Kenthy Pennyfeather

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Kenthy Pennyfeather
Kenthy Pennyfeather.png
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Ul'dah



Kenthy Pennyfeather (born L'kenthi Nhemo and later renamed Lu'kenthi Nhemo) is a hot-blooded young Miqo'te with a burning drive to prove her worth. A tribal defector, she made her way into Ul'dah to forge a different life for herself. Her allegiance is only good up to a certain point, typically depending on the amount of coin some one is putting in her hand.


Small in stature, Kenthy stands at a less-than-impressive five fulms even. Every ilm of her body is packed with dense, tight muscle with most of her weight centered around her hips and thighs. The width of her lower body offsets the general lacking of her upper body, specifically her chest. Poetic gentleman make a habit of comparing her to a walking flame due to her blazing red hair and her matching demeanor. Deep bronze skin has soaked up every single ray from the Thanalan sun. Born blessed with heterochromatic eyes, she shares the colors of her mother and her grandfather: gold on the left, silver on the right. Given the rareness of her smile, it is quite difficult to find out that she has grown lengthy canines despite her full-blooded Sun Seeker ancestry. Her tail is long enough to nearly brush against her ankles when she walks. Throughout her life, she has painstakingly conditioned herself to keep her tail still and emote very rarely with it. It is very common to see Kenthy dressed either entirely in dark leather and cloth or in a finer casual dress. She has adopted some fashion sense since relocating to Ul'dah but she rarely shows any interest in clothing and owns very few outfits.


While she often appears in the background of some one else's merrymaking or adventuring, Kenthy is content to keep to herself. She'll be spotted sipping a drink in a tavern or perhaps looking down on the crowds in the streets of Ul'dah from a high vantage point but she is typically unwilling to start a conversation or approach a stranger. If any one can manage to get her talking, a steady stream of jabs and insults falls from her lips as though it's the only way she knows to speak. Her gruff attitude shows itself to men more quickly than it does to women though she tends to regard each gender just as negatively as the other. A passionate heart beats beneath that heavy coating of aggression however and a certain few are sometimes permitted to see it. Kenthy will take moments to sit and chat with the girls who dance in the streets of Ul'dah, enjoying the stories that they carry with them. She is always soft-spoken and decent barmaids and innkeepers. To some, the fire within her means comfort. To others, her burning soul is a looming threat, always prepared to consume those too weak to resist her.



A vast majority of Kenthy's fighting skills were learned out of necessity during her younger years. It was only after she came into Ul'dah that she devoted herself to more rigorous study and formal training. Some of her forms and stances are still sloppy and unrefined but teaching herself to survive created a sharp analytical mind. She is specifically proficient at working her way out of tight situations and dodging blows, using her diminutive size and remarkable speed to keep herself out of harm's way. While her punches come quickly and do solid damage, her legs are her greatest asset. The thick build of her lower body keeps her solid and balanced as she delivers incredible kicks. They have yet to invent a weapon that Kenthy enjoys using. She dislikes the idea of being caught helpless without a blade or a lance. There's a certain comfort that comes with knowing that your fists are always available.


A woman with more dislikes than likes, Kenthy is difficult to please. This does not mean that the task is impossible. It simply requires a bit of endurance and effort.


  • Strong, harsh tasting alcohol
  • Loud taverns
  • The conversations of others
  • Friendly (or perhaps not-so-friendly) competition
  • Wealth
  • A decent argument with a formidable opponent


  • Sun Seeker tribes
  • Men (generally speaking)
  • Physical and emotional intimacy
  • Disrespect
  • Accepting any sort of criticism
  • Defeat
  • Sweets


  • She is particularly skilled when it comes to eavesdropping and gathering information.
  • She dabbles in weaving as a form of stress relief.
  • She is perfectly capable of disappearing for days on end should she choose to. If Kenthy does not wish to be found, she will go out of her way not to be.
  • She can hold her liquor like a woman twice her size.
  • She is a proficient liar when she wishes to be, though she tends to favor being truthful.


