Zozola Zola

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Zozola Zola

"Trouble? Me? I am not sure what you are referring to~!"

Character Information
Full Name Zozola Zola
Nickname(s) Zozo
Race Lalafell
Subrace Dunesfolk
Gender Female
Sexual Orientation Bisexual
Relationship Status Single and Polyamorous
Nameday 31st Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Age 22
Guardian Menphina, the Lover
Birthplace Ul'dah
Occupation Entertainer, Host
Family Zuzurito Lalarito (father), Nanasa Nasa (mother), Lolorito Nanarito (distant cousin/family patriarch)

General Information

Zozo is a distant cousin of Lord Lolorito. Her parents are higher-ups in the East Aldenard Trading Company and she has lived with a silver spoon in her mouth for most of her life. But despite having every advantage, Zo has had no direction of her own and has spent her early adult years riding the coattails of her family's wealth. Until now. She has been cut off from her family due in part to her refusal to agree to an arranged marriage to some Hyur in Kugane. She now works for the Whispered Wish as an entertainer and some manner of research assistant. She is trying to carve out a new path for herself.


Zozola is quite short, even for a lalafell, standing at a solid 2'10". She is also quite chubby. Her Ul'dahn brown skin is soft and supple, and there is a blush to her cheeks. Her long wavy hair is a pale mint green in color, with pink highlights on the tips. Recently she has begun wearing her hair up in a ponytail, tied together with a twisted braid. Her pale lilac dunesfolk eyes are often hidden behind a pair of round spectacles.

She is often seen draped in pastel colors, particularly pastel pinks, blues, and violets. Despite her soft cute appearance and aesthetic, her body language often betrays her true salty nature.


Personality Traits

  • Awkward
  • Insecure
  • Creative
  • Sheltered
  • Protective
  • Disaster Lesbian
  • Salty
  • Romantic
  • Educated
  • Polyamorous


Zozola generally approaches all social situations with a kind, polite demeanor. This often proves to be a bit of a falsehood in uncomfortable social situations however, wherein she remains polite but her body language betrays her discomfort entirely. She is not very good at making new friends, though once she is close to someone she becomes incredibly comfortable with them.

Zozo loves to eat, drink, and be merry with those she is most comfortable with. Her flirtaciousness toward those she is especially close to is omnipresent as she loves to get a rise out of those she would be intimate with, but when they flirt back she tends to get incredibly flustered.

She is rather insecure, and she tends to take it personally when she is overlooked, rejected, or condescended to. When such a thing happens, the mask of politeness dissolves and her true bitterness is plainly visible to the world.

Philosophy & Ideals

Zozola believes in the freedom of the individual above all else. This idealized freedom is everpresent in her life, bordering on hedonism at times. This concept expands to a romantic ideal as well - believing in the ability to love multiple people at once.

She cares deeply for her friends, especially those who have seen her at her lowest. She can be rather selfish, but if it is for her closest friends, she will do just about anything to protect them.

Personality Tidbits

  • While attracted to some men, Zozola is typically uncomfortable and annoyed by them - with few exceptions. She largely prefers the company of women, in both romantic and platonic contexts.
  • Due to her insecurities and inherent awkwardness, Zozola struggles a bit in social situations, especially large groups.
  • She despises being condescended to, ignored, and infantilized because of her size above most things. Look down on her at your own peril.
  • Despite being privileged in her youth, it takes very little to make Zo feel satisfied with her circumstances. She sees good food, good drink, a comfortable place to rest your head, and good company as the pillars of a good life. She is not very assertive, and while she likes gil as much as the next person, she prefers freedom over wealth.
Likes Dislikes
  • The company of women
  • The freedom to live her life on her terms
  • Performing songs in front of a crowd
  • People who are sincere and authentic and encourage her to be the same
  • Red Magic, and all that entails
  • The art of storytelling, be they historical or fictional
  • Familial Expecations
  • Unnecessary conflict
  • The feeling of dirt on her skin
  • Cruelty and Disrespect
  • Unseen ridges and cliffs
Skills Education
  • Singing
  • History
  • Red Magic
  • Painting
  • Entertaining
  • Higher General Education via Private Instructors
  • Training as a Red Mage under Azzy Crannach
  • Classically-trained Singer
Strengths Flaws
  • Empathetic - When people are struggling, she finds it rather easy to relate to what they are going through, and will treat them accordingly.
  • Resilient - Zozo is more resilient than she gives herself credit for. Even under the worst circumstances, she finds a way through it.
  • Intelligent - She has some manner of higher general education, and despite her lack of understanding of the world, she tends to pick up on new ideas quickly....most of the time.
  • Creative - A singer and painter with a mind to write music, Zozo is quite creative. This creativity sometimes flows into her interests outside of the arts.
  • Insecure - in part due to a number of traumatic experiences, Zozola feels very insecure when she is not actively being supported by her friends. This manifests sometimes as jealousy, bitterness, and sometimes even self-destructive behavior.
  • Spoiled - Her new life at the Whispered Wish does not entirely discount how spoiled she was growing up. Sometimes she is hit point blank with concepts that less-wealthy people were already well-familiar with, and as a result she either feels empathy to an unhealthy degree or simply can't comprehend such a life.
  • Stubborn - When she gets an idea into her head, it is incredibly difficult to sway her otherwise.
  • Troublemaker - Zozola loves nothing more than to needle the people around her. For the most part this is a playful sowing of chaos among friends - but it has been known to escalate under more dire circumstances.
Fears Favorites
  • Due to her many insecurities, Zozo is terribly afraid of being abandoned.
  • Zozo is terrified that her family will decide the course of her life.
  • Moreover, she is terrified that they will take their anger towards her out on her friends and loved ones.
  • Zozola loves simple comforts, such as delicious cocktails and good food.
  • Zozo loves the arts and storytelling, and she loves to perform theatrical music performances.
  • Zozola is most happy when she is living authentically and is accepted for who she is.

Early Life


Zozola was born in Ul'dah to Zuzurito Lalarito and Nanasa Nasa. As the only child of a wealthy family of merchants directly connected to the Syndicate through its leader, her distant cousin Lolorito Nanarito, she grew up with everything she could have wanted. She had the best private education that Ul'dahn gil could buy, and every possible luxury that a wealthy young girl could afford.

She had a small number of friends growing up. Three dunesfolk lasses and a highlander girl whose father had relocated to Ul'dah after making his fortune on the high seas. They shared the same tutor and attended the same events as children, so Zozola had grown quite attached to them.





Recent Times


Common Uncommon
These are rumors that are easily overheard or public knowledge. Use them freely!*
  • "Did you hear about Zuzurito's daughter? Word on the street is she is a courtesan at that brothel in the Goblet. How scandalous!" - Yuyusi, Ul'dahn Socialite and Busybody
  • "I've heard tell that the mint-haired dunesfolk lass at the Whispered Wish has the voice of an angel - though I've yet to hear it myself." - Whispered Wish Patron
  • "Oh, Zozola at the Whispered Wish? I heard from a miqo'te that frequents that place that she is a stage magician. He said something about her 'magical disappearing hat', or somesuch? Curious." - Resident Caretaker, The Goblet
  • "Tis true! I saw it myself! The lass was escorted out of Ul'dah flanked by Brass Blades. I wonder what kind of trouble the lass found herself in..." - Seseroga, Sapphire Avenue Exchange Liason

* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

These rumors may take a little digging to find. Use sparingly or ask permission before use.*
  • "You didn't hear it from me, but I once saw the little songbird being escorted from Lord Lolorito's estate in rags. She looked like death..." - Popori Pori, Pugilist's Guild
  • "I heard tell of some manner of rescue in Gyr Abania? I did not wish to pry, but those folks seemed eager to get their little friend back." - Whispered Wish Patron
  • "She likes her alcohol. Ever since she's been back from her recent ordeal, she has relied on it too strongly. She thinks I haven't noticed her poking about behind the bar while I am attending to other responsibilities, but I am well aware that she is developing a problem." - Gwen, Whispered Wish Barkeep.
  • "Oh, you didn't know? She and I were lovers once. The poor naive lesbian thought I would be her partner, but I was merely using her. I married my husband instead, and now she is used by the whole damn city..." - Fufuga, Ul'dahn Socialite

* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

Rare Player Character
These rumors are very difficult to find. Ask permission before use.*
  • "I heard that Lord Lolorito had forced one of his own blood into indentured servitude. How disgusting!" - Unknown
  • "Aye, I am interested in marriage, but I am afraid to mention that aloud at work. The last time I did that, Lord Lolorito shipped his cousin off to meet me for a possible engagement. She seemed none too thrilled about the idea...and after learning what happened next, I cannot say I blame her for the lack of enthusiasm. ...you did not hear any of that from me." - Hancock Fitzgerald, East Aldenard Trading Company
  • "I should not be seen here. I am afraid I will upset the lady in pink." - Koyano Mihata

* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

These are rumors made by other characters. They are color coded for common, uncommon, or rare.*
  • "" - .
  • "" - .
  • "" - .

* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

Relationship Status Key

  • Loved One
  • In Love
  • Attraction
  • § Complicated
  • Friend

  • Good Standing
  • Poor Standing
  • Neutral
  • Uncertain
  • Deceased
Partners Close Friends
  • Daerin Roda


  • Lily Nibelung


  • Lalamune Zazamune


  • Bhaldbyrm Anch


Family Acquaintances
  • Zuzurito Lalarito (Father)


  • Nanasa Nasa (Mother)


  • Lolorito Nanarito (Distant Cousin/Family Patriarch)


  • Azzy Crannach


  • La'nette Eve


  • Koyano Mihata



Likely Locations Affiliations
  • The Whispered Wish: High Likelihood
  • Ul'dah: Medium Likelihood
  • Gridania, Limsa Lominsa: Low Likelihood
  • The Whispered Wish: Entertainer and Host
  • East Aldenard Trading Company: Connected by family ties, but not willingly associated.
  • Ul'dahn High Society: Previously affiliated.

RP Hooks

  • Prodigal Daughter of Ul'dah


  • Whispered Wish


  • Red Apprentice


  • Songbird


  • Educated in Ul'dah



RP Preferences:


Other Information Credits

Last Updated: April, 2020

Refsheet: https://refsheet.net/CaeliaMer/Zozola

F-List (NSFW!): https://www.f-list.net/c/zozola/

This theme was lovingly coded by Shieke. Feel free to use this theme for your character! I have taken inspiration from the following people: