Katharina Schmider

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Ishgard.jpg Katharina Schmider
Katharina Mug.jpg
Long after I am gone, I'll ensure the name Katharina lives on in legend.
Gender Female
Race Elezen
Clan Ishgardian, of course!
Citizenship Ishgard
Age 44
Deity Halone the Fury
Orientation Bi-sexual
Marital Status Single
Occupation Knight/Entertainer
Nameday 15th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Katharina Schmider, the Errant-Knight/Entertainer was quite the oddity and she no doubt liked it that way. Born into nobility, and then later in life cast out from it, her story was one of many ups and downs. She was a bombastic and dramatic woman, easily recognized due to her love for the color red, well tailored and fanciful dresses, fashionable if a little questionable armor... And of course the massive blade that was often seen slung over her shoulder!
Seeming a little obsessed with her appearance: the word extravagant would come to mind. No matter what she was wearing or doing it was always done with a touch of dramatic flare, this silver-haired Elezen had a spring in her step and wanted to show it off for any whom would give her attention. Found often on the corners of streets, or in various taverns and inns; she was quite eager to enthrall any whom would watch her dances and listen to her songs. Though she also loved to marvel people tales of her life, battles, and struggles to greatness. Although she was just as ready to lend her own pointed ears to the stories of others, readily losing herself in whatever memories or fantasies others wished to indulge in.
Ultimately however she was a woman of Ishgard, and a knight at that. Despite her somewhat eccentric mannerisms and stylings she was always true to her word, and was loathe to go back on a promise or an oath. On the field of battle she fought and lead from the front, seemingly fearless as she literally danced her way through a battlefield with the ease of someone well accustomed to warfare and it's hardships. Reliable to a fault, one got the impression that she would gladly give her life if needed.

Katharina's Inventory

Last updated: Jan 15th, 2017

Pince-nez - Most often worn while traveling in the overbearing sun, her sensitive eyes seemed to not agree too well with it.
Swan-Song - The large two-handed sword that Katharina carried with her into battle, it's size alone more than enough to draw the attention of others as it stood well above most Hyur and even neared her own height if one were to measure it's length at the hilt. The blade was quite clearly magical getting close would could make out the elegantly etched texts that seemed to run along the blade, along it's hilt and even over the cross-guard. These texts all seemed to form the basis of a poem or song of some manner, often times different sections were prone to glowing those moments Katharina was wielding it in battle. The cumbersome blade didn't seem to bother her all that match, given how she even managed it's weight easily with just one hand.
Kat Glasses.jpg

Height: 6 fulms 8 ilms

Weight: 160 ponz

Complexion: Pale and untouched by the sun.

Hair: Icy Blue.

Eyes: Crimson.

Katharina was what one might expect from an Elezen hailing from the Holy-See of Ishgard, her skin is pale and looks as if it's rarely been exposed to the sun. Her facial features were angular, with high rising cheek bones and the tell-tale pointed tips of her elongated ears predominantly stood out, which made eyes easy to overlook given how much attention her ears commanded. They would stand out on their own with their crimson shine, each red iris looking like a drop of blood against the white of her sclera. Overall her features were sharp, but with her plush lips always curved upwards in a confident smile it worked to give her an almost aristocratic air; her love for overly wordy speech combined with latent motherly tendencies only seemed to enhance this image.
She was quite tall as was the norm for her kind, her long legs giving rise to the rather impressive figure that Katharina cut. Though she wasn't really what one could call "thin" indeed she looked as if she lived a comfortable life-style, especially if one could get a glimpse at her stomach, of which one could get a small pinch of. With her wide hips words like "shapely" or more accurately "buxom" would come to mind, her back seemed strong; through it seemed to suffer from the weight of her own incredible bust. Likely quite the sight for onlookers as even her own rather large hands might struggle to hold one of those pale globes of flesh. Her height surely didn't make it easy to maintain eye-contact with others, especially the poor Lalafell whom would stand as high as her knee at best.
Katharina was an entertainer, she both sang and dance for fame and fortune, as such she possessed quite the voice which always seemed to be on the edge of enthralling and teasing. Quick to praise other's and offer words of encouragement, she indeed had a silver-tongue and put it to great use in her songs and tales. Katharina seemed to genuinely enjoy just about anything she did, this would of course extend to the field of battle where she could be seen quite literally dancing and singing as she cut through her foes. These performances were a trademark to any whom would fight alongside her. In the midst of her dance she was able to put her massive blade to impressive use, although should she for some reason find herself without her signature weapon or for some reason unable to sing or dance; then those elegant movements would grow blunt as she found herself forced to result to a far more basic and direct style of combat.
Being one for dramatics Katharina enjoyed moving while speaking, her hands especially had trouble staying still while she conversed and often times they would weave through the air as if she was casting some manner of spell while just talking. She adored praise and would often actively seek it out from others while at the same time showering others in it for their own accomplishments. Those whom meet Katharina for the first time may find themselves getting swept away in a bombardment of questions about their life, and her behavior would at times cross into the bounds of obnoxious though she seemed at-least somewhat aware of this, at times biting down on her lip to restrain herself from drowning other's in questions.
Katharina was a woman prone to fantasy, to a degree that she often enthralls herself with a fantasy of her own creation, her red eyes sparkling like bright stars as the world around her is blocked out and she slowly slips into whatever fantasy realm she's created for herself. Often times whatever filter she had would vanish and thoughts would flow freely while she was momentarily lost in her dream-scape. Some may find this to be endearing, other's might get frustrated or annoyed with the behavior, though it was easy enough to forcibly snap her out of it, and on the field of battle she kept herself a (mostly) clear head.
To those that truly get to know Katharina it would become quite apparent that she was one whom would gladly put the needs of others on her back, concerning herself chiefly with her own fame and self image. She would take great risks if she felt a course of action would enhance her reputation. Her friends and companions were very dear to her, and her loyalty to any lucky enough to be considered a personal friend was second to none; often times however this would lead to her neglecting her own needs, and might explain at times why she seemed so distant and melancholy when she believes herself to be alone.


