Moenlona Yssenwyn

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Moenlona Yssenwyn
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Female
Race Roegadyn
Clan Sea Wolf
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
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Born into slavery to the merchants of Ul'dah, Moenlona is a quiet and reserved female Roegadyn that has only recently experienced freedom with the passing of Gerod Vayn, her most recent master. Though skilled with a spear and physically powerful, Moenlona often chooses to avoid confrontation whenever possible. There are rumors that she was involved with a cult when she was younger, but very few people know the spefics.


Moenlona is extremely tall, even by Roegadyn standards, and built of rugged muscle that has been forged through a lifetime of hard work and combat training. Her skin is shockingly pale, and covered with hundreds of scars. Primarily on her hands and arms, the majority of her scars are the result of manual labor. There are however dozens of deep whip marks across her back, a lasting reminder of her time as a slave. Often hastily styled, her hair is light blue, matching the hue of her lips. Though she often keeps them hidden, Moenlona's eyes are by far her most shocking feature. Bone white during the full moon, they dim slightly with each phase of the moon, until they reach pitch black during the new moon. Those close to her have nicknamed her 'Mooneyes' as a term of endearment, though many wonder what causes such a strange change in pigment.


Moenlona is quiet and reserved to a fault, a personality trait that she developed over years of serving as a slave to masters and mistresses that preferred that she be seen rather than heard. Though she rarely speaks, she always listens, paying keen attention to conversations going on around her. This desire to keep abreast of everything that is going on around her however often makes her uncomfortable in large social gatherings, where the number of conversations quickly becomes more than she can keep track of. Her expression is often placid, even in the face of confrontation or danger, leading many to believe that this 'mask' that she wears is a sign that she keeps her emotions closely guarded. Very slow to anger, Moenlona often bears any insult or provocation without reaction, and willingly accepts injury rather than retaliating. It is only in the defense of others that the mask that she wears cracks, showing the slightest glimpse of her true nature.


Though she prefers to avoid confrontation, Moenlona is a fierce combatant. Her massive frame and physically powerful build grant her an impressive level of strength and endurance. However, what many don't realize is that just because she is big, doesn't mean that she is slow. Trained to be a performer at a young age by one of her first masters, she is surprisingly graceful and quick on her feet, an edge that often catches many of her foes off guard. Though she is trained in the art of fighting with a spear, she shows much more capability with the axe. This is most likely due to its functional similarities to the logging axe and mining pick that she has used all of her life, but also because it is the only weapon that allows her to use her full strength.


Likes: Peace, Quiet, Meditation, Music, Bathing, Reading, Writing

Dislikes: Confrontation, Large crowds, Aetheric Weapons, Slavers, Beastmen, Bullies

Hobbies & TalentsMoenlona has very few things that could be considered a hobby. Outside of reading, almost all of her free time is spent out in the field gathering goods, another hold over from her time as a slave. Moenlona is actually the name that she adopted for herself because many of the other slaves took to calling her that due to how much time she would spend gathering by moonlight. This work ethic was one of the traits that allowed her luxuries during her time as a slave, and as such it is a continuing source of pride to her..



  • Yssen Van(Adoptive Father):  Yssen is the closest thing to a father that Moenlona has ever known, surpassing even the few kind masters that she has served under in the past. When she was found by Hope in the blasted remains of Carteneau, Yssen was the one that carried her from the battlefield and saw to it that her wounds were tended to. In the years following the calamity, Moenlona came to trust and respect Yssen as she would her own flesh and blood, and now considers herself to be his adoptive daughter. Though she often finds herself unable to comprehend the way that Yssen interacts with her, she loves him all the same.
  • Hope Van (Little Sister): Hope is the little sister that Moenlona always wished that she could have. There have been other young girls in the past that she could have shared that kind of connection with, but many of them were stolen away from her by nature of the slave trade. Taking an instant liking to Hope when she was recovering from her injuries, she has grown to love the spunky troublemaker. She often wonders if all of the training that Hope does with Yssen is really the best for her, worrying that the life that Yssen lives may be too perilous for her young sister. However, she does what she can to be supportive, and to help the little scamp cash the checks that her mouth writes.


  • Endricane Feltaro: With the exception of a few interactions with Endricane outside of Soliloquy, Moenlona really doesn't know much about the man except that he is a friend of her friends. Nevertheless, she came to the aid of the others in order to rescue him from the clutches of his enemies.
  • Xenedra Ambreaus: Xenedra is one of the first people that Moenlona interacted with when she moved from Ul'dah to Limsa Lominsa. She had taken a chance on finding a good place to find eat and drink, and had wandered into Soliloquy almost completely at random. Finding Xenedra's playful and friendly manner appealing, she chose to have dinner at the tavern and has been coming back ever since. There is a lot about Xenedra's antics that Moenlona doesn't really appreciate, but she respects the young Miqo'te all the same.
  • Endemerrin Rosethorne: The leader of Blue Skies and Xenedra's boyfriend, Moenlona only knows him by his association with Xenedra and has never really interacted with him personally. From what she has seen, she feels that he is a good enough person, but questions whether he would be a good leader.
  • Kassandra Dawn: Kassandra Dawn is the owner of a local apothecary that Moenlona has recently agreed to work for on a contract basis. Always in need of the various herbs and ores that can be gathered in La Noscea, Kassandra is the primary source of work that Moenlona does to support herself.<


 Common Rumors (Easily overheard):

  • “That girl must be rich, she spends every waking hour out in the fields."
  • “I wonder when she actually sleeps, I've seen her working at dawn and long into the night”
  • “Don't bother chasing her man, she's a giant cock blocker. That way is SHUT.”

 Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear):

  • “I heard that she once punched a Vanguard to death, barehanded.”
  • “That girl must have a huge sweet tooth, she's always buying bubble chocolates.”
  • “I've heard that she was a slave in Ul'dah. I wonder how she got free...”

Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard):

  • “I heard that she killed her first master. Murdered him.”
  • “Is it true that her eyes change color?”
  • “I'm serious! She writes those steamy novels that you read all the time!"

Player Character Rumors (If you want to share one, feel free)

  • “I never knew Menphina was a Roegadyn~"


The Past

  • The Early Years:

 XIV Story 1.0

 XIV The 5 years after the Calamity

Present Day

Other Notes