Vervara Rozthan

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 Vervara Rozthan
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Somewhere
Place of Birth Gridania
Nameday 5th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Age 26
Guardian Nymeia, the Spinner
Profession Conjurer
Theme Song Tiberoa

Vervara Rozthan is a healer and doer of odd jobs. She mostly devotes herself to whatever cause she picks up and makes herself available to the friends and family that might need her assistance.


During her childhood Vervara was, to all appearances, treated as if she were exactly like her brothers. Whether this was some sort of habit derived from a desire to shake off the very sexist environment her parents grew up in, or a simple attempt on her father's part to remain close to her while the Conjurer's Guild attempted to “steal” her from the family, it found Vervara growing up a quintessential tomboy. Though she has undoubtedly acquired a bulk order of feminine charm, it can almost be said that these traits were picked and purchased through a masculine filter, the “feminine” habits—or at least traits acted to a point of being habits—somehow meshing into a being that is at once pleasing to a chosen male companion, and suitable for a drinking buddy. Where women are concerned, Vervara has no trouble being herself around them and finds them very much appealing, but her unabashed demeanor often rubs other women the wrong way.

Initial contact with Vervara that is not wrapped up in the battlefield is invariably polite to the point she might sound more cultured than she is. This is perhaps a result of her homeschooling which was geared towards running the family shop. Her tutelage has found her with near to impeccable diction and manners, right down to proper enunciation. Once she is comfortable, and she can decide to get comfortable very quickly, she is hardly a stuffy sort.

Despite being a very passionate woman, Vervara has a certain fear of losing control that she cannot seem to shake as the years pass. She is certainly more comfortable in her skin after seeing the ways of the world, how things are not so cut and dry, but old habits die hard. As such, when outer stimuli has not coaxed her otherwise, she appears sedate, her smiles are muted, quiet, and there is a certain air about her that suggests she may just vanish. She doesn't find it difficult to remain this way, and indeed she does not think about it, but as any close friend or attractive stranger can attest, her confidence bubbles beneath the surface and, whether she feels inviting or ready for a standoff, it won't take much to unleash it. She is, after all, only hyur.

This aspect of her persona shows perhaps the most in her tendency to flirt. If Vervara finds someone attractive they will likely know immediately and friends are always fair game for a well meaning, if lewd, compliment. Often it seems as if nothing comes of these flirtations. Some who care to look might recognize the habit as a preemptive defense mechanism, used to disarm a stranger or otherwise that might be quick to anger or judge. It does not always work, and there have been many an Eorzean offended by her demeanor—whether before or after they find it amounts to nothing more than playfulness—but Vervara would rather live by “kill them with kindness” than tempt an inherent propensity towards rage.

By virtue of doing this herself, she expects something of the same from others, hence a dislike for those who give in to vices to a point past that which they can handle with a clear enough head. This might explain her own aversion to drinking. However, it should be remembered that very little in the world is pureply black and white; Vervara will partake of spirits when the time calls for it, and she would be a hypocrite if she expected everyone to keep a clear head the entirety of their days.



Tall even for highlander standards, Vervara stands at 6 Fulm 4 Ilm and cuts an apparently soft—and comfortable—figure. However, she does not want for muscle or calluses, her shortcomings begging that she never get particularly lazy, and yet appear to be thus so as to suggest a certain prowess in all that she does.

When it comes to traits picked up from her parents, she invariably shares her father's coloring, possessed of red hair, which she wears straight down to the end of her shoulder-blades, bottle green eyes and tanned skin. Her other physical traits, minus her height, come from her mother to such an extent she has been told she looks just like the woman when she was her age. As the years progress, though, she proves more lean than her mother, which is saying something because she still sports ample curvature that may or may not be amplified by the muscle underneath.

Different from the rest of her family, she often needs to wear a pair of spectacles, being near-sighted. She favors oval lenses with thick black rims, though once the need for them was noted there were more stylish versions on hand for here when she needs to work the family shop. Since her life as an adventurer started, he preferred glasses break fairly often, such that she has developed a habit of squinting even when wearing them.

Notable markings include a purple brand and wicked scar, both on the right side of her face. The scar is discolored and interrupts her face from the top of her her forehead to her jaw to such an extent it's the first place eyes will often go before the brand beneath it is even noticed, let alone the inviting green eyes. The scar itself looks quite old, her skin smoother, if still ridged over it, than the discoloration of the wound would suggest given that it has been received in the last year.

If Vervara has any other markings they would not be seen except by a lover or a close friend she might share a bath with, an entirely possible occurrence given that she is an unabashed sort. The woman, perhaps after some habit of at least attempting to contain herself, near to always dresses conservatively unless some venture or fancy begs otherwise((Such as working in the family shop!)). Similarly, given that her sense of humor is very much that of wicked playfulness, it has been said that she appears deceptively sweet.


You might want to get this from the horse's mouth. There are probably bits and pieces scattered throughout this page that will amount to something of a life story, but as for a biography? She'll be fine if her life scatters on the winds when it's done, fleeting, like so many things are.

Timeline of Relevant History

Show text



Children, for different reasons than the above
Meat, spicy food
Tonberries, for different reasons than the above
Nature walks


Sexism in any direction
Staying in one place for too long
Interior Decorating


Offering advice and other honest appeals
Squats and Handstand push-ups
Writing STUFF
Rustic cooking


Favorite Food & Drink: Spicy Sausage w/ Pasta & Galago Mint Tea
Favorite Creatures: Tonberries, Phurbles & Dire Wolves
Least Favorite Food: Ginger, Peas & Ginger Snap Peas
Least Favorite Creature: Leeches

Powers and Abilities

  • Conjury: Vervara's main talent lays in Conjury. However, where healing magic is concerned, she is wont to overdo it. This might initially strike someone not so adept in the art as a good thing—who doesn't want to be healthier?—but as any properly trained Conjurer or White Mage will tell you, this is as near a sin to nature—and a healer's own body— as sucking the life from the planet. As a consequence for her long standing struggle with “turning off” her healing talents, Vervara ought to be reserved for emergencies and let it be known that she will “tap out” quicker than you might expect. It is worthwhile to note that her skill when it comes to manipulating Earth and Water, as well as protection magic, is unhindered by this trait, and is in fact sharply honed.
  • Thaumaturgy: In an effort to seek some way to counteract her inability to ration her healing magic, Vervara sought help at the Thaumaturge's Guild, thinking it a veritable opposite to Conjury at the tender age of 16. Though she learned the basics, it became quickly apparent to her that she would not find her answers in this place, and indeed might exacerbate the situation. She left with a fair knowledge of fire magics.
  • Overall Magic Ability: “She has a gift. She is talented. She is untrained. She is arrogant. She is impossible. She is incorrigible.” –Some Scholar
  • The Axe: With the spreading knowledge of the Warrior, Vervara met a man adept in the use of an Axe and a certain prowess when it came to harnessing rage. She has not spoken of her training with him, and no one rightly knows the man's name, but she left her training with a scar on her face she merely calls a lesson. Eerily enough, this scar would mirror a similar one on her brother's face had it been stitched the same way and not inadvertently healed upon receiving it. She does not often use the Axe, but when she does she will lash out at the source of her ire until she is spent beyond debt, an apparent trend with anything she brings to the battlefield; the true question is then whether she has the endurance to face whatever might garner her rage, as it would seem this training was cut short.
  • Overall Physical Ability: Her life has made her stronger than those in her immediate family, but perhaps she does not measure up to those more physically capable in the company she keeps now. It remains to be seen, but it is best to keep in mind that she carries herself with confidence in these endeavors for a reason; while she is all smiles, there is a “mama-bear” aspect to her comportment, a certain heaviness of her hand when she forestalls her tendency to be careful. Close friends might note that her hugs become too tight when she is overjoyed, and her pats on the back are unbalancing to those less sturdy or unexpecting. Enemies catching her without an offensive weapon will find that her staff makes a good beat-stick with force behind it skull-shattering if applied just so; or, should she forgo any objects in her hand, her “style” of fighting boarders on that of a brawler. She will likely surprise many who attempt to cross her with a cross of her own.
  • Leatherworking: This is the family trade she knows inside and out having worked in the shop at her father's insistence from the time she was old enough to tie a haphazard knot. While Uther Rozthan attempted to teach his sons the trade to prepare either one of them for taking over the establishment built by his father, he perhaps worked Vervara the hardest to try and keep her invested in the family business all while she was still being taught—spoken at—at the Conjurer's Guild. As she got older, it became apparent to any who would look that he did it so she would have something to excel at, because the further along she got in her Conjury studies, the more it became obvious she was not going to live up to Gridanian standards. As fate would have it, just as she was about to give up all together and settle down to work the shop with her family, the Conjurer's Guild became fed up with her and all but stamped the pariah label on her forehead, prompting her to break her father's heart while getting his permission to leave and find a niche where she could eke out a living on her own. This would also be the starting point that lead to her becoming a true follower of Nymeia, who's star she was born under.
  • Weaving: During her childhood, when busy times meant her family could not always watch her and their shop, she spent much time with her friend Kalin and his mother Veronica at her job where she was a skilled seamstress. Vervara learned this practical knowledge and, during and after her time with the Thaumaturge's Guild, she honed her skills as a Weaver, working at various places with the craft until she was eventually taken seriously for her healing talents. It seemed fitting, given the Goddess she would soon follow.
  • Botany: Vervara carries a field guide with her which she updates often regarding flora. It was started during a brief period of study when the Conjurer's Guild first turned her out. Her knowledge has tempered over time and is for all intents and purposes correct, but she is no expert.
  • Alchemy: Her knowledge of this craft is fairly limited, pursued once again to see if there was any way this knowledge would help her with her shortcomings. What this did spark in her was an interest in how chemicals can treat wood and how this makes for fair tools to direct the flow of power. Maybe... something more personal on the proper wood might find her with a staff that would aid her in her quest to become something more than a liability?
  • Carpentry: She has a working knowledge. It's good enough.
  • Overall Practical Ability: Catch her when she is studying something else and you can probably teach her anything; she is so good at juggling. The question is, will it ever amount to anything?
  • Reading, Writing, Arithmetic: Vervara was home schooled by her mother, as were her other siblings. This education was all a means to an end, and that was to better run the family Leatherworking shop. When her parents were young and still “servants” to the Vairemont family, they received stringent instruction all so they could carry themselves without appearing dull, the education of their “servants” an idiosyncrasy Vervara believes is more singular to the Vairemont family than all of Ishgard. Once they were free, the Rozthan family found the education was sorely lacking, and very much biased, but Vervara's mother proved young enough, and in the possession of ample time, to fill in the holes of her tuition and tirelessly passed this information to her children. Of course, while not as insidious as the education received in Ishgard, it still had the aim to run a business, and was fairly strict itself. Thus, after leaving home, Vervara found some awe in learning there were even more pieces of literature, and practical application of mathematics, that she hadn't really had the time to contemplate. More interested in the written word than math, she loves a good book, and finds reason to log almost anything she can, from silly stories to observations. Her education in mathematics is really only useful in her own endeavors to make money, though at times she wonders at its application to architecture and navigation.

Rumors & Relationships


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!
◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard.)
"When she healed my wounds it felt somehow different than other magics I've felt before. Blood-flow from the gashes ceased almost immediately and flesh and bone reconnected as if all wounds are meant close so readily and cleanly. If you've ever felt some connection to the person healing you, you might know what I mean by how everything just felt easy. Looking at her after the pain was soothed, though, she looked like she had run the gauntlet. She could barely stand! I'll tell you, though, I've never felt so ready to jump back in the thick of things. If my file hadn't seen my injuries beforehand, I'd probably still be a Storm Corporal when I left the Grand Company, she patched me up so well." — Veteran Storm Sergeant First Class
"Before she was off the market you were just as likely to see her in the company of a woman as a man. About as many as she was spurned by, I'd say. Me? Haha, well, she did always tip well." — Barmaid
"I saw this self-important bitch walk down the line of cots containing injured men and women and she only stopped at three. THREE! Excuse me, sugar-tits, would you mind fixing my twelve-forsaken leg!?" — Disgruntled Amputee
◢ Uncommon Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear.)
"I asked her about her family history. I was half drunk, but thinking on it now she skirted around the topic and appeared almost sheepish about it. I did hear that she never met her grandparents as they died before she was born. All-in-all, she seemed somehow penitent, and why shouldn't she? Backgrounds are important." — Decorated Gladiator
"Tried t' find ou' if the cur'ains match the drapes, so t' speak. T' this day I don' know 'ow she eluded me, and I still wan' t' find ou'." — Drowning Wench Patron
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard.)
"I heard that woman's been betrothed since she was born. You wouldn't know it, what with that come hither stare she doesn't know how to put away. A misbegotten strumpet, Twelve forgive me." — Seamstress in Gridania
"I saw her carrying a large bundle once, in through the White Wolf Gate. It was bloodied, and I offered to help her, but she turned me down. Normally she's friendly, but she looked to be in a hurry, and I swear she loosened her grip a little when something in the bundle gave a muffled snarl. I don't have any reason to suspect something untoward of her, so I let it go." — Wood Wailer
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from other players' characters.)
"People have told me that she's the main reason I didn't die at Archon, but I wasn't really paying too much attention at the time, you see. I'd already known her before from happening to be in the same free company, up until the mewling quims decided they wanted to purge the lot of us. Somewhere in there she decided that the sorry state of my non-existent love life was her personal problem, and she's been doing everything in her power to help me out with Sabine since then. Twelve bless her, she's more patient with my dilly-dallying than I ever would be with someone." - Chris Ganale


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral/Acquaintance Poor Standing Enemies
Red Crow: Vervara's eyes seem to glitter when Red's name is mentioned. “Cousin Crow? Ahaha, she's the whole reason I had the gall to leave such a comfortable home when I did! I wish I was half the woman she is.”
Yurick Rozthan: “My brother, my older brother, is a wretched, unlucky man. Well, maybe not to outward appearances... Well, yes to his appearance but... What I mean is he had a lot going for him until the accident in the shop, but just like that he loses face in the family business, his attitude changes, and romance has never been kind to him. ...You'd think he'd hate me, but he's still just as much my big brother as he ever has been, whether or not he's a damned fool.”
Ariilyn Azaria: “Looking at her, you don't have to wonder why that sweet little face was enough to breathe some life into someone who's life lost meaning. Getting to know her... well I guess she is like any child someone is fond of, but to all of us? To Ashii? She's something special. Hands off, okay?” The last bit is a joke, but to anyone who had less than kosher thoughts something about it rings with threat.
Ashiirra Azaria: “She makes it hard for people to love her, but I do. We all do, really, but looking at her you just know she's holding you at arm's length. Even when she's smiling, which is a rare and beautiful thing. If you have ever felt like she's let you in, you can't help but want to feel so esteemed again.”
Bloehaerz Blanceigsyn: “I'm going to stop you right there. I keep my hands off that one because he's Dev's, you know? Tempting a Seawolf as I've ever seen... and I've seen the best.” She winks. “What?! I'm only hyur.”
Cain Lear: “You wouldn't believe we actually met thanks to some legitimate business. I was awaiting a contract in the Quicksand, finalizing some receipts, and here he comes, looking worried. He thought he had been gypped by a Lalafell he had... commissioned a sword from?” She seems to reminisce for a moment, offering a quiet chuckle and a slow shake of her head. “Perhaps it is telling I don't remember quite what he wanted to find that 'fell for—he calls them “fells” and I caught the habit myself while we were together—but regardless I wouldn't be the same if I hadn't met him.”
Clouse Sydonis: “Interesting man. To hear him talk is to hear expertise given breath.” She snickers after a moment. “Unless he's on the road, as I wouldn't call finding his way a strong suit. He was a farm boy. I suppose it's not so different from being raised to work leather, but I digress. He tried to help me once. I figure, if Clouse couldn't do something for me, I must really be hopeless.”
Chris Ganale: “I knew him before, but I really met Ganale during Operation Archon. That was something and a half... Heh, my heart's out to that man and his, ah, issues. He's proven to be thankful, at the very least, for the times we've talked; you'd figure someone with such a stern expression, and admittedly prestigious history, would be less receptive to my brand of friendliness. I guess he would have been if we had met under different circumstances. I'm certainly not his type and even though he's handsome we probably would have past each other on at the Quicksand. The ties you make on the battlefield!”
Devilish Sarracenia: “When I first met her I attempted to, ah, “woo” her. I failed, to say the least. I'm just not possessed of the parts she likes to play with, and honestly? I don't think I would survive a romp with this deadly woman. She told someone once, in my presence, that if there was ever an exception to her tastes, I would be it, but I get a sneaking suspicion it was more than a bit of a joke. It still made my heart flutter to hear it said, but if things stay they way they are? Damn if I don't still love her anyway.”
Gunnbjorn Darkblade: “I met Gunn around the same time I met Gramps, thanks to Dev. He's a man after my own heart and someone more than special to me. People tell me he's stoic, but maybe they just don't measure up to standards he doesn't even know he has. I don't know what that says about me, but when I see him smile? My heart melts. I would do anything for Gunnbjorn. He's a wonderful man.” A curve slowly tilts her smile wickedly. “He was raised by wolves, you know. And he wears women's underwear!”
Liriel Kaza: “She gave my brother a job when he finally went through a pre-mature mid-life-crisis that has been threatening to hit since he was my age. If for nothing else, I would do everything in my power to make sure her endeavors succeed, but the woman is amazing in her own right. Besides, as she says herself, any friend of Ashii's is a friend of mine.”
Roehberk Ahldfarrsyn: “Gramps. Daft old Gramps. When I thought he died my heart hurt as if a part of my own family were gone. I guess that would have still been the case, but when I saw that old man again I was never so happy to feel the air crushed out of me with one of his hugs. His hugs are always like that, of course, and it was just another day for Gramps, but me? I cried a fair bit. And he called me daft. He's right, you know.”
Sabine Aislihn: “I know more about the man after her heart than I do about the sweetheart herself. She's industrious and a sucker for a good book. It would seem that any book is good for her, she's so thirsty for knowledge. I do see her discipline reflected in how she holds herself and I'm sure she doesn't take any nonsense. Good luck with this one, bro, I mean it. She's a keeper.” After a moment, she snorts a giggle. “Literally!”
Kalin Svarthan: Vervara glances away as if looking out a window to the past. “He was my best friend for more than half my life. That's just not how it is anymore.”
Lothaire Vairemont: “He's the head of the family that once called mine slaves. What do you think I'd say about him?” As the anger in her eyes dies, she sighs and a wickedly incredulous smirk tugs at her lips. “I met him once. He threatened me. Then he all but asked if I was sexually attracted to him. I think he has an issue or two regarding his... stature.”


Artist: Dennis Martin
Origin: Legend of Dragoon OST
Context: General temperament; character theme.
Artist: Nobuo Uematsu
Origin: Final Fantasy IX OST
Context: Living with shortcomings.
Artist: Aqua Timez
Origin: Bleach Opening 9
Context: What life eventually teaches her. You know... sometime.
Artist: Sarah McLachlan
Origin: Fumbling Towards Ecstacy Album
Context: When in love.
Dance with the Devil
Artist: Breaking Benjamin
Origin: Phobia Album
Context: I guess we'll see.
Artist: Takeharu Ishimoto
Origin: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII OST
Context: Combat; learning to mute that nagging feeling.
Between the Raindrops
Artist: Lifehouse ft. Natasha Bedingfield
Origin: Almeria Album
Context: Thinking of a special someone.