Bonnebell Arseneaud

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Bonnebell Arseneaud
The Fortunate
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BIRTH NAME : Bonnebell Arseneaud

SEX : Female

RACE & CLAN : Ishgardian Hyur

AGE : In her early 20's

HEIGHT : 5'5"

NAMEDAY : 2nd Sun of the 6th Astral Moon

VOICECLAIM : Dorothy Elias-Fahn


NICKNAMES : Bonnie, Bons, Bonbon

TITLES : The Fortunate, The Ardently Loving

BIRTHPLACE : The Holy See of Ishgard



OCCUPATION : Clergy magicker / Acolyte

ALIGNMENT : Lawful good

PATRON DEITY : Halone, the Fury


A vivacious, whimsical woman from the snowy city of Ishgard. With the war between man and dragon reaching its conclusion, Bonnebell is no longer content with the idea of simply living a life devoting herself to the Church and assuring the happiness of her family. The kindhearted magicker gathered the resolve to step out of the safety of her gilded cage to pursue her dreams of being shaped by what experiences life free of fear has to offer.

Wide eyed and easily impressed, Bonnebell is a thrall to her whims outside of the Holy See - partaking in and exploring uncharted territory such as sharing drinks and meals with complete strangers, swapping travelling songs with those she shares a carriage or chocobo with and partying at establishments such as the Gold Saucer until the sun rises. She writes about every adventure, rarely found without her journal on her person.

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Rarely found without a smile on her face, Bonnebell is an incredibly loving individual with a serene disposition and positive outlook on life. Despite her sheltered upbringing, Bonnebell isn't naive to the world's cruelty and has decided that life would be better enjoyed if it wasn't wasted away fearing the worst.

Bonnebell spent most of her youth in the church, which helped her develop keen observational skills - she's very perceptive and can't help but ask someone what's wrong if they seem troubled. Honest to the point of bluntness, Bonnebell lacks shame and tact, she's the type to state the obvious and doesn't hesitate to share her thoughts.

While she's enjoyed her servitude to the church, Bonnebell dreams of a life outside its stone walls and stain glass windows. Her head is usually in the clouds, dreaming up vivid scenarios of adventures around Eorzea, people she'd like to meet and fall in love with, songs to write and sing and what life would be like with wings or a mermaid tail. She can be considered odd at times, acting whimsical and playful, even with complete strangers.


  • Art

  • Cooking

  • Ghost stories

  • Making trinkets


  • Exercise

  • Deafening silence

  • Fragrant smoke

  • Prejudice

Distinctive Features

  • Insightful

  • Empathetic

  • Forgiving

  • Earnest


  • Embarrassing

  • Clumsy

  • Melodramatic

  • Fickle hearted


  • Being cornered : By men especially. Being surrounded by men would send Bonnebell into a hysterical panic attack.

  • Scalekin : While thankful she was born into the generation that saw the end of the Dragonsong War, Bonnebell remains wary of dragons and their kin, the memories of the kinds of wounds they can inflict and the heat of fire from their bellies still vivid and haunting.


  • FAVORITE FOOD : Jellied Harcot, Creamy Salmon Pasta, Apple Strudel

  • FAVORITE DRINK  : Heavenly Eggnog, Masala Chai, Apple Juice

  • FAVORITE COLOR  : Sky blue

  • FAVORITE ANIMAL  : Rabbits


The following items are things that Bonnebell tends to carry on her person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets and those who might be watching her closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, but feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell..

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Item 1
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Item 2
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Item 3
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Item 4
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Item 5
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Combat Skills & Abilities
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   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis finibus quis dui nec varius. Cras malesuada enim orci, id pellentesque odio consequat id. Curabitur sed odio libero. Nunc placerat lacus nec mauris ultrices facilisis. Praesent congue quam sed varius pretium. Vivamus molestie, velit sit amet dapibus fermentum, massa velit feugiat nisi, sit amet dapibus lorem ligula convallis sapien. Mauris ligula nulla, pellentesque sit amet scelerisque a, blandit et erat. Aliquam magna libero, egestas ac augue sed, fringilla convallis dui. Curabitur ultrices, nulla id eleifend sagittis, nibh ligula porta purus, id porttitor odio ligula vitae odio. Suspendisse pulvinar sapien non purus aliquam, ut ornare diam faucibus. Donec lobortis varius mauris, vel hendrerit neque aliquam vel. Sed a velit justo. Phasellus congue arcu quis sodales sagittis. Duis accumsan finibus tincidunt. Vivamus iaculis massa quis nunc tristique, vitae pharetra metus euismod.