Fame Obsessed
Fantasy Prone Personality
Bottles Things Up


Shell Fish
Vanishing Into Obscurity
The Ocean


Singing and Dancing
Public Speaking


Known for an unusually high alcohol tolerance.
Once drunk known to always make a fool of herself by doing something embarrassing.
Often found nibbling or biting on something when deep in thought.
Prone to mumbling and holding at herself when alone.
Currently does not know how to swim and is secretly afraid of the ocean.



Singing and Dancing, of course!
Trying unknown or exotic foods and drinks.
Picturing what her life would be like with legions of followers or slaves.


Ambition and Determination.
Those whom swim against the current.
Fancy dresses and well tailored suits.
A well cooked meal.


Undeserved Arrogance.
Stories without endings.
The lazy and un-motivated.
Crabs, and most things with pinchers.

Katharina's combat capabilities were perhaps shocking to those first seeing them, the knight carried with her a massive blade that could break ranks of enemies and rend them into pieces if swung with enough force. The sheer size of her signature blade was such that many found themselves staggering to comprehend how she could handle the mass of steel as easily as she did. Magic however seemed to be the case as her style of fighting was to most quite unique: in that it relied entirely on the woman's own muse in order to function. Her love for song and dance proved true on the field and it was obviously the means by which she fought as she was striking both visually and audibly when she was beset by battle. Her body moved with the grave of a dancer; causing her to spin and turn in what appeared to petty showmanship however seeing her literally dance between foes and their attacks was quite the sight.

It all seemed tied to a rhythm inside her head, as even when speaking her words often came in the form of a song, keeping the tempo and beat flowing else she might misstep: causing her to loose her precious advantage. In the heat of passionate song and dance was when she was at her best, loosing herself completely in the flow of battle as her voice brought soothing comfort to friends whilst bringing detriment to her foes. Her blade; Swan-Song seemed the catalyst for all of her abilities with the text so ornately etched onto the blade appearing to be lyrics to songs long past. These hymns of old held with them stories and power that she could call upon with a ring of her bell like voice. Though along the rounded tip of her blade one might notice a rather noticeable barren section.


Katharina carries but one weapon, and that is the large Two-Handed sword: Swan-Song. The weapon was supposedly crafted for use by an Elezen as such it would actually exceed what most Hyur's would consider to be a "great" weapon, with smaller races starting to become dwarfed by the massive blade. It was an ancient and storied weapon that was a closely guarded secret and relic to house Schmider whom Katharina was now the head of. The blade more than anything else was proof of that and in time it would surely be passed down to whomever was declared the heir to the Schmider legacy.


As most things she wore Katharina was found of things that grabbed attention, even when dressed for battle she adorned her plated form with expensive robes and dresses that might have some manner of enchanted effect to offer some form of protection. She clearly preferred to not get hit as her armor was scant in certain areas to allow for ease of movement. Joints were typically left half exposed and perhaps in a display of arrogance or poor judgement her breastplate held a prominent cut in the top that gave everyone around a great view of all the cleavage she had to offer. Often times her weapon proved to be quite the effective shield, as even with her height she could hide behind it; but she was by no means fragile, she knew just where she could properly take a hit and even if something managed to get past her armor the blood didn't show. Not immediately anyway as she was already as red as can be, and Ishgardians are not known for frailty; and she was as solid as they came.

Early Years

Katharina was born into relative obscurity, her parents unknown even to herself as she was silently adopted from a family that had been accused and convicted of charges of heresy. Growing up Katharina was a silent and distant girl with little interest in the world around her or others. Contact with her adoptive parents was rare and often times Katharina would remain locked away in her room simply staring down at the streets as others passed.
The rare times she did leave the home she was frustrated with how she was treated. Rarely given any real attention beyond her parents toting her around like some manner of trophy or medal, Katharina's youth was rocky and filled with disdain and angst for her parents. Ultimately leading the young Elezen into retreating into her home's library where she would lose herself in the tales of hero's past.

Teenage Years

As she aged Katharina found herself sorely lacking in empathy, preferring the company of books, poetry, and music over that of her own kind. With the passage of time Katharina became quite obsessed with the exploits of many local knight's often finding herself stalking through the streets to spy upon them. The decision to seek training was one that came easy to a young lady whom had little attachment to anything else around her. The resistance that came from her adoptive family only strengthened this sentiment as now, for the first time in perhaps her entire life she was actually commanding the attention of her family.
Although early into her training a great tragedy befell House Schnider and Katharina as well as her parents and their servants found themselves under the oppressive eyes of the inquisition. Rumors soon spreading that the family had been providing relief, supplies and succor to heretical individuals for many years now, and despite the evidence being flimsy at best, the inquisition decided to go ahead and carry out it's orders and the family was to be tried at Witch-Drop. The events of that day are mostly lost to record, though it is remembered that the family was cast into the dark ravine. What exactly happened that day is unclear, however the young Elezen had managed to survive the fall, if only barely. Managing to find help from a particularly guilty whom climbed into the hellish depths to check for survivors.

Later Life and Adulthood

Having been spared an early meeting with The Fury herself, Katharina was brought back into her home, but under a new identity. The inquisitor that rescued her provided her with food, shelter but little more. Being forced now to suffer within the Foundation of Ishgard, Katharina was made quite aware of just how privileged her life had been, and just how much she now missed it. Not accustomed to a life where things were not so readily given to her, Katharina scraped by with what her savior could spare and anything extra had to be acquired on her own.
Relying on a forced smile and the batting of eyelashes, Katharina was determined to crawl her way out of the lower-rungs of society and back to the top where she might one day accomplish what she had set out to do. It didn't take long for Katharina to find herself taking up some seedy job offers, though a somewhat obscure little tavern located deep within the foundation would soon become her home. The Black Water Stout, was a favored spot where the Elezen loved to preform her songs and dances, and indeed she soon became quite the draw for the : establishment. So much so that she was given room and board there where she soon began to amass quite the fan-club all of which instilled in her the love for other's admiration and acceptance.
Moving into adulthood Katharina's fame grew continuously as her profession soon turned to that of a courtesan, where she developed the reputation of an honest and deeply caring individual. Though, even with all of that her ego was kept in check by the fact that if she ever tried to become -too- well known the inquisition would bring the hammer down upon her in a flash. This dissatisfaction festered within her for many months until finally she saw fit to act, though those stories are hers alone to divulge...
With the Dragonsong war over, and a clear way out of Ishgard, one wonders what the Dancing Knight will do?

Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC! Some of these rumors may be untrue or greatly exaggerated.

Common Rumors (Easily overheard)

"Her family was a blight on the Holy See. She's lucky that she was spared." -Ishgardian Temple-Knight
"Wonderful for business, just be mindful when it comes to giving her sweets..." -Practically any inn-keeper anywhere.
"She's that one that ran crying when a crab washed up..." -Limsa Lominsa Fisher-Man

Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)

"You seen her out at night? The way she stares at the ground isn't right... Something's wrong..." -Quicksand Regular
"You don't get used t'the booze unless yer drinkin' fer a reason." -The Drowning Wench Regular
"Few pieces of chocolate is all you need to get her to wear -that- outfit..." -Quicksand Regular

Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard.)

"I don't know how she's still around after what she's been through." -Veteran Temple-Knight
"No-body believes me but I swear... I saw those empty, soulless eyes of hers..." -Bumbling Beggar in Ul'dah
"I was confused what she meant by entertainer too, but hell she said I couldn't afford "it" -Drowned Wench Patron

PC Rumors (Rumors from the characters of other players)

"Insert rumor here." -It could be you!
💑 In a Relationship Romantic Interest Sexual Desire Platonic Love Family Good Standing Neutral Poor Standing Deceased

Become a friend today!: The story has only just started!.

The story begins~

(12/04/2017) The Wandering Knight

(Status: On-going) (It's only just begun, what else could be in store?:

Katharina has begun to travel beyond the lands of Ishgard and into the surrounding city states in hopes of meeting new friends, finding ways to expand her reputation and to learn about the world around her!

Katharina is quite easy to talk to, and will generally wander right over if you so much as look at her for too long. She likes to tell-tales of her own deeds as much as she likes to listen to other's! Although she is a Knight Katharina is generally cheery and eager to socialize.

Those in need of a mercenary or body-guard would no doubt find Kat's reputation as a knight interesting, and those looking for acts in their venues will no doubt find ample opportunity in Kat's singing and dancing!

What I am looking for/interested in:

Interested in long-term role-play situated around story-building and well thought out themes and characters. Also fine with idle chit-chat and of course, opportunities for Kat to show off and perform!

What I will NOT RP:

Gratuitous violence, or anything that might make one's head explode. I adore character development but keep in mind that Katharina is still my character so if you've done or plan to do something that will have a large negative impact on her please try to keep the timing reasonable so I don't have her stuck in limbo for months.

As always communication is key in this regard!


More will no-doubt be added here, so stay tuned!

About the Player:

http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=10728 That here is me~ Shoot me a message for any questions, comments, or spelling/grammar corrections.


This template created by Rihxo Matoi with the help of Nanagi Nagi and has pieces from the templates of Unnamed Mercenary, Roen Deneith, Cyrus Wolfe, and Coatleque Crofte.