and innocent - at least as far as he can figure. Sex also is generally an easy sell for 'softer' women; Cyrilus is relatively promiscuous. It hasn't led him to any trouble yet. Yet.

OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
There is an intentionally sparse amount of information. There should be just enough to let you know what kind of character Cyrilus is without giving away his entire life story. That will always be saved for RP, or for discussion rather than being publicly available. If you do have any questions, though, feel free to let me know in the Mateus RP Hub Discord server, or in game.
Character Lore Adherence
Cyrilus was not originally created for FF14, so some liberties have been taken. That said, I've done my best to fit him into the game's lore to the best of my knowledge, with the process continuously refined as I go. If you're offended by things that aren't strictly to the letter of the lore, well, I don't know what to tell you.
Character Concept
Cyrilus started life as a character with a sheltered, militant, and religious upbringing. Upon making his way into the world after a violent altercation with his family, culture shock gave him a crisis of faith. He remains this way in FF14, though with the support of his wife, and some years on.
Character Tidbits
Links Out
These are mostly going to be writing snippets, added as I get around to it.
Tropes & Explanations
This will be added to as I go.
Black and White Morality While time in civilization, and especially so with his wife, has introduced him to some shades of grey, he still very neatly puts everything in the world on one side or the other.
Brother-Sister Incest With his only blood sister, and sees no shame in it.
Lightning Bruiser All of the Wardens of the Arc are this to an extent, preferring fast and decisive action, but prepared for when that isn't feasible.
Sibling Murder The cause of death for two of his brothers, and his sister. Ask or RP to find out the how and why of it.
Stepford Snarker While he's easily mistaken for a Deadpan Snarker on most days, this is closer to the reality. A combination of heavy baggage, and a general lack of genuine social understanding has made attempting to 'civilize' himself awkward. Covering it in a veneer of dry wit and blunt tactlessness allows him to continue to wear his heart on his sleeve without giving people much to read.
The Penance Cyrilus self-flagellates as a method of 'paying blood unto blood' for his slain siblings. See above.
Well-Intentioned Extremist Cyrilus' entire family is essentially this. Cyrilus himself to a lesser extent.

Wiki Information
This wiki is a perpetual WIP because I'm lazy.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Divider image taken from Spear Training Center
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.