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Weapon 1
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Weapon 2
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Weapon 3
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Weapon 4
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Weapon 5
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Any natives to Ishgard may know Bonnebell! Born sickly and frail, she rarely got the chance to go outside and make friends. When she did leave the safety of her home, it would be to accompany her mother to the cathedral to join her in prayer for the Fury's mercy. In her youth, Bonnebell was timid and would cry at the smallest of things, making her an easy target for bullies.

Once she was old enough, her father sent her off to serve the church. While initially unhappy with this decision, Bonnebell eventually accepted it and devoted herself to assisting the clergy.

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Bonnebell can be found at the Saint Reymanaud's Cathedral on a daily basis when she's not travelling. She is, after all, an acolyte who assists the clergy with no intention of rising into priesthood. Need advice? Someone unbiased to confide in? Someone talented with purification, restorative and holy magicks? Bonnebell is always willing to help in any way she can.

Those of the Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly may recognise her too. Whenever the Hospitaliers were in need of extra hands, Bonnebell would assist the chirurgeons with mending wounds. Perhaps she was playing nurse while you were injured!

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Bonnebell was born an Arseneaud, a lesser noble, renowned family of talented architects and artisans responsible for most of Ishgard's intricate building and housing designs. Bonnie herself bears an artistic soul but thanks to her father refusing to allow her an outlet, she's unable to pursue her dream of a life in theatre and opts for admiring and looking into the artisan world through a window. Do you craft? Paint? Sing? Act? Dance? Bonnie might end up your biggest fan.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis finibus quis dui nec varius. Cras malesuada enim orci, id pellentesque odio consequat id. Curabitur sed odio libero. Nunc placerat lacus nec mauris ultrices facilisis. Praesent congue quam sed varius pretium. Vivamus molestie, velit sit amet dapibus fermentum, massa velit feugiat nisi, sit amet dapibus lorem ligula convallis sapien. Mauris ligula nulla, pellentesque sit amet scelerisque a, blandit et erat. Aliquam magna libero, egestas ac augue sed, fringilla convallis dui. Curabitur ultrices, nulla id eleifend sagittis, nibh ligula porta purus, id porttitor odio ligula vitae odio. Suspendisse pulvinar sapien non purus aliquam, ut ornare diam faucibus. Donec lobortis varius mauris, vel hendrerit neque aliquam vel. Sed a velit justo. Phasellus congue arcu quis sodales sagittis. Duis accumsan finibus tincidunt. Vivamus iaculis massa quis nunc tristique, vitae pharetra metus euismod.

Familial love
Close friend
Romantic Feelings
Physical Attraction
Former lover
Positive standing
Neutral standing
Negative standing
? Uncertain

Thebault Arseneaud
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Juliet Arseneaud
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NOTABLE RELATIONS (Listed in alphabetical order)
A reserved, but affable, elezen Bonnebell met when she accompanied Killian to check on Primrose, Killian's protégée, who was staying at Gaspard's apartment at the time. While the number of their conversations can be counted on one hand, Bonnebell's impression of the elezen man is nothing but pleasant, finding his quiet, soft demeanour and devotion to his lover, Primrose, endearing. She can't help but tease Gaspard on occasion, hoping to conjure forth some reaction from him and break down some of the wall between them.  
( ) Inigo Alouette
A bright-eyed scholar hailing from the Old World, Inigo is one of Bonnebell's closest friends and a trusted confidant. They met under unpleasant circumstances - the two young women having acted as medics to the few casualties during an incident that involved a fire in a settlement just outside of Ishgard. Fascinated by the young prodigy's genius, manner of weaving spells and split personality, Bonnebell linked arms with Inigo and has yet to let go, often running to Inigo's side whenever they're in the same vicinity.

Very doting to her young friend, Bonnebell loves Inigo deeply and hopes to spend as much time with her as possible.

( ) Killian Waltz
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( ) Lorelei Blanchard
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( ) Piers Delacroix
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( ? ) Q'lin Larksong
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( ) Roy Ophlyte
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( ) Ylva Iryth
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Common rumours & quotes

  • "It's odd... she's odd. 'er type is usually part o' a flock, but she's always alone. Doesn't the poor lass 'ave any friends?" - Perplexed merchant from Tailfeather.
  • "Yep, she's a queer one... she's always singing and dancing around when she thinks no one's looking." - Snickering stablehand.
  • "She's... not bad on the eyes, you know? She always looks me in the eye when she smiles at me... I like that. I heard her betrothed left her for another woman, so I have a chance!" - Blushing squire.

Rare rumours & quotes

Players rumours & quotes

  • "Lady Bonnebell? Why do you ask? Is she in trouble again!? O-oh. You were just curious? N-nevermind." - Piers Delacroix
  • "I don't care who ya are, ye've no right to judge her before ye've met. She's beautiful and kind and loving like no one else I've ever known...we could all learn from her example." - Killian Waltz



Personal RP Limits
Below you will find a general list of things that I will and won't do within the context of roleplay. I ask you to please respect it to the best of your ability. If there's anything not on this list that you're unsure of, please don't hesitate to ask me first! I don't bite, I promise!

I will play . . . Mature and/or dark content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use). Occasional erotic themes for the purpose of developing characters and interactions / relationships. Coarse and explicit language. Injury and incapacitation.
Ask before . . . Long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Captivity or imprisonment, either long or short term.
I won't play . . . Permanent character death. Non-continuity / oneshot ERP with little to no merit for character development.

All of this said, your comfort and limits in RP are also very important to me. If an aspect of RP or certain themes make you uncomfortable, please let me know so that I can avoid them. Likewise, if something that happens in the midst of a scene makes you uncomfortable, please tell me immediately. I won't be offended at all, I promise! I am absolutely, 100% concerned with your comfort and enjoyment in our RP and would never want to make someone upset with pretendy-times.

On Walk-Up RP
I'll be the first person to admit that I can be hard to pin down for spontaneous RP. I wouldn't say that I'm not walk-up friendly. However, even when I'm out and around, most of the time I'm alt-tabbed working on something and not keeping up with my chat log. That said, sending me a tell before you post at me is usually recommended. This lets me know to redirect my window to the game if I'm available, and it saves you time in writing up a post if it turns out that I can't -- and it allows me to try and set up a raincheck with you if possible!

Important Notes for Prospective Long-term RP Partners
If you'd like to set up a more established, long-term RP partnership with me, I'm definitely willing to take on more partners! I love the chance to play my characters off of more characters and get in more delicious character development! However, PLEASE take note of the following things first to make sure this really is what you want to sign up for in an RP partner. Make sure you read and understand these points well if you're thinking about trying to set up something long term with me.

I'm being open and honest about what you can expect from me as a long-term RP partner, and this will not change magically overnight. So if any of this doesn't sound acceptable to you, then we will likely not be compatible. Likewise, if anything covered here becomes an issue during our time RPing together anyway (i.e. if someone starts trying to pressure or guilt trip me into daily RP when I clearly state that I am unable to do this), then I very well might excuse myself immediately from the partnership.

I can't offer you daily or near-daily RP. My schedule is very busy. Chances are very high that I won't be able to RP with you individually more than a 1-3 times a week.

My schedule also means that I generally can't offer you spontaneous RP at the drop of a hat. Sometimes it works out that I can, but it's generally an exception to the rule. The best way to make sure we have the opportunity to RP regularly is to plan ahead for it, at least a day in advance. That gives me time to adjust my schedule and make time for you best.

There are multiple people that I roleplay with. If you are easily made jealous OOCly by the prospect of me RPing with someone else or having to politely decline your offer for RP sometimes because I have promised someone else RP, then I am not the partner for you.

That said, I may be roleplaying with someone you personally dislike. Feel free to mention it to me so that I can avoid putting you two in a situation where you have to interact. But I don't want to know all your drama, dirty laundry, or sordid history with this person. And absolutely do not try to police who I choose to RP with, please.

Links Out
These links lead off of the wiki, but are still relevant to Bonnebell as a character. If a link is potentially NSFW, it will be denoted!

Wiki Templates: Using the skill stats window from Fancy Template and layout is inspired by Rixo and Nanagi's template for its simplicity and clarity. Thanks to the authors!

Original code by Jaliqai Qulaan, inventory tab by Sune Szihu and minor edits by me!