X'tai Tia

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Ul'dah-transparent.png X'tai Tia
"No-one heals himself by wounding another."
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun
Clan Faux Lynx Tribe
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age (19)
Guardian (Azeyma)
Namesday (9th Sun, Sixth Astral Moon)


♦ General

Not truly of the Lynx tribe, X'tai ('Tai' for short) was the second son born to X'akariah Nunh on a small island in the Cieldalaes Isles. His father ran a bootlegging and farming operation with his 25 females and their children, running booze to pirate operations and certain organisations in Limsa Lominsa. When his mother died, Tai was forced to take up her duties in order to earn his keep: catching and killing the various insects that threatened the crops. He discovered early on that the insect parts he gathered could be brewed into alchemical concoctions with the discarded brewers equipment he salvaged, and furthermore, he began a habit of observing and recording the behaviors of the insects. It has been hinted that Tai used a Diremite Pheromone to poison the pirates that were visiting X'akariah Nunh in readiness to begin a shipping contract. His father's wrath at being the accused poisoner would be the cause of Tai's expulsion from the island, and exile to Eorzea.

♦ Appearance

Tai is as tall as Seekers can get. He has fair skin, powder blue eyes and white hair. His left hand sports a mass of scars that appear to resemble scales and he often keeps that hand gloved. Tai's smile is lopsided and his ears are slightly shorter than other miqo'te. He is usually seen dressed in white as an advertisement for his healing skills, and sports a tattoo on one bicep that masks a brand he received in his younger years. He wears a cursed ring on a chain around his throat, and a high allagan choker around his neck. Usually looks as though he is smiling.

♦ Behaviour

Tai's worldview centers around the idea that people aren't inherently bad. His ability to see the best in people, and perhaps his generous nature lends itself to inspire others to be nicer to one another. His outlook does tend to occlude his ability to see the underhand dealings of some members of his Free Company, though. He is quick to forgive, and even quicker to come to someone's rescue, even a possible enemy. He will ramble on for hours when presented with the topics of magic or insects - two subjects at which he is most often found in study.

Tai is quick to smile, and often masks his troubles with goofy behavior. He is easily embarrassed and often awkward around strangers.

Despite his best intentions, Tai makes bad snap decisions. Whether it is impatience or fear guiding the choices, they often result in unforeseen consequences; see also "bad decision roulette".


Eschewing hand to hand in favour of aetheric prowess, Tai uses a combination of summoning and elemental magics, along with some extensively altered magical workings of his own. He mostly avoids combat, and tries to caution his friends to avoid lethal force in a fight.

★ Recent RP events ★

Bad Decision Roulette - Among the many bad decisions Tai has made as a result of snap decisions or ham-handed attempts to save people are:

Taking on an almost lethal amount of corruption in order to save and redeem an enemy.
Using enhanced primal magics when confronted with the possibility of being wrongfully arrested, resulting in the deaths of several people
Assisting a friend in infiltrating a beastmen stronghold to rescue a tempered child (intent on experimenting on the child to reverse the process)
Entrusting a known dangerous summoner with a grimoire of forbidden knowledge.
Giving a strong aphrodisiac to the care of a man intending on using it in revenge.


■ Cake! Usually when accompanied by more cake
■ Having his ears rubbed
■ Listening to others' stories


■ The sight of blood
■ Killing
■ Seeing innocent people hurt


■ Studying magic, specifically healing and primal magics
■ Singing
■ Reinventing/re-purposing devices or spells


Food: Cakes and pies
Place: The night sky in La Noscea

♦ Related Images


Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing


S'imba Tia – Though often attempting to kill Tai, S'imba and he have a somewhat amicable relationship. Despite their outwardly-seeming rocky friendship, the pair share the desire to help others where possible.

K'ovu Tia – Upon their first meeting when K'ovu was discovered hanging from a trap over Sven Volkorous' fireplace, a drunken, sleep-deprived Tai misunderstood the miniqo'te's shouts and undressed the man instead; laying the garments neatly on a nearby chair. This event prompted K'ovu to implicate Tai after being captured following a high-profile theft.The events the pair subsequently survived in the prisons brought them together as friends.

Nanarou Garnin – Nanarou was the first to welcome Tai into the Order of the Compass. The normally volatile lalafellin woman was always nothing but sweet to the alabaster-haired miqo'te.

Viola Amadori - Former relic hunter and current employee of Garlond Ironworks. The pair were recently married in a small ceremony in the Shroud.

Naoh'ra Ohndai - A thaumaturge Tai met at the Quicksand. The normally grumpy Keeper became fast friends and are often seen together joking about healing or the antics of Tai's brother K'ovu.


K'ora Tia – A man whom little is known about. It has been hinted that K'ora exists outside of the timestream, turning up to alter the flow of events when it suits him. The man is curt and abrasive to Tai, drawing often both his ire and admiration when they meet.

Enemies & Rivals

Sven Volkorus – The Legendary Black Mage often forgets Tai's name, despite being reminded of it multiple times. He seems to view the miqo'te man as one of several identical Seekers increasingly present in the Free Company. Sven does not approve of Tai's orientation, and often sneers at his relationships when he thinks the miqo'te cannot perceive him. Tai's view of the man shifted to hostile when he overheard the man casually discussing the theoretical murder of Tai's then-lover Sator Castus.

Samantha Goldsmith – Originally a prospective mate to Tai, their relationship became quite rocky very quickly. A series of hilarious events led to the eventual parting of ways, though Tai vehemently defends Sam when confronted with criticisms of the sandy-haired woman.


Quotes about X'tai Tia

"If there was a competition to see who was the world's stupidest miqo'te, you would be the main contender!" - Samantha Goldsmith
"Your lack of better judgment contradicts your raw talent." - Grim Shade
"We're both kind of the Castus brothers legacy. Though like them the end results are complete opposites in our power." - S'imba Tia

♦ Footnotes

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Theme song: Tai's Theme