T'ruhme Qihl

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T'ruhme Qihl
A Shy Stray
TruhmeQihl banner.png

M-my sincerest apologies!



Vital Information

¦ PRONUNCIATION... Tee-RU(h)-meh KU-ee(h)l* (ちるめ くいる)

¦ RACE & CLAN... Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te

¦ TRIBE... Condors of Ul'dah

¦ GENDER... Female

¦ AGE... 19

¦ NAMEDAY... 1st Sun, 2nd Umbral Moon

¦ ORIENTATION... Bisexual


* = (h) represents the unique Miqo'te hissing sound

Other Statistics

¦ FAMILY... Lost sisters in Gyr Abania, various members of the Condor tribe

¦ RESIDENCE... The Goblet

¦ OCCUPATION... Freeloader

¦ PATRON DEITY... Azeyma, the Warden

¦ HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulms, 4 ilms. 113 ponze.

General Information
T'ruhme Qihl, the Seeker girl of great height and even greater shyness is one of the more recent additions to the Condors of Ul'dah. Originally hailing for Gyr Abania, her local sept of the Condors suffered and eventually crumbled under the reign of the Garlean Empire, forcing first servitude (and for her conscription), then rebellion and eventually escape upon her and what remained of her family. Her flight coinciding with the battle of Omega and Shinryu over Baelsar's Wall, the resulting aetherical clash nearby robbed the girl of her memory, leaving her wandering aimlessly through the Shroud. Eventually recalling her name, she sought out other Condors, finding them in Ul'dah, who took her in despite admitting to her that they had never heard of her. Now, she lives as a member of their sept, her past still unbeknownst even to herself.
This feels strangely familiar...
malachite green black-brown dark brown tall, trained, busty, wide hips Thin, high, fast
shy, apologetic, easily excited dextral minor scars on torso, major scars on arms green markings underneath eyes comfortable, airy
Hair & Eyes
T'ruhme's hair is of such dark colour that it can be difficult to decide whehter it is black or brown, the tone varying depending on where the sun has bleached it. To keep it out of the way during daily tasks, she both binds and braids it behind her head into a ponytail. However, while such showing of dedication is commendable, her courage to do so does not last all around, as in the front she keeps some hair hanging into her eyes, possibly to hide behind. Her eyes are of a piercing blue-hued emerald and always wander restlessly, betraying her nervous insecurity.
Physique & Markings
Were it not for her timid posture, T'ruhme could make an impressive sight upon first meeting her: Tall for a Seeker woman, she quite often stands half a head higher than her peers. On second glance, however, it quickly becomes apparent that she is anything but an intimidating presence. An insecure, skittish bearing reveals her weaknesses from the get-go. Her arms are often fidgeting, as if she's unsure what to do with them, making them not really an impressive sight, even when she is not covering them up, revealing the scars underneath - incurred from years of harsh training and punishment.
Hygiene & Attire
Grateful for the opportunity of water and time, T'ruhme keeps clean, bathing regularily following a strict schedule, dedicating especially much time to her hair. While she is not one for extravagant perfumes, she enjoys the smell of cirtus fruits and sometimes uses their scents sprinkled upon her clothing to keep fresh. She prefers to dress in light and most of all comfortable clothes, putting all other considerations, such as any sense of fashion seondary. This, however, does not curb her enthusiasm for beautiful clothing, merely limiting her willingness to actually wear it. Unless the ground she walks absolutely requires it, it is rare to see her wearing shoes.
Psychological Profile
'Shy' and 'apologetic' describe T'ruhme before anything else. Seemingly afraid to death of picking fights and even entering so much as a verbal confrontation, she is constantly begging forgiveness for her percieved mistakes and will never miss an opportunity to back down when challenged in even the slightest of ways.
Underneath this shell lies an honest and kind soul that eyes the world with surprisingly childish curiosity and excitement. Her unwillingness or lack of ability to communicate this inclanation however often has her come across as a bit creepy and stalker-like.
Were she to remember her past, it would be easy to see how the Seeker girl came to be this way: During years of servitude, all signs of resistance were punished and subsequently scared out of the then young kit. Her nervous disposition and apologetic tendencies all stem from forgotten memories when even so much as asking a question at the wrong time would see her spending the rest of the day in hunger.
There is, however, underneath it all a spark that even T'ruhme herself is ill aware of. Between harsh training and looking for a way to cope with experiences saw her find a more unhinged part to herself that sought to return the misery dealt to her while relishing it in kind. Now that her life has changed for the better, it lies buried deep beneath once more.
A saving grace amidst how easily she often falters is a surprising lack of naivete. Even though she remembers naught, she has seen enough of the world to not run into its many dangers blindly.
Her tendency to talk faster the more nervous she becomes also often finds her making any given blunder even more embarassing for herself, often with hillarious results. Her selective memory loss also left her with some askew misconceptions about the world.
T'ruhme prefers not to speak up whenever possible, being almost comically afraid of accidentially interrupting someone or saying something her partners in conversation would deem unfitting, useless or plain stupid. Quick to apologise and trying to sound as non-threatening as possible, her voice is usually lacking in base. High and fast, she also never seems to raise the volume of her speech above a mumble unless absolutely neccessary. It is only on those moments that a richer quality to her voice becomes apparent, in part granted to her by her tall stature.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
Trying to avoid conflict whereever possible, she doesn't live by strong principles. While she tends to treat people with kindness and suspicion, none of these are part of an underlying moral code or philosophy. She tends to bow a lot by habit.
● Flowers
● Songs
● Gyr Abanian food
● Garlemald
● Clear and formal chains of command
● Magitek
● Caves
● The Ala Mihgan Resistance
Favourite Pastimes
Stalking Observation
● Exploring
● Singing
● Housework
● Gardening
● Good memory - An observer through and through
● Polite - Hard to be angry at
● Imposing stature - Tall for her kind
● Enduring - Unyielding to hunger, thirst and exhaustion
● Pain Resistance - Laugh the pain away
● Shy - Never speak up, never interrupt
● Easily scared - Fearing things long forgotten
● Clumsy - Overthinking means inviting disaster
● Awkward - Good intent alone makes for poor conversations
● Unhinged - Poor self-control
● Gratitude towards her tribe
● A lost past
● Unbound curiosity
● Kind nature
Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

TruhmeQihl combat.png
Basic Statistics
High: Toughness, Stamina
Above Average: Strength
Average: Speed, Perception, Intelligence
Low: Control
Weapon Training
Mastery: Greatswords, Axes
Expert: Sword & Shield
Average: Bow
Novice: Knifes
Fighting Style
Taught by mistakes and desperate struggles, with harsh and inconsiderate teachers, T'ruhme exhibits a fighting style that many would deem untennable under most circumstances. Rolling with hits rather than defending against them, she focuses almost exclusively on attack, even when defending someone or something. This reckless method of combat bears similiarities to that of the Dark Knights that roam the land, although the girl for obvious reasons has forgotten whether she ever encountered one. Her proclivity for relishing in pain rather than avoiding it has her easily lose control of both herself and the battles she fights. While sometimes effective, just as many times, especially against disciplined opponents, she proves less than capable.
Weapon of Choice
None: Selling hers to pay for food and clothing for the trip towards the tunnels underneath Baelsar's Wall, T'ruhme forgot she even knows how to wield a weapon during her accident as she was about to cross the border to the Shourd. As a result, she has undertaken no steps to have it replaced since.
OOC Note
This information is supposed to help give you an idea on how I RP combat. While I am open to talk about any of these points and am willing to compromise if good reasons are given, they can be considered a general guideline on how I will deal with any given RP combat situation.
Narrative > Combat: I am a firm believer in the idea that in RPing combat, the most narratively and dramatically appropriate outcome of a battle should take place. That means communicating upfront about a battle that is about to happen, determining who under the given conditions will win the battle, and then in agreement over the result RPing the fight itself.
Power Level: My preference for the given power level in a fight is again ruled by what is dramatically appropriate. In general, I prefer battles that run on 'Final Fantasy Cutscene physics', as these often make for a much more cinematic flow of the fight. If you want me to tone it down and prefer more 'realistic' battles, please inform me upfront. I am also a firm believer that escalating power levels in combat can be appropriate not only in dramatic, but also comedic situations.
Injuries: This kind of overlaps with the above: In my opinion and in agreement with the power level mentioned above, injuries should be incurred when dramatically appropriate and should, again, be decided in agreement between the combatants. Injuries should also scale with tone: In a comedic or less serious fight, I am completely fine with anime-esque injuries that'll heal in a few scenes, while obviously in a serious context injuries might be more permanent.
Disagreements: If we can't agree on how combat will go despite communicating, it is probably best to just leave it at that. Otherwise I reserve the right to ignore the combatants who don't play by the rules.
I don't want to be OP: T'ruhme's approach to combat lends itself to very momentum-based fights, in which she might be able to steamroll stronger opponents either way. At the very same time, weaker opponents might beat her with little effort if they are only disciplined enough to defend in face of her unhinged trashing. As such, her power balance can be quite askew in both directions depending on her opponent. This is not meant as an excuse to instantly win battles against stronger opponents and then 'balancing it' by losing to weaker ones, but merely that for combat with her, context of skill is a much bigger factor than it usually might be. As such, communication during or before combat is key even moreso than usual.



In Recent Times
Moving Forward

Relationship Status Legend
Romantic Interest
Sexual Interest
Best Friend

A lot of these are placeholders and will be filled out in more detail over time.

