Maya Kotetsu

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Maya Kotetsu
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Character Information
Full Name Maya Kotetsu
Nickname(s) Kotetsu no Maya
Race Au Ra
Subrace Xaela Au Ra
Gender Female
Sexual Orientation Bisexual
Relationship Status Single
Nameday 11th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Age 27 Summers
Guardian Byregot
Birthplace Kugane, Hingashi
Occupation Odd-Jobs Woman
Family Eizan Kotetsu (Brother), Masao Kotetsu (Cousin), Hanami Kotetsu (Mother), Kazuo Kotetsu (Father, Missing)

General Information

Maya is an exile of Doman parentage, and a mercenary in the foreign western continent of Eorzea. Her scales may be black, but her family name and lineage goes back to Raen nobility - though her fellow white-scaled sisters have often looked down on the Kotetsu family for it. Raised in Hingashi, she learned the art of the spear like generations of her family before her, and can wield a lance of her own with competence. However, one person isn't an army - and so to achieve her dream and take control of her familial estate in Northern Doma, she'll need a little bit of help.
Currently, the Au Ra lives in Ul'Dah, where her trade is in information and odd-jobs. She operates in the middle of society, with contacts both above and below her. Her goal is to earn a fortune in gil, find her father, and bring the Kotetsu lands under her control - with the help of some technological scraps from the long-dead Empire of Allag.


An Au Ra female of twenty-four summers, Maya's personal style is generally geared towards keeping herself comfortable. Obviously, in the demanding environment of Ul'dah, fashion is less of a luxury than an absolute necessity. However, she refuses to give up mobility for its sake. There's a constant Far Eastern undertone to her clothing choices, though she has been seen incorporating more Eorzean styles as her time in the realm has grown longer.
Maya's skin is at the pale end of those colors typical for her race, though not the milky white seen on some of her sisters-in-scales. Her hair is dark, as is common to many of those hailing from the Far East, though its greyish tint is something which tends to run in the Kotetsu family. Her green eyes are also hereditary, with both her mother and father having had the same color. Her scales extend to cover her cheekbones, and she has a habit of rubbing them while in thought. She keeps her hair short, making it easier to move and take care of during the times she's not in the city.


Personality Traits

  • Forgetful
  • Duty-Driven
  • Enthusiastic
  • Reckless
  • Headstrong
  • Cheerful
  • Tomboyish
  • Self-Confident
  • Flaky
  • Improvisational
  • Well-Meaning
  • Friendly
  • Undisciplined


Maya's role is that of an Ul'Dahn odd-jobs woman and information broker, whose livelihood depends on balancing between factions of the city's merchant class and making sure no group in particular hates her so much as to actually want her dead. The information trade is a good way to make a living, provided the secrets that you sell are a good balance between desirable and harmless. However, it isn't exactly by Maya's own choice that she's in this line of work. She's seeking to build her network of contacts so she can, gradually, build up the one portfolio that actually matters to her - tracking down her dad's whereabouts in the wide land of Eorzea.
The Au Ra girl can usually be relied on to take up almost any job in exchange for enough gil, since she has a family and a mission which depends on her earnings in the foreign lands. She'll take things up with a smile and generally tends to live day-by-day, seeking out opportunities wherever she can to pad her coffers. In spite of this, she does still try her best to maintain a façade of dignity at most times, even if it's something as ignominious as helping clean trash out of the Sapphire Avenue Exchange for the sake of a reward.

Philosophy & Ideals

Maya often finds herself among the company of those who want to stick it to Garlemald. However, this is only because their goals align somewhat - not because she truly believes in their mission to defeat the massive empire. Maya has three objectives, ranked as follows:

1). Find her father, and discover what happened to him.
The fate of Kazuo Kotetsu has been unknown since he left, twenty-five years ago, to lead the estate's militia against the Garlean invasion. Since that time, the remaining members of the family have only received two letters, both brief and in his own handwriting, assuring them of his safety but refusing to reveal his whereabouts. However, the paper on which they were written has been conclusively traced to Eorzea. Maya has never known her father, but from all the stories she's heard of him, he was a fine and upstanding man. A little reluctant to go to war, perhaps, and maybe too fond of the provincial lifestyle, but he kept his wits about him and did the best he could for those he was lord over. She wants to find him, gain his approval, and bring him back to Doma and his home now that the Garleans are gone.

2). Support her ancestral estate after its liberation from the Garlean Empire.
Everything Maya has done since her fourteenth summer or so has been for to liberate her family's estate from the Garleans - She's suffered through harsh combat in Carteneau, ended up on the wrong side of some ancient technology, and worked herself to the bone to try and amass gil to raise an army. Following the nominal liberation of Doma by Lord Hien and his forces, she's journeyed back to her family home only to find the land in ruins and under control of a pretender claiming to be its rightful lord. Her goal is now to find out the truth of that claim and contest it, while secretly funneling the earnings she makes in Ul'dah towards making the Kotetsu holdings productive again.

