Hanako Akatsuki
❝The Pink Bun Oracle❞ 🌸Akatsuki-no-Hanako🌸 About
❝Little is known about this lapin, and she is hoping to keep it that way.
But wherever the may go, heavy rumors of a family curse clinging to the young bun quickly follow.❞ Hair: Thick spiral curls of pale pink-white hair cascades down to her waist, oft adorned with all manner of ribbons and shiny jewellery. The fur on her ears is soft and floofy, much like an angora rabbit. Eye/face: Large eyes with long healthy lashes house bright blue-green irises. They seem to hold an ethereal glow to them, especially in low light. Her face is delicate and fair. Complexion: Porcelain. Body type: Petite hourglass. Scars & Markings: . Voice: . Clothing: She is always dressed with the latest in fashions, favouring expensive silks and lace. She is also decorated with jewellery adorned with the shiniest of jewels.
Potential plot hooks
Aloof, curious and excitable, this fluffy bun can also act like a spoilt princess. Sovereign and boundless. Lawful but kind.
Songs used set a mood, lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. Please mind your speakers when clicking the links.
Artist: Higurashi OP 1 Bad Apple Artist: Touhou Become the Beast Artist: Karliene
Artist: Drakengard 3 OST Wolf Song Artist: OMNIA Kitsune Woods Artist: Derek Fiechter
Artist: Japanese Horror I know I'm a wolf Artist: Young Heretics
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