Y'uraq Tia

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Y'uraq Tia
The White Jaguar
Y'uraq's self-portrait
OOC Character Information
Main Job(s): Paladin, Warrior
Main Tradeskill: • Alchemy
• Blacksmith
Preferred Role: Tank
Server: Balmung
Alignment: Neutral Good
Reputation: Unknown
Occupation: Adventurer-Scholar, Mercenary
Education: Well Versed
Marital Status: Single
Sexuality: Pansexual
Guardian: Menphina, the Lover
Free Company
The Fireborn
Items Carried
Race: Miqo'te
Clan: Seeker of the Sun
Age: ?? (Looks between 19-22)
Height: 6 fulm, 1 ilm
Weight: 157 ponze
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complexion: Tanned
Physical Build: Lithe
Notable Features: Large fangs
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Y'uraq Tia (3rd Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon), .....

Basic Info

Y'uraq is a young, and spirited Sun Seeker miqo'te currently living his life to the fullest while finding his purpose in it. From researching tomestones and translated texts to the possible locations of lost Allagan artifacts, to indulging his creative side as an aspiring artisan, to braving in the risks only the life of an independent adventurer-scholar could provide, or even just plain honing his sparring skills at the Grindstone Tournaments every week.

Though bashful at times, Y'uraq is generally friendly to those he's come across in his travels. As far as doing whatever he feels is right for those he cares for, he is loyal to a fault. No matter how certain the dangers may be, Y'uraq has had no hesitation putting himself in harm's way and stand his ground with those who can't stand on their own, or mend their wounds through conjury and lesser healing magic with the best of his abilities, should circumstances allow it.

Even though Y'uraq has no love for unnecessary conflict, his travels have time and time again faced him with unpleasant circumstances where his combat prowess is all that could make the difference.


The Immortal Flames.
Thanalan's hot and dry climate.
Visiting and exploring unearthed, ancient sites around Eorzea.
Advancing his studies on conjury and the elements.
Sparring in alternate forms of combat.
The Grindstone
Time alone in his private quarters.
The colors white, black, and red.
Styles, fashion, and fine embroidery
Spicy foods


Seafood, the deep ocean, fish, and the Sahagin
Bandits, and cutthroats
Being accused of being a bandit, or a cutthroat
Being interrupted while focusing on his research / hobbies
The Monetarists
The Brass Blades


Bar tending
Triple Triad
Fine dining
Romance Novels

Flaws / Ineptitudes

Takes perceived slights to heart
Too honest and trusting, naive
Not the best choice for extreme physical labor
More emotionally driven than he'll ever admit
Needlessly Chilvaristic
Feral tendencies when angered
Appearance & Personality

At just an ilm over six fulms, Y'uraq stands slightly taller than the average male sun seeker miqo'te. His darker complexion suggest he is indeed, no stranger to the sun. As tall as he may be, Y'uraq's physical strength isn't as strong at it could be, as he never recalled being a Nunh before losing his memories. though his strength as limited as it is, has shown gradual improvements since training to wield a sword and shield under the gladiator's guild, and just sufficient enough to train under the sultanguard. His high spirits and energies radiate through his youthful face, with sharp, dark amber eyes partly glinting in the light, the rest is concealed by his dark hairs at some parts of his face, while leaving others revealed to onlookers. Two longer bangs hanging down on both opposite sides of his head with his pointed furry ears slightly leaning toward the back of his head. What he lacks in brute strength, he compensates for in other terms.

When he's not upset over the uncertainties of his past or choosing a focus study for his research, Y'uraq is generally upbeat and welcoming around his friends and strangers alike, until they give him a reason not to. To his dismay, Y'uraq is more driven by his emotions than by logical means, justifying his sensitive tendencies as "instincts". Call it as he might, it does very little to mask his gentle nature from those he's tried to convince.

Since his travels, Y'uraq has been advanced on by both men and women along his journey, which has also re-kindled some vain, and border-line effeminate tendencies about his appearance, not also limited to his interests in jewelry and fine embroidery, which soon protruded into his discovered interest in fine, and elegant fashion.

In times of confrontations and certain conflict, Y'uraq's cheerful and harmless mindset slowly shifts into feral tendencies. Focused, fearless, and savage in his strikes when locked in combat against his foes. Though his fellows and witnesses also found him to unhesitating to lay himself in harm's way to fight and protect those that fight at his side, even if he's not carrying a shield to protect himself with. Despite his lacking physical strength, Y'uraq has been noted by witnesses to fight with a steeled heart and calculated precision when armed with a sword and shield.


Y'uraq's flamboyant tendencies has made him develop an unusual concern with his style of fashion and glamour as well. Preferring to put style with some subtle elegance into both his casual and battle attire, while also keeping comfort and practicality in mind. Y'uraq prefers to have his own clothes, armor, and jewelry made to his to meet his own personal tastes. He is very often seen donning trinkets on some place or other on his person.

Whether it's an excursion into sahagin territory, or fighting off Garlean remnants in La Noscea, or even if it's something as simple as gathering herbs around La Noscea's wilderness, or a night of leisure, Y'uraq likes to dress to impress.


Since his travels begun, Y'uraq has delved into almost all sorts of task that