K'laynu Yusha

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Gridania-transparent.png K'laynu Yusha
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Female(?)
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon(?)
Citizenship Gridanian
Age Appears Late-20s
Current Status Alive
Occupation Researcher / Mercenary
Height/Weight 5'4", 145lbs
Orientation Pansexual

Awoken without memories of her own, Laynu wanders through this world, looking for answers to her past, any clues wherever they may be to lead her to a better understanding of who and what she is. Her only memories seem to come in short, Echo-like bouts, though to her, the point of view is foreign, leading her to believe that she isn't the only one within her being. Such fact is reinforced by the fact she tends to exhibit strange, alternate personalities, growing cold, stoic and emotionless one moment to being utterly deranged and psychotic the next.

Recently, she has begun to don a mask. After an incident involving the other souls within her, she has begun to wear a mask, hiding her visage from the world at large, though the significance lies in the mask's gem. It seems to glow whenever there is an abundance of aether, be it lingering in the world, or the result of a nearby death. Whatever it may be doing, it also keeps the miqo'te 'calm', her alternate personalities not surfacing for as long as she's wearing this mask.

Basic Info


■ Explosions
■ Dark, secluded places
■ Feeling accomplished/accepted
■ Dragons and Scalekin


■ Being disregarded/forgotten
■ Cannons


Alignment: True Neutral (Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil)
Vice(s): Drawing Aether from the recently deceased.
Favorite Food: Aldgoat Steak, Medium Rare
Favorite Drink: Firewater
Favorite Color: Dark blue

Appearance & Personality

As far as appearance goes, Laynu has a strict self-policy of not wearing pants. More often than not, she enjoys wearing a short top and a tanga or some sort of subligar for bottoms, and often prefers tall boots and fingerless gloves, if possible. In all, she dresses fairly lightly, though any reason might not be known. It could be that she enjoys showing off her mocha-colored skin. Her face, however, is perpetually hidden behind a gem-encrusted mask.

Personality wise, as long as she's wearing the mask, she's very 'proper' in terms of how she presents herself and speaks, seeming to not have any sort of distinct dialect. She's very book smart, but such time spent studying alone may have caused her to become a little less socially adept, therefore can be awkward in conversation, often deviating off topic as her mind wanders, thinking deeply at random moments.

When her mask is removed, however, she has a chance of becoming one of two personalities:

1. Very cold, emotionless and stoic. It's almost as if she has no soul, no remorse, and no care for the world around her. Rumor has it she can take a well-shot arrow to the shoulder, grab it and rip it right out of herself without even so much as flinching.

2. Psychotic and crazed. It's almost as if it's a desperate cry for attention as she blathers out random off-the-wall dialogue, particularly when she's holding daggers or in the process of defeating foes. She also becomes exceptionally ruthless, seeming to enjoy killing, and even going as far as to further mutilate the fallen in a fit of frenzy.


The Beginning

Awakening of a cart bound for Gridania, she has no prior recollection of her life at all. No childhood, no stories. She isn't even sure how or why she's on that cart as it stopped off at the citystate in the heart of the Black Shroud. She didn't let this phase her for too long, making her way to the adventurer's guild, taking up the lance and taking on the world at large as a lancer, eventually graduating herself up to the prowess of a Dragoon.

During her rise, however, there would be various spots around Eorzea that would bring back sudden, vivid memories, all of which were never her own, which further confused her, but she'd shake them free and continue on. After so much of it, however, it would begin to weigh on her: "Who am I? What am I? Is this even my body? My mind?".

She would eventually retire the lance and pick up the book, making her way to the Arcanist guild and beginning to study under them. While she promoted herself up through the ranks, she would also concentrate on studying the history of Eorzea whenever she had a spare chance, mostly concentrating on any events that transpired before the Calamity. However, the attempt would come up fruitless, nothing really 'triggering' her memories as she would hope it would. She kept trying, eventually graduating to a Summoner, but even then, she still found no closure or understanding of her predicament.

During this time, however, she meets an oddly familiar Miqo'te named Tessa. She felt somewhat drawn to this person, but she couldn't quite understand why. Even then, the cafe owner and chef was welcoming and offered her a myriad of services, even those that are less than mentionable. Various meetups afterwards lead to the suggestion of joining the Free Company, The Celestial Forge". She was recruited as a researcher and field agent, and while her ties with the company are rather loose, in time she hopes to grow into the ranks, as well as perhaps closer to this mysterious Miqo'te chef.

Delving into the Black

Still intent on finding the right job for her, she looked toward the Thaumaturge Guild in Ul'dah and was shown the "light", literally and metaphorically. Manipulating the aether within her and controlling it sparked a sudden interest in the all-encompassing essence and the effects of it within mortal beings. Even as she graduated herself up to becoming a black mage, she spent much of her time studying, learning that aether is not only what fuels spells and magic, but was also the very essence that tied into one's life.

She studied materia, crystals, anything and everything that had anything to do with aether, trying to discover any answer she could use to better understand it, and one night, her intense ceaseless studies deprived her to sleep and ,upon reaching her limit, she passed out.

She awoke a time later, only to find blood dripping profusely from her face and one of her eyes were blind and unusable. Confused, immediately believing she was attacked unknowingly in her sleep, she made her way to a watersource to clean her would, but upon looking into the reflective surface of the water, she discovered, much to her horror and dismay, not only was her right eye slashed over deeply, but her would-be assailant carved a rather deep cut into her forehead, deep enough to carve out a "socket" deep into the bone of her skull, deep enough to possibly fit materia if she were crazy enough to think of doing such a thing.

Stricken by the mutilation of her visage, she attempted to find a mask to cover it, atleast until it had time to heal. While searching for a ceremonial mask she received during her time in Gridania, she instead found a similar mask, except this one had a peculiar gem emblazoned upon it. She settled upon that and upon wearing it, she immediately felt this strange "calm", as the gem served to be a sort of conduit that funneled aether lingering in the air into that "socket", which would then be absorbed into her being at manageable amounts. She also realized that if she removes the mask, aether is still siphoned into herself through that socket, but unfiltered and unrestricted, possibly driving her mad and causing her to take on one of her 2 alter-egos.

While she wore the mask, she felt calm, "normal" almost despite how strange it was for her to don the mask in the first place. During that calm, she investigate the scene of that attack, finding a bloodied ninja-blade nearby where she slept. To her shock, she found the blade to be of one that she owned. That's when it clicked: She had mutilated herself.

Ever since this night, she wear this strange mask at all times, realizing that she seems the most 'herself' while wearing it, despite the fact that not only does this mask her socially awkward, but certain social activities, such as sharing a drink with comrade or eating in a cafe is proven quite difficult due to her mask. Because of this, she has simply skirted away slightly, though part of her still yearns for the attention.

Full Metal Aether

After speaking with her company's chief, Nel, she suggested and was authorized to construct a lab within the Forge's base. The original intent of the lab was to promote the study and testing of magitek fuel, ceruleum and other alchemical studies that could promote the Forge's goals and endeavors.

However, semi-secretly, she's using the lab to continue her study of aether. Particular that from other mortal subjects, occassional dragging in mortal test subjects to experiment on, or feed of their aether one way or another.

The Allagan Eye

Talks with her company leader has lead to the idea of a kind of Allagan-influenced "eye" to replace her mask. After intricate designing and testing, the two, along with a resident company miner, Miya Sha, set out Mor Dhona to explore and find an appropriate crystal. Their venture lead them to the aetheric wall, where after a bolt hit Laynu, she began to turn crazed, denouncing the entire project before setting her gaze on Nel, revealing that she has been murdering in her name.

After being teleported back to the free company house, she revealed her secret to the two, explaining that she seems to harbor demons within herself, prompting a new-found sense of dire urgency in completing the eye.

Despite this, she has also begun to experiment and tinker in her free time while waiting for the procedure, making various things after studying Allagan tomes and understanding their technology enough to wield it for her own ends. After revealing this to Nel and being encouraged to invent from a business stand-point for her free-company, she's begun to really churn out various ideas for other-worldly devices. In time, she may even home to make an emporium of sorts to barter her self-patented goods.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
■ "She's some insane chemist, isn't she? I heard she tends to make things explode."
■ "She never wears pants, or much of anything else for that matter. Typical Miqo'te harlot..."
■ "Ugh, be careful if she's behind you in a dungeon. She doesn't hold back!"
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
■ "Is it me, or do you think she's packing a little extra 'heat' in that tanga?"
■ "Don't let her take her mask off. You won't like her with her mask off."
■ "She seems fond of death. A little too much, always 'inspecting' dead bodies. Ain't nobody got time for that..."
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
■ "If ye wanna fool around wit' that, ye betta bring a canteen and a snack. Ye gon' be in the'e for a while yet."
■ "Something's not right with that kit. There's more to her than what she's letting off. MUCH more."
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing
Nel Celestine : Her Company's leader, though she seems drawn to her in a way she can't quite contain. She's expressed her desire for her on several occasions thus far, even going as far as to steal a kiss or two from her, though it's yet to be reciprocated for personal reasons. She revealed at one point during one of her aether-induced episodes that she's 'killed in her name', perhaps something to do with the request for Garlean communications devices she had at one point.
Tessa Jalloh : She doesn't know why, but she's drawn to this particular kitten in more ways than one. Her "memories" seem to point toward her as being important, but despite that, she feels accepted by her, growing close to this miqo'te chef, her being the sole reason she joined the Celestial Forge. What importance this kitten serves, she intends on discovering sooner or later...
Miya Sha : Although they only briefly met, she hopes to remedy the seemingly bad first impression she gave during their mining expedition to Mor Dhona.
Kelaynu Myshurin : Unknown to her. Perhaps she's a reason for her cold, head-strong and stoic demeanors...
Yusha Kagoshima : Unknown to her. Perhaps she's a reason for her psychotic, homicidal tendencies...


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