Brielle Ashenfist
Revision as of 20:34, 26 May 2015 by AutumnSparrow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:Roegadyn {{Infobox-character | name = Brielle Ashenfist | image = Hyrtwiki.jpg | imagewidth = 250 | gender = Female | citizenship = Ul'dah | race = Hyur | clan =...")
Basic Info
Appearance & Personality
- Hyrteyha is slightly below average height for a Roegadyn. Due to a mostly inactive lifestyle of studying and reading, she's developed a light amount of pudge, much to her own dismay. Her hair is naturally jet black and is usually kept neat and tidy. She's often not seen without her glasses and some sort of formal business attire. After all, she believes heavily in dressing for the job you want - not the job you have .
- Hyrteyha was born in Limsa Lominsa to a loving mother and father. She was given a relatively easy childhood - fed well, treated with respect, and offered more opportunities. Her mother passed from an illness when she'd seen not even ten summers, leaving her father worried about his daughter's safety. Loving as he was, he grew overprotective at this point, going so far as to ban her from leaving the house on a rare few nights under the guise of her needing to focus on her studies. It was then she developed an interest in math and literature.
Young Adulthood
- Hyrteyha took up a chance to apprentice at Melvaan's Gate. Though initially reluctant, her father eventually allowed this. Though arcanima wasn't her strong suit, she eagerly looked forward to days spent there - after all, it was the only adventure she managed to get.
Present Day
- Hyrteyha eventually began a job at the Missing Member following her father's growing reluctance to pay for her schooling. It was there that she met the captain of the famous Grymgohta, eventually quitting after only a few suns. She signed onto the ship shortly after, earning her the ire of a father who felt betrayed by this decision. Despite everything in her head telling her to doubt this decision, she simply can't bring herself to do it. Those aboard the ship have proven to be wonderful and kind allies, and despite the dangers she will now face, she might finally get to finally explore and see the world she'd been deprived of for so long.
The following rumors are just that - rumors. Some may not be true. Feel free to add your own! ◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)