T'arl Nunh, () - Nunh of the Condors
Character's Thoughts: "He took me in even though I was not of his tribe and treated me as one of his own. For that, I shall be forever grateful."
T'ruhme met T'arl first when she arrived at the Condor's doorstep, believing herself to belong to the Ul'dahn sept of the tribe. While her mistake was quickly pointed out to her, T'arl nonetheless took pity upon the exhausted and hungry girl and allowed her to stay, providing her with food and clothing.
???, ??? ( )
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
NPC Rumours

T'ruhme's lack of a past lends itself to speculation. Together with her shyness that can make it quite difficult to get any good info out of her, quite often people are simply forced to speculate about her to make up for lack of concrete information. As a result, it is often difficult to separate proper rumours from mere stories about her. Here are just some of the things you might hear about her...

◢ Common Rumours - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"That's the lass that's always sneaking about behind people's backs thinking they can't see here, aye? Might be up to no good, but gladly she seems quite incompetent at it." — Goblet Resident.
"I just can't place her accent at all. Sometimes she sounds like she's from Thanalan, sometimes I could have sworn she's from the old occupied territories - and then again I could swear there's something of the Three Eyes in the way she speaks..." — Local Trader in Ul'dah.
◢ Uncommon Rumours - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"You think I can't tell a battle scar from a regular one when I see 'em? Those on her arms she definitely suffered in a fight. How someone like her would have gotten into one, though..." — Goblet Guard.
"From the sounds of it, she was close by when Shinryu and Omega fought battle over Baelsar's Wall. No wonder she can't remember a thing. All that charged aether around must have knocked a few screws loose." — Gridanian Trader.
◢ Rare Rumours - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Dark complexion, worn clothes and thin as a stick when they showed up here? Aye, I've seen plenty of the sort. Gyr Abanian refugees, every single one of them." — Guard at Hawthrone Hut.
PC Rumours

If you want to spread your own rumours about T'ruhme, feel free to leave them here.

◢ Player Character Rumours - Some of these are more rare than others!
¦ "Rumour" — Rumourmonger.
¦ "Rumour" — Rumourmonger.

RP Info

TruhmeQihl rpinfo.png
Location & Probability
Places where the character is very likely to be seen
The Goblet: Very High
Ul'dah: High
Thanalan: Medium-High
Elsewhere: Low (unless traveling with other tribe members)
Most of these aren’t public, and would have to be asked after!
Condors of Ul'dah: Her adopted tribe.
Condors of Gyr Abania: Her original sept, since scattered and lost to history. She herself does not remember them.
RP Limits
RPers are as varied as the corns of sand on the beach, with various different tastes, interests and methods of going about every single aspect of our hobby. While I too obviously prefer some things and dislike others to the point where I won't RP them period, above all else, I believe that OOC communication is key. If you are uncertain about something, if you have a grand idea for an RP hook, if you got a suggestion, themes you'd like to explore, if you wonder whether content XYZ is appropriate to my tastes, talk to me before we RP. Let's have an honest and open conversation first and foremost. At worst we'll disagree and don't RP. And at best, we'll find a solution that works for everyone and get to RP the hell out of that!
I will play Comedic and serious plots; violent content and fights: within the limits set in the combat OOC section of this page; fluff; drama; classical mysteries; and; much; more...
Ask about Epic, large scale & long term plots: these take a lot of commitment that I don't always have time for or am willing to invest in; Sexual and romantic content: While I am not opposed to either, both fields are littered with tons of red flags that I'd first like to make sure are avoided. This ranges from content I consider to be disgusting with the former type of content all the way to tropes that make me want to throw up in relation to the latter type of content;
I won't play Poorly written plots; lore-breaking characters and plots; interaction with mary sues; pure ERP plots; and; much; more...
RP Hooks
Here are some ideas and suggestions for spontaneous RPing. Please always send a tell first or contact me otherwise to make sure I got time.
■ Catching T'ruhme not very stealthily stalking someone
■ Placeholder for more in future (hopefully...)
OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
As with all my characters, they should be considered to be a perpetual 'work in progress', so feel free to check back here freqently.
Character Lore Adherence
This character tries to abide by game lore to the best of my ability, while adding and filling out blanks where needed, such as her tribe. Should future patches create contradictions between game lore and character lore, game lore is presumed to apply and the character will be updated soon to fix those contradictions!
Character Concept
This character's backstory was written by my fellow RPer T'rosia Arl, who provided me with the rough framework after handing her an outline for Ruhme's personality, that I then merely filled with countless details. As such, this character is much more their creation than mine, and I am merely the actor playing the role they concieved of. As such, my thanks and credit go to them.
Character Tidbits
Here are some tropes that are either contained within the character to some degree, or even backwards served as inspiration for particular elements. Feel free to enjoy your links to the internet's most effective browser narcotic.

Wiki Information
Last updated: June 2019.

This page uses the Glioca Character Template v2. A blank version of it can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.
■ Uses code snippets from the Kiri Template