3). Get out of Ul'dah as often as possible.
Trading in information means you get enemies. It's a simple fact of the job. The thing is, if you're good, you can play those enemies off each other while keeping yourself safe in the middle. Maya's definitely good at this, but still - the less often people she might've slighted can see her face, the better. Not to mention that the obligations of that city's high society are stifling in and of themselves. Any time she's away, she's able to relax.


  • Maya is kind of jealous of adventurers and the freedom they have to go anywhere and do anything. She got a taste of that fighting on the Carteneau Flats, and it never left her mouth. Her current status as an odd-jobs agent gives her a bit of that, but her obligations keep her from fully being able to live an adventuring life.
  • Even after so many years in the Western Continent, Maya still finds it somewhat harder for her to open herself up to Eorzeans than to other citizens of Othard. Much of this is her perceived lack of shared experiences: She's worried she doesn't have enough in common with people of the West.
  • After living in Ul'dah for so long, the Au Ra has developed a bit of a passing interest in the cultures of the Miqo'te and the Lalafell. The former, because their clan structure reminds her of her own; The latter, simply because their names are easy on the tongue for her.
Likes Dislikes
  • Fast attacks
  • Money
  • Getting out of the city
  • Nosy people
  • Bad deals
  • Most of the Ul'Dahn upper class
Skills Education
  • Keeping secrets
  • Spearcraft
  • Choosing the right words for the situation
  • 15 years trained, Kotetsu-style Sojutsu
  • 3 years, Immortal Flame Mercenary
  • 9 years trained, Maya-style social climbing
Strengths Flaws
  • Hard to manipulate
  • Knows her goals, and sticks to them
  • Has the guts and the gil to get it done
  • Moral relativist
  • Self-centered
  • Has been relying on her gil more than guts recently
Fears Favorites
  • That her father dies before she can find him.
  • That her family in Kugane and Doma won't accept her as leader.
  • That her next battle might always be her last.
  • Thanalan Dust Storms
  • Aldgoat and Onion Stir-Fry
  • The Ul'Dahn Railway

Family Origins

Though living in Kugane, the Kotetsu family’s roots lie across the Ruby Sea in the once-proud nation of Doma. In the country’s northern reaches, their estate’s roots reach back generations as an outpost established to keep watch over the Azim Steppe.
The name they were given, as a warrior family, reflects this origin: “ 甲鉄 Koutetsu; Eorzean Romanization Kotetsu” means “Iron-armored,” with the implication that their estate (among many others) would be part of an “iron wall” to protect the country against any incursion by the wild Xaela tribes. However, the location was undeniably a backwater - and, as decades passed with no major actions on either side, the Kotetsu clan and some tribes of their black-horned northern neighbors ended up in a much more symbiotic - even friendly - relationship instead.
Life in the north is hard, and so the farmers and tenants of the Kotetsu estate were always pleased when they were able to supplement their diet with animal meat bought from the Xaela nomads. On the other side of the equation, the tribes were able to get from the Kotetsu a number of Doman goods they would have had difficulty acquiring otherwise.
The ties between the Kotetsu and the Xaela run deep, culminating an event some three centuries prior where an elderly Kotetsu lord was growing increasingly aware of his likelihood to die with no heir. Rather than turn the right to rule over to a junior branch of the family, he instead formally adopted the son of a neighboring Xaela khan as his own. This shared blood forged a bond that has remained unbroken over the next 300 years, and since that day the Kotetsu have always had black horns. To appease those who felt their branch had been slighted, the new heir Nurhaci wed one of the daughters of that family's leader. Nevertheless, some members still felt ill will, and left the Kotetsu family to seek their fortunes elsewhere.

Early Life


Maya grew up among the Doman exile community in Kugane, alongside her brother and watched over by her mother and a sparse few servants. Her mother had fled the Garlean invasion with the help of some Xaela tribes while still carrying Maya in her belly. Her father had taken the estate’s militia and gone to join up with the Doman regular army, as was his duty as a nobleman. He, and every other man who had gone with him, never returned. Although Doma and Hingashi shared many aspects of their culture, the two nations nevertheless had their differences, and she found that she often couldn’t fit in with the Hingan youth as well as she’d hoped.
However, where heritage wouldn’t speak for her, accomplishments and enthusiasm carried the day. The Au Ra could always be found playing in the streets around Kugane, often getting into a bit more trouble than she should - laying a foundation for the adventuring she’d take to later in life. As she grew older, her mother found success in redirecting that energy towards a more formal pursuit: carrying forward the Kotetsu school of Sojutsu.
Her family’s martial trade was that of the spear, which according to tradition had been passed down from time immemorial. Maya herself learned from the best available - the master of the art who had even trained her father, and who had been deemed too old to go to the front and be slaughtered like the rest of the Doman army. Still, the wizened man retained a spring in his step and a lightning-fast thrust, and he was pleased to help rear the two youngest Kotetsu children in their family tradition. From an early age, Maya always found herself sparring with her brother, though the older - and, as their ages progressed, larger - Eizan was also clearly the better of the two. They do say, though, that the wise man learns more from defeat than from success - and Maya was no exception, her constant improvement and creative tactics forcing her brother to become even better to keep his place on top.


