Brielle Ashenfist
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Brielle is both an experienced Thaumaturge and Gladiator with an extensive history of fighting in the Bloodsands, along with other mercenary work.
[hide]Basic Info
'What Brielle lacks in manners she makes up for in martial and magical skill alike.
Appearance & Personality
- Brielle is a tall, fierce Highlander Hyur, her toned form rippling with muscle built over years of training. Her brown hair is styled into dreads with red dye at the base, designed to look like burning timber. She oft smelled of smoke, even when little to no fire was present.
- She favors both blade and magicks, but the pure, destructive power of fire has always fancied her interest no matter which set of tools she'll use to get a job done. Her interest in doing good work outweighs any personal moral code, leaving her an ideal soldier to some - and a callous, dangerous powderkeg to others. She previously used her thaumaturgy to perform for onlookers in between leves, stopping only when the coin ran dry. She hasn't spoke of this much since.
- Finding a need for additional coin, Brielle recently signed onto a free company of great repute.
- Brielle often doesn't bring up her past, and for good reason. With a few unpaid debts that left her turning to fighting to make some coin, it's clear that she's not gone through life without a fair number of mistakes.
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