Mated     Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire    Friendly     Neutral     Hostile

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Lu'nhemo Nunh: Kenthy's father. After being defeated by a Tia and replaced as Nunh of the Vipers, he arrogantly abandoned the tribe. His silver tongue tempted four females to follow after him, one of those females being Kenthy's mother. Kenthy holds a significant amount of resentment inside of her toward her father. He is presumed dead and she prefers the idea of it.
Lu'chenva Rarahn: Kenthy's mother. Lu'chenva was the youngest daughter of L'rarahn Nunh, a Viper Nunh remembered for being as respectable and skilled as he was virile. Her name was forever tarnished after she abandoned the Vipers to follow Lu'nhemo into his newly formed clan. Kenthy's relationship with her mother was complicated throughout her entire life. Kenthy remembers her fondly, but her thoughts are stained with pity. Lu'chenva is presumed dead.
Lu'dhirala Nhemo, Lu'prythi Nhemo, and Lu'kioya Nhemo: Kenthy's half-sisters, each born to one of the different women who followed Lu'nhemo. All three of them were born in the newly formed clan, unlike Kenthy who was born within the Vipers. All are presumed dead.
L'tohmi Tia and L'wehna Tia: Twins and Kenthy's full-blooded brothers. Born in the chaos of the Calamity, Kenthy was tasked by her mother to flee back to the Vipers with her newborn brothers. Though Kenthy was able to keep the infants safe as she made the long trip back to the tribe of her birth, there was no one among the Vipers who was able or willing to nurse the boys. They are confirmed dead.
L'rhuyito Rarahn: Kenthy's aunt and her mother's sister. She harbored Kenthy after her return to the Vipers.
L'miroh Tia: Kenthy's uncle and her mother's brother. He carried enough influence within the tribe to speak for Kenthy and gain permission for her to stay within the tribe despite the name that she carried.

Other Relationships

C'kayah Tia: He entered her life as a means of survival, offering Kenthy a steady source of income with limited commitment, he quickly became a close friend and a mentor to her. Though Kenthy finds it as hard as ever to trust, she holds a deep respect for C'kayah that is obvious to any one who sees them together. Some seem to think that she acts cold toward him; other suspect that the two are more involved than they let on. The details of their relationship stay between the two of them.
Kiht Jakkya: While Kenthy's first meeting with the Vice Matriarch of the Morbolvine clan was incredibly positive, she has since see what she feels are Kiht's true colors. Circumstances filled the air around them with tension and it seemed to finally hit a breaking point after Kiht pulled a very drunk Kenthy into an important conversation. Kenthy consistently finds new and exciting things that Kiht cannot see even when it's looking her in the face. For a number of reasons, Kenthy regards her as clueless and easy to fool. She does not consider Kiht a threat.
Rinh'li Nelhah: Originally Kenthy found herself seeking friendship from this Keeper as he seemed to listen to her and understand her in a way that she was not accustomed to. He became interested in something beyond friendship though and it sparked a series of instances in Kenthy's life that she still blames on Rinh'li. She did what she felt was necessary to settle the score. Though Kenthy still harbors some negative opinions about him, she looks past them and they two share an uneasy friendship.
Rinh'sae Nelhah: With their friendship formed by fist fights, Rinh'sae's energy and competitiveness drives Kenthy to loosen up and actually enjoy some aspects of life. Though their entire relationship was once at risk due to what Kenthy sees as a careless mistake, both are working to move past it and keep things positive between them. They are often seen together.


Common Rumors (Easily Overheard)

  • "Eh? Ya mean da little thin' was in here wit' the real pretty red hair? Don't think I ever seen a girl who emptied a glass so fast in me life, and sure as hells never felt one who hit so damn hard!" - Ul'dahn barfly
  • "Can't say I've heard a word from her outside of what she's buying. Heard from some others that she keeps a real nice smile hidden away, but I'll probably be long dead before any one gets the chance to see it." - Gridanian leatherworker

Moderate Rumors (Uncommonly Overheard)

  • "Such a sweet girl, a real nice girl! Real polite, always mindin' her 'pleases' an' her 'thank yas'. Not sure that I could ever say the same of some of the company she keeps though. Some of that lot seems a little less... reputable, if you understand... Think I jus' worry about her, that's all, that's all." - Camp Drybone barmaid
  • "Looks a bit worse for wear, don't she? 'Specially give how much coin I've seen her carryin'. Caught a glimpse into her coin purse as she was payin' her tab one night and can't reckon why the little thing don't use a bit of it to by herself a good pretty dress!" - Lominsan sailor

Rare Rumors (Very Difficult to Discover)

  • "There's a good heart in that one! She came and found the lot of us one night with a bottle of wine in her hands and we sat and all shared the bottle and she even got up and danced with us until the sun was streaming into the city! Wondered all sorts of things about what we're doing, where we came from. Didn't say too much about herself but think she liked it better that we didn't ask. Haven't seen her around lately though..." - Ul'dahn dancer

PC Rumors (Feel Free To Add IC Rumors)

  • "Do not underestimate this woman! If you do, you deserve everything that will happen to you." - C'kayah Tia
  • "She is a little spitfire. Nothing wrong with it, though some people don't give her the chance to show her softer side." - Lilithium Altair
  • "I sure never want to get on her bad side..." - Aya Foxheart


1557 - 1561: Young Childhood

L'kenthi Nhemo faced a life full of high expectations when she was born into the Viper tribe of Eastern Thanalan. Her grandfather had made a lasting impression on the tribe during his time as Nunh and, later, his time as an older Tia. Each of his numerous children was a point of pride within the Vipers and as L'rarahn's grandchildren started to enter the world, the tribe looked to them with confidence in the same way that they had once looked to their parents before them. L'kenthi's birth was of particular interest to others within the Vipers as she was the first child of L'chenva, the only of L'rarahn's children to inherit his distinctive gold and silver eyes. When L'kenthi's eyes revealed themselves to be of that same brilliant coloring, there was no small amount of celebration within the tribe. L'rarahn's eyes were thought to be a sign of his incredible potential when he had first fought his way into his position as Nunh. Seeing them again in his daughter and his granddaughter brought excitement to those who knew L'rarahn's legacy.

Mere moons before L'kenthi's fourth nameday, her sire, L'nhemo Nunh, was challenged and defeated. Losing his position as Nunh drove the man nearly mad. Refusing to abandon his title, he snaked his way into the minds of four of the tribes' women. Each had given birth to a child sired by L'nhemo. Three were forbidden from bringing their children with them. They were the ones who had given birth to sons. The only of the four who kept her child with her was L'chenva and L'kenthi became Lu'kenthi before she was four.

1561 - 1572: The Tribe Formed From Arrogance

The miniscule newly formed Lu tribe fled from Eastern Thanalan into the South Shroud. Lu'nhemo's laws and restrictions were harsh and the punishments for going against his instructions were even worse. Three of the four females were tasked with all of the things that were necessary to keep the entire lot of them alive. The fourth was tasked with Lu'kenthi's care; the females would switch responsibilities with every new moon. Little Lu'kenthi was tasked with nothing. Lu'nhemo saw to it that the women doted on his daughter and catered to her every desire. The Nunh himself involved himself minimally with the girl and she saw little of him aside from his angry outbursts. During her younger years, she learned to hold her tongue in front of her father. As she grew older, it was one of the first things she forgot.

Each female aside from Lu'chenva brought a daughter into the tribe as the years pressed forward but Lu'nhemo saw to it that there was no celebration, no excitement. Lu'dhirala came first, then Lu'prythi, and finally Lu'kioya. Not a single one enjoyed the lavish attention that was given to Lu'kenthi by the adults but Lu'kenthi found herself completely engrossed in her younger sisters as they all grew. It was with her younger sisters that Lu'kenthi found her passion, her fire. She would spend all of her time amusing the three of them, making up games for them to play together from the moment that the sun rose to the time that the moon glared through the cover of the trees. The first time that Lu'kenthi found her voice in the presence of her father, it was at the defense of her younger sisters. She prided herself on being their guardian and for protecting them though their mothers could not. Lu'nhemo had ensured that there would not be a Tia who could challenge him within his little vanity project. Despite his best efforts, Lu'kenthi stepped in to fill that role.

The girl began to watch her father with a more analytical eye, disgusted by his rage and arrogance. In her teenage years, she became prone to lashing out at the man. She would gladly mock him to his face and carry herself alongside her sisters as though she intended to pounce at any moment. Lu'nhemo grew tired of Lu'kenthi's attitude very quickly and, in hopes that it would teach the girl her place, he instructed Lu'chenva to ready her daughter for he would soon have her properly enter womanhood. Consumed by his egotistic delusions, Lu'nhemo wished to bring proper children into his tribe: ones who carried his blood from both parents. Lu'chenva was horrified but did as she was told. Lu'kenthi was enraged and refused to cooperate.

Her father was long past his prime and didn't stand a chance against his own daughter. Consumed by her disgust, Lu'kenthi met Lu'nhemo's advances with an attack and she left him a broken man. Lu'nhemo was furious but Lu'chenva intervened, begging for her daughter's life despite the fact that Lu'kenthi had little regard for whether or not she was allowed to keep it. An agreement was struck and Lu'chenva, who hadn't carried a child since Lu'kenthi, agreed that she would bear another for the Nunh until Lu'kenthi could be reasoned with.