Maya gradually adapted to a middling role in the diverse Hingan port city, acting as a go-between and errand girl for many of the various merchants and nobles of Kugane. Her own elevated blood made it easier for her to secure commissions from more prestigious clients, while her earnestness to get each job done meant she was always well in demand. This gave her a reliable source of income which would go to help support her family. Around her fourteenth summer, her brother's sixteenth, Eizan left the city to seek training elsewhere - he felt as though there was naught more he could learn of the Kotetsu spear style, and had become interested in Hingan swordsmanship instead. As a ronin often working as part of an armed complement on merchant ships, he was frequently back in Kugane, but never for long each time.
Maya couldn't bring herself to leave her mother, and with Eizan gone, the task of keeping people together fell on her shoulders. The girl had always dreamed of returning to the ancestral Kotetsu lands she'd heard so much about from her mother and their retainers, but now she began to actively work towards bringing the group back home to their farms, houses, and relatives they'd left behind. If they could assemble even a small army and the funds to equip it, well... the Garleans wouldn't miss one small provincial estate on the very outskirts of their empire, right?
It might have been a young girl's vain hope, but this would become Maya's goal for the next five years. Gathering information, making contacts, earning money, all for the purpose of going home. Finally, in her nineteenth year, she believed she'd almost reached the point where she could succeed. Rumors were flying in Kugane that the Garlean Empire had set its sights on the Western continent once more, which would draw their attention away from a small estate on the borders of Doma. Maya hoped that, by her next summer, she might have a hope at challenging the might of the magitek empire over her family’s small domain. Unfortunately, this would also be the year that all hell would break loose.
The fall of Dalamud. The battle of Carteneau. The upheaval of the world as its denizens knew it, and the beginning of the Seventh Umbral Era. As the red spires of the lesser moon fell towards Hydaelyn, there was one word on everyone’s lips. Allag. It was well-known that Garlemald’s power stemmed from their rediscovery of many of the techniques of that ancient empire, but for them to have been capable of something like this… Maya’s thoughts were all of one singular purpose. “If the world survives this thing… I want some of what they’ve got.”


Calamity to ARR

Immediately after the Calamity, everything was in turmoil the world over - but Maya's household had its own reason for alarm as well. On the first ship to reach the Eastern port after the fall of Dalamud, in the bags of mail it carried from the Western continent, was a letter from her father. It was brief and hastily written, but clearly in his handwriting - saying that he could not return to Doma just yet, that he couldn't even write of what was keeping him away, but that with the Calamity's destruction he felt it necessary to contact his family and assure them that he still lived. This came as a total shock, with Maya and her mother having assumed over the past twenty years that Kazuo had died with much of the Doman army at the front. Rapidly, Maya's objectives changed, and things started lining up.
The letter was quickly and easily traced back to the Eorzean city-state of Ul'dah, but from there no more trail could be gleaned from Hingashi. At the same time as she was preparing to journey overseas and search for herself, Maya learned of the continuing battles at Carteneau, where the Eorzean Grand Companies were seeking the world over for talent to bring to their side. It would just so happen that one of those companies would be from Ul'dah - and that the things all three were fighting over would be Allagan ruins. Maya put two and two together and, with a tearful goodbye to her mother in Kugane, she boarded a ship headed towards the Carteneau Flats as an Immortal Flames recruit-to-be.
Alongside the force fighting over the ruins, Maya was able to meet people from all over the Western continent and the world, many of whom had fighting styles she'd never even imagined could exist. She learned a massive amount in a very short time, from elements of foreign ways of combat to how to actually speak the Eorzean language. At the same time, she gained a reputation herself as an earnest fighter, which served her well when she finally felt like she'd learned all she could, earned enough money, and could continue her journey to Ul'dah. After three full years of fighting in their service, The Flames were more than happy to help the veteran settle in their city.
The desert city was perfect for someone looking for information. While Limsa Lominsa might be famous for their seafaring trade routes and connections to other realms, Ul'dah's intra-Eorzean commerce network meant that citizens from all across the continent would pass through at some point. In between plying these travelers for information on her father's potential whereabouts and playing off the domestic rivalries between Ul'dahn merchants, the girl would undertake almost any job asked of her in exchange for gil to send home and keep her family afloat.

A Realm Reborn

So far because I haven't completed it, I'm not sure how the events would have affected Maya, but so far:
ー She has tried to keep out of missions against the Amal'jaa in the past, because of her fear of being tempered; However, after hearing the tale of a single band of adventurers besting Ifrit, She's become a bit more bold when it comes to fighting the Beast Tribes.
ー Other points coming, to be written into a full section once I finish the ARR story.


I actually know nothing about what happens here but I'd imagine since it's all Ishgard she wouldn't be affected much.


Haven't played through it so this is going to be somewhat simple in my effort to avoid spoiling myself. Hearing of the stirring of the Doman Resistance, Maya's ears turn back to the East. Liquidating many of her assets in Ul'dah and traveling to Othard with the gil, she associates herself with many of their members and joins in their effort to liberate the country. The spear-wielding girl fought alongside Lord Hien's army in its struggle, and once the country was nominally liberated she set out to lead the Domans she'd grown up with in Kugane back to their home.
Unfortunately, what awaited her was not a warm welcome but instead a three-hundred-year old feud brought up to the surface. Though she had heard that the estate was under control of her young cousin, Kotetsu Masao, she came back to find that the boy was simply being used as a figurehead for a different noble house which had seized control.
The Hatsuyari family hails from southern Yanxia, but are descended from members of the cadet branch of the Kotetsu whom had spurned their relatives' relation with the Xaela. With the rapid and disorganized reconstruction after the Garlean departure, they moved from their own devastated estate under the leadership of their young lord Kamiya to take control of what they considered their ancestral lands. The Raen family was well-entrenched by the time Maya was able to organize the Kotetsu retainers for the journey back from Kugane, and following a tense standoff the estate's original occupants headed south towards the area of Doma Castle proper. They've occupied housing in the area as a temporary measure while they regroup and gather whatever forces they can, as well as petition for help from the newly-organized government.
Meanwhile, Maya is back in Ul'dah and Thanalan to search for her father once more. Having the last formally-recognized lord of the Kogane estate would be a tremendous aid to the case of Maya's branch of the family. Eizan has been mostly drifting from ship to ship as an armed guard, but has grudgingly promised to find his ground legs again and come to his sister's aid if it becomes necessary to dislodge the Hatsuyari by force.


Not out yet!

Recent Times

This section to be updated with events occurring in RP!

Common Uncommon
These are rumors that are easily overheard or public knowledge. Use them freely!*
  • "I hear she's got an in with ev'ry noble in th' city short of th' Sultana 'erself! An' that's jus' 'cause she ain't got those foreign paws on 'er yet, too!" - Angry Loafer
  • "Best watch out, son. That woman'll have you squeezed of favors 'til you're drier than Central Thanalan." - Down-on-his-Luck Gatekeeper
  • "What's a Doman like her doing in Ul'dah? You'd think she'd be livin' large in Limsa or somethin'..." - Honest Merchant

* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

These rumors may take a little digging to find. Use sparingly or ask permission before use.*
  • "Hard thing, isn't it? To have your claim to your lands challenged on grounds you thought long past over... Not that I mind, though." - Doman Noble
  • "That Kotetsu girl ain't all she's cracked up to be. I'm tellin' ya, she'll do anything if the gil's enough." - Seedy Marketseller
  • "Have you seen inside her property? I have - she's got a veritable arsenal of weapons in there! It's like she's planning to equip an army or something..." - Recently-Rich Tradesman

* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

Rare Player Character
These rumors are very difficult to find. Ask permission before use.*
  • "Ever heard of The Lady in Red? She's an adventurer 'round these parts. Nobody knows her much, but between you an' me... I seen her heading to Kotetsu's house one night. An' she never came out but three days later!" - Quicksand Patron
  • "Oi, come 'ere a sec. I gots somethin' fer ya. (hic) Me partner went to burgle that (hic) woman's place last week. Ain't seen him since..." - Back-Alley Drunk
  • "What, more marmots an' shrews for Miss Kotetsu? Well, I'm never one to refuse gil... I do wonder what the lady does with 'em all, though." - Up-And-Coming Adventurer

* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

These are rumors made by other characters. They are color coded for common, uncommon, or rare.*

* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

Relationship Status Key

  • Loved One
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  • Deceased
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Wiki Info Credits
This wiki page is updated as the character's story changes.

Last Updated: December 18, 2018

Please leave the credits section intact! Many people work very hard on their themes; please do not disrespect them!

This theme was lovingly coded by Shieke. Feel free to use this theme for your character! I have taken inspiration from the following people: