Kamome Greywing

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Kamome Greywing
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Nameday 24th Sun, 4th Umbral Moon, 1561 (Age 17)
Guardian Rhalgr, the Destroyer
Profession Smuggler; Dockworker
Aliases The Gull of Doma; The Gull
Theme "Lost" - Alexandre Desplat
Tumblr kamome-ffxiv.tumblr.com

x. General

Kamome Greywing works on the docks of Limsa Lominsa—known my most simply as 'Gull' to avoid pronunciation of her eastern name. Sun after sun, the young girl can be seen alongside other refugees weaving nets, moving cargo and counting gil under the hawkish watch of two salty-browed thugs. She has called Eorzea home for less than two moons, and the truth is painfully obvious in her daily struggles to navigate the chaos of the city's Lower Decks. She possesses martial skill limited to the basic fist fighting needed for survival in her line of work. However, she has a remarkable talent for understanding the currents of the sea and wind. In the dim light of the early morning, she can be found perched high above the port's stench of fish and salt. There she is always looking across the Rhotano Sea, feeling the fresh wind on her face, and longing for her lost homeland.

x. Appearance

[Under Construction]

x. Personality

[Under Construction]

x. Past

Kamome was born in a rural, seaside village three years after the establishment of Garlean rule in Doma. Rugged beauty and the peaceful sound of waves surrounded her childhood home. In this idyllic place, her only fears were of dark-armored soldiers who would come to the docks every moon.

Her family ran a small but lucrative shipping company in cooperation with the town's fishermen. The company, and thus the village, thrived under Imperial rule by capitalizing on Garlemald's need to supply its occupying forces. Prosperity reigned and Garlemald's rule seemed a blessing to the once-impoverished villagers. During this tranquil time, Kamome trained with her father, a navigator and academic who had not lived his entire life in their humble country settlement. He scientifically studied the currents of both sea and wind as an Eorzean skywatcher observes the coming and going of storms and sunshine. Through this education, young Kamome developed a early sensitivity to the subtleties of the aether around her.

As she came of age, whispers began to spread of Imperial oppression and persecution of the Doman people. Soon after these rumors began, Kamome's parents covertly lent their aid to Doman smugglers, offering use their little-known village as a port of supply. Working as double agents, the company quietly sabotaged Garlean supply runs under the masterful tactics of Kamome's mother, Suzume Greywing. Words of support for outright rebellion became common on the docks.

The Doman Rebellion erupted shortly after Kamome's seventeenth nameday. Contrary to her parents' illusions of loyalty and honor, smugglers captured by the Garleans immediately revealed the treason their village had committed against the Empire. Within two bells, soldiers descended on the villagers and what ensued was wholesale slaughter. Her mother and young sister were the first to die.

Kamome wishes nothing more desperately than to forget the circumstances of her survival. She was beaten, and taken from the village as an unconscious hostage. Of her journey to Eorzea she remembers only the violence and cruelty of the other passengers; never before the voyage on that cramped barge had she fought to protect herself. Nor had she ever known the depravity some men were capable of. By the time the vessel reached Limsa Lominsa's port, most who had left with her lay weak and near death, including herself. Upon arrival, trafficking and smuggling cartels immediately conscripted Kamome and the handful of others fit to work. Her life in Eorzea had begun—but she had become a ghost.

x. Present

A Grievance with Garlemald

Kamome sees her life in Eorzea with a singular purpose: the destruction of Garlemald. Over the past moons, she has become enamored with what she understands of the Lominsan bards' tales of the Eorzean Alliance, the Battle of Carteneau and, most of all, the Warriors of Light. Every sun, she labors tirelessly on the docks to clear her debt to the refugee Doman smugglers who provide her shelter in a crowded warehouse. A desire to leave Limsa Lominsa for the northern border of Eorzea burns in her heart. As the cold ocean wind bites at her face, she wonders where she will go, and how she will fight. The only thing certain and real to her in this harsh, foreign land is her hatred for the dark-armored soldiers who took from her everything she loved.

x. Relationships

[NPC] Suzume Greywing - Kamome's mother, killed in the Doman Rebellion of 1577. She was a brilliant financial and strategic mind; the village's success was a direct result of her encouraging the fishermen and women to initially work with the Garleans. She convinced them to allow her family to adapt their small boats in to trading vessels that would bring the villagers wealth. Kamome admired and respected Suzume beyond anyone else, as did the villagers. She will never forget the sight of her mother standing defiant before the Garlean soldiers as they entered the village gates. She was the first in the village to be murdered.

[NPC] Fukurou Greywing - Kamome's father, killed in the Doman Rebellion of 1577. Fukurou was the most educated man in their small village. He studied the nature and use of "chi" and applied his knowledge to their business: understanding the currents of the sea and wind proved an invaluable asset. Kamome learned much from him, as he was always eager to share with her his studies and secrets. She remembers him fondly as a kind and gentle man, but feels some anger when she recalls his execution by the Garleans without resistance or an attempt to save her siblings. Why did he not fight back?

[NPC] Gachou Greywing - Kamome's younger brother, killed in the Doman Rebellion of 1577. He was thirteen years old, and a promising young sailor and carpenter. From a very young age, Gachou was eager to help the fishermen build and repair their boats. He spent most days on the beach with the other children of the village, trying to cobble together a raft that could make it past the breaking waves. Kamome does not know what became of him during the massacre of her village, only that he was playing by the docks earlier that day.

[NPC] Shigi Greywing - Kamome's younger sister, killed in the Doman Rebellion of 1577. She was barely ten years old and loved nothing more than to chase flocks of seabirds along the shore. The Garleans did not spare her when she ran to her mother's wounded side.

[PC] Marcus Steelsong - A Highlander man central to Kamome's abandonment of her homeland. Her hatred towards him is stronger than the fiercest of maelstroms. Nymeia has seemingly disregarded this rage she harbors: Kamome now owes her very life to him. They voyaged to Eorzea together by sea, but he disappeared, without a trace, as soon as the vessel reached La Noscea's shores. Though relieved that the sight of his grisly face no longer hounds her, part of her must know where he went and what became of him.

x. Rumors

  • "She's naught more than a child, I 'eard—that Easterner smuggler girl. Domans'll throw their own kin overboard if it gets 'em closer to our shores. Good trainin' fer any newcomer to our waters, I say!" — Yellowjacket Veteran

x. Page Updates

17.01.2015: Began writing page. Credit for template elements belong to Deirdre, Mylene Wharf and Sounsyy Mirke.

18.01.2015: Added Relationships and Rumors sections.

19.01.2015: Added General, Appearance, Personality and Past sections.