The opportunity never came. As Dalamud began to consume the sky, Lu'chenva stole her daughter away and begged her forgiveness. Horribly pregnant, Lu'kenthi's mother knew that her child was coming soon but that there was a chance that none of them would survive to see the day. She gave her Lu'kenthi very specific instructions: the night that her sibling was born, the girl was to flee the tribe, return to Eastern Thanalan, and seek refuge with the Vipers. Lu'kenthi agreed without a moment of hesitation. It was at the Calamity's climax that her mother gave birth to twin boys; Lu'chenva knew them only long enough to give them their names.

In the chaos as Bahamut devastated Eorzea, Lu'kenthi fled with her newborn brothers held tight against her while the rest of her tribe fled in an unknown direction. She had never intended to stay long enough to find out where they had planned to go. Her eyes were set forward and she thanked every god she could think of when she reached the Vipers safely.

1572 - 1555: Return To The Vipers

It was a subtle change but she found herself grateful to hear "L'kenthi" again after ten long years without it. Like nearly every one in the wake of the catastrophic events, the Vipers were in shambles when she found them but her aunt, L'rhuyito Rarahn, took her in all the same. The rest of the tribe looked down upon L'kenthi with disdain, seeing her as a blemish on the tribe and a waste of resources during an already strained time. There was no one to nurse her brothers, not that any of the women would have been willing if they could have, and boys perished quickly.

Things slowly returned to the way that they used to be and the Vipers were faced with a decision: what precisely to do with L'kenthi. Her sire's name had become a slur amongst the tribe but the combined efforts of L'rhuyito and L'miroh, L'kenthi's uncle, convinced the others that the girl could find her place once more. It proved much simpler said than done. L'kenthi's grief at the loss of her siblings only served to make her more aggressive. The difference was that she had a new slew of targets now. The young Tias of the tribe made a game of picking fights with L'kenthi to see what it would take to pull a reaction from her. They all found out that it did not take much. The elder members of the tribe attempted to find a proper channel for the girl's destructiveness but, though she picked up skills quickly, she proved that she could not possibly be trusted with any one for any length of time. Some one presented the idea that perhaps L'kenthi would find herself more willing to behave if she was given a more permanent connection to the tribe. When her aunt told her that they intended to offer her to the Nunh to mate, L'kenthi readied herself to abandon the tribe by the time that the sun rose the next day. She was nearing her eighteenth nameday.

1555 - Present: A New Life In The Cities

Nothing more than a ragged, hungry little Miqo'te girl when she stumbled into Camp Drybone, L'kenthi found relief in the form of an aging Highlander couple who saw the state that she was in and took her in to feed her and put her back on her feet. Grateful for their selflessness and kindness, something that she was entirely unaccustomed to, she forged a new identity for herself in their honor. Her knowledge of Highlander naming conventions was somewhat lacking though and she pieced together a name for herself that sounded close enough in her mind: Kenthy Pennyfeather.

Spending the next year and a half in Ul'dah doing whatever paid at the time, Kenthy found herself enjoying her new-found freedom. There was a certain comfort that came from answering to no one but herself, spending long nights in the tavern just to return to an empty room at the inn. She found her purse empty more often than full but she told herself that coin wouldn't make her happy. She was finally able to stop lying to herself after a chance encounter with a mysterious dark haired stranger: C'kayah Tia. Though he originally saw her merely for the way that he filled out her skirt, the two forged a working relationship and Kenthy currently finds that unsavory work can create a very comfortable living arrangement.

Character Addenda

OOC Notes IC Connections

Character Soundtrack:
- All The Heavy Lifting - Mastodon
- She Who Mars The Skin Of Gods - Protest The Hero
- The Grudge - Tool
- The Poison Woman - The Dear Hunter
- Lateralus - Tool
- Stargasm - Mastodon
- Dare - Phildel
- Ropes - In Flames
- Parabola - Tool

Character Inspirations:
- Kenthy's body type is inspired by Samantha Wright, weight lifter and Olympian.

Your character might know Kenthy from:
- Kenthy is a regular face in many taverns across Thanalan. Though she is usually seen sitting by herself and keeping quiet, it is not unlikely for your character to have spotted her at some point. Her blazing red hair seems to catch the eyes of many.


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea