Parvaneh Shadi'ra

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Heavy WIP!

Parvaneh Shadi'ra Parvastand1.png
Personal Data
Real Name: Parvaneh Shadi'ra
Known Aliases: Unknown
Race: Keeper of the Moon
Age: 27
Name Day: 14th ☀ Third Astral ☽
Eye Color: Sapphire Blue
Hair Color: Indigo and Cornflower
Occupation: Matriarch, Proprietress
Marital Status: Mated, Polyamorous
Known Relatives: See Relationships
Voice Claim: Susan Egan


And I never minded being on my own
Then something broke in me and I wanted to go home
To be where you are
But even closer to you, you seem so very far
And now I'm reaching out with every note I sing
And I hope it gets to you on some pacific wind
Wraps itself around you and whispers in your ear
Tells you that I miss you and I wish that you were here

- Wish That You Were Here by Florence+The Machine

Little Tidbits/Offsite Fun

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Aspects That Stand Out:
Very Blue. Very Tribal. This miqo'te is most often recognized by her hair and eye color, both of which are different blue hues. When in public she's usually adorned in baubles and jewelery that speak of a distinct tribal origin made of bone, wood, claws, or roughened stones. Her nails are usually long and filed into claws but meticulously cared for.
Professionalism. Despite outward appearances, Parvaneh speaks eloquently and like any well bred business woman. Completely at odds with her appearance.
Proprietress of The Glass Sylph. Parvaneh's tribe, the Shadi'ra, live in a large home in the Mists of La Noscea that also serves as a workshop they call The Glass Sylph. Here they make all manner of beautiful things such as jewelery, statues, cut gemstones, tan furs, and more.


Parvaneh was born the youngest of five children to the matriarch of the Shadi'ra clan. Her four older siblings were boys, which meant it was up to Parvaneh to help take over the tradition of leading the clan from her mother. She was groomed from the time she was old enough to walk and talk to become a leader of her rather large family.

Shortly after Parvaneh became of age and took the mantle of matriarch, it became apparent that there was a rift between the elders of the family and those of the younger generation. The Calamity years prior had affected the Shadi'ra territory in the Shroud to where it was getting colder and colder every year. Affecting their hunting grounds and killing off local plant life they needed for their crafts and to survive. Tempers flared and a decision had to be made on what to do: toughen out the rough climate and adapt as the elders wished, or seek to relocate elsewhere so that the clan could prosper as the younger generation desired. In the end it was brought to a vote with Parvaneh leading her clan into a new age...

Parvaneh is now an alt. I'm willing to log on to roleplay her but it's typically via request!
The Shadi'ra clan is a mix of NPCs and PCs owned and operated by myself and some close friends. Due to storyline developments, no other Shadi'ra characters are allowed to be created at this time.


Parvaneh is generally kind and warm to others. Spending most of her life tending after the wellbeing of her family has instilled a softer nature in her that makes it hard for her to turn others away that might be in need. But when needed she can be firm and strict even if it means others may not care much for her afterwards. The protection and safety of her family always comes first and this can affect her mood and personality depending on the circumstances.

In matters of business she's poised and professional. Her warm nature helps build trust and rapport with clients that bring in plenty of business.


Green Tea.
Climbring Trees.
Fresh Fruits.
Tattoos and Other Body Art.
Going to the Beach.


Her Mother.


Appraising Trinkets and Artifacts.


Ranged Combat.


Her Neck.
Close Combat.
Physical Strength.
Fire Aspected Attacks and Magic.


Her Family.
Her Business.


The matriarch of the Shadi'ra uses a combination of grimoires and her physical body in combative situations. The former for most scenarios, with the latter typically used in tribal cases. When out hunting, she's usually seen with an axe but that has become few and far between.
Weapons of Choice

OOC information for YOU

Below is useful tidbits should you ever be interested in trying to attack/spar with Parva. Please note that I am very open to gore and violence and am not beyond having my character sport an injury for days to weeks on end. However! Dismemberment, permanent damage, and even death needs to be spoken about prior in vivid detail/discussion before anything will ever occur IC.
Grindstone Style: This system is something I grew up using and enjoy thoroughly. It uses a roll system which the person playing the attack will roll and the defender will need to roll higher to defend.
Designated Personal Systems: Everyone has their own system for group combat RP which they themselves made or they made for their Free Company. I am open to discovering, learning, and uses all kinds!
Freeform/Honor System: I will only acknowledge the honor system with people I trust or know won't be literal jerks in RP. I will often request the basic roll system (See t1) for fights with people I do not truly know but am willing to Freeform/Honor system it if you can prove you are not going to just Naruto/Bleach up the fight as well as avoid EVERYTHING thrown at you, even within less then an inch of the attack.




Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Her and her kin moved in about two cycles ago. Lovely bunch of miqo'te that keep to themselves. They bring in good clients for the surrounding businesses in the ward who initially come for their trinkets." - Merchant in the Mists
"Isn't her baby girl just darling!?" - Doting Granny
"The kind of people that visit the Glass Sylph tend to have gil - and lots of it." - Observant Fisherman
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Hmm...I don't see as many of them as I used to when they first moved in. Most of the younger folks still linger." - Pondering Peddler
"There's this very, very large miqo'te that I see with the matriarch near the beach. They're rather close...but isn't she with that other Seeker?" - Gossiping Housewife
"They came from the North Shroud! Said part of why they left was because the Calamity ruined the land." - Friendly Stall Owner
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"I don't think the mother and daughter get along. Not the matriarch and the baby - the matriarch and her own mother!" - Rival Business Owner
"The little baby Parvaneh has looks nothing like either of the two men I see her with! Hmph! Harlot!" - Jealous Jezebelle


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors -
"Parrrvaneh gives tirrrelessly of herself for those she loves and those she leads. It is my grrreatest honour to serve her, and morrre than I deserve to stand at her side." — A'razh Tia.
"She is a just and fair employer. I enjoy working for the Shadi'ra matriarch even if some of the women in her company are rather...handsy." — Bane Alum'nair.
"My cousin and some of the only family I have left. I've been away for a long time in the Steppes but every time I come to visit she seems so...sad." — Mhiago Onopi.
"Hn. What are you asking me for? I don't know her." — Lilah Riverstone.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Ireth'a Shadi'ra, Older Brother. () - The Guardian
Character's Thoughts: "He looked after all of us. Even Mother, though they never got along very well. But he was the first male to show me respect and, above all, showed me how to earn that respect."
Ireth'a was neither tall nor small for a miqo'te or particularly good looking, but made up for his average appearance with wittiness and a fierce protectiveness over his siblings. He never liked their mother, Ireth, due to her frigid attitude and it often made them fight. Parva was his favorite sibling and he worked alongside her when the Glass Sylph was first formed in the Mists, later returning home to look after the others who had stayed behind. He was one of the many Shadi'ra clansmen who were killed in The Scourge.
Ireth'to Shadi'ra, Older Brother. () - The Hunter.
Character's Thoughts: "I wasn't very close to Ireth'to. He teased me a lot when we were younger, but his interests typically took him away from us. Things like hunting, fishing, or going on long trips to bring traders to us with valuable goods."
Ireth'to had been the more quiet of Ireth's children, favoring solitary activities and rarely staying in one place for long. Despite their lack of connection, his loss was still felt deeply when he was killed in The Scourge.
Ireth'li Shadi'ra, Older Brother. () - The Sneak.
Character's Thoughts: "He's...I don't know what to think of Ireth'li anymore. We never found a body so he may still be alive. And yet-"
Ireth'li was the 'mama's boy' of Ireth's children, something which earned him plenty of scorn from both Parva and her other brothers. Even many clan members found it to be in poor taste how he would report everything he saw and heard back to Ireth. This continued even into adulthood. When the Scourge took place, Ireth'li was one of the few whose body wasn't found.
Ireth'sae Shadi'ra, Older Brother. () - The Secret
Character's Thoughts: "Ireth'sae most trusted companion, advisor, and confidant. He is the one I mourn the most."
Of all of her brothers, Parvaneh was closest to Ireth'sae in a way many never suspected: they were lovers. Being siblings and knowing the hardships that came with such a thing, they had their relationship in secret while attempting to pursue a life and relationship outside of each other. His death was the primary reason Parva had such a difficult time moving on from the Scourge - she was never able to speak about his loss aloud or work through it in a healthy way. It was only recently that she told someone about the depths of their relationship.
Player Character
Ireth Shadi'ra, Mother. () - The Former Matriarch.
Character's Thoughts: "A part of me knows that you have done your best. Or what you consider to be your best. Yet all I can remember is feeling like my best was never good enough. Learning what I learned about our family just...I can't see you right now. I'm sorry."
Parvaneh and Ireth have always had a complex relationship. Parva and her mother never got along no matter how hard one or the other would make efforts in their own way. Ireth's harsh and unyielding view of the world affected her relationship with her children, most of whom grew up to be the opposite...except Ireth'li. Ireth is one of the only elders to survive the Scourge and lives in the Mists with Parvaneh and the surviving Shadi'ra.
Maiev Shadi'ra, Daughter. () - Only Child.
Character's Thoughts: "My sweet little moonbeam. Ssussun d'ussta dro."
Maiev is Parva's daughter and the first child born of her generation. She's also the first child born since the events of the Scourge, thus making her particularly special. She's the offspring of Parvaneh and her former mate Caex'ra Vaeriar.
Nesrin Shadi'ra, Cousin. () - The Quiet.
Character's Thoughts: "My sweet younger cousin...well, somewhat. Most members of the Shadi'ra are all just cousins when you trace the bloodlines."
Nesrin is a shy, aristic girl in the Shadi'ra with talents in body art and piercings. Parva lost track of Nesrin years ago when the girl disappeared from their clan who hadn't exactly been kind to her. She came across her unexpectedly at the residence of the Council of the Dawn. Nesrin was one of the reasons Parva decided to join the group. Tension has since arisen between the two due to Nesrin's choice of beau, but since her kidnapping Parva has been besides herself with worry.
A'razh Tia, Mate. ($) - Beloved Seeker.
Character's Thoughts: "I never thought our relationship would end where it is today. I am honored to have you at my side."
A'razh started off as an employee in Parvaneh's company, The Glass Sylph, and has been in Parva's life since shortly before the siege on Ala Mhigo. They bonded rather quickly as Parvaneh helped Razh to realize his worth outside of the role of a traditional Seeker after he was exiled from his kin. They have been together ever since with A'razh becoming a doting father to Maiev despite the fact that the two are not blood related.
R'shenn Latourelle, Mate. () - Lover Mine
Character's Thoughts: "You complete me in so many ways. My confidant, my secret keeper, my beloved male..."
Parva first met Shenn when she found him bleeding in the middle of the Shroud during a period where she was mediating between the Mists and the Shadi'ra home village. Pleading for the elders to join her and the younger generation in starting their new life in the Mists. She and her kin nursed Shenn back to health and didn't see him for moons afterwards. When he did return it was upon learning that the Shadi'ra clan had since faced an attack from what appeared to be Garlean forces that wiped out nearly everyone.

The two became friends and gradually drifted to becoming lovers, having been rather close ever since.
Kiyokage Mizuhiki, Boss. ($) - High Knight Commander
Character's Thoughts: "He's a quiet, broody sort of man. I don't mind it, and Maiev enjoys how gentle he is with her. Who'd have thought he was soft around children?"
The leader of the Council isn't a man she knows very well, but she finds him pleasant enough if a bit on the dark, broody side. He's also one of the more polite xaela she's come across in her travels.



Player Note
I have a very clear distinction when it comes to OOC/IC. They must remain separate at all times if we are to RP together, especially on an extended basis and I reserve the right to end interactions should this be impeded upon. I've been burnt heavily by people mistaking IC care and OOC friendship and attention with romantic regard and honestly I don't wish to go through another such debacle once more. If my character dislikes yours that does not mean I hold the same sentiment. If my character loves yours that does not translate to me feeling the same for you, though I might feel a platonic equivalent. I am not my characters and they are not me. Respect this and we shall get along famously.
Personal RP Limits
I don't have very many hardcore limits honestly as I feel consequences must be adhered to when RPing any character regardless of whom they might be. However there are a few exceptions to this and they are as follows.
I will play Almost anything that isn't described below.
I won't play ERP only Plots. I don't mind romance but it needs to be earned and respected. Do not try and force your character on to mine. If I feel this is the case I will quickly end the RP and speak with you OOCly to either correct the issue or end the RP connection between the two in a faithful manner both parties can agree upon.
Little Tidbits.
If you're ever uncomfortable, tell me! I don't bite! I can get pretty into RPing out consequences however and while I do my best to make sure permission is had and everyone is comfortable I'm not perfect. If you have a problem speak up.
This is a broad statement for all my characters, but I have a hard limit of at least two months before I'll allow my character to enter a relationship. A good friend mentioned their own rule regarding this and I greatly respected the idea of it, so I'll be putting it into practice myself. I've been burned far too many times by hasty RP relationships and want to make it clear from the get go so there is no misunderstanding. If your character is trying to romance my own, be prepared for it to take awhile.


Potential Plot Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP.
■ Goldsmithing and jewelcrafting.
■ Often seen in the Mists, Gridania, Ul'dah, and the Lavender Beds.
■ Sometimes carrying her infant daughter on her hip.

Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ Wiki Mash Abelia Kir Armiger.
■ Minor Alterations by Parvacake.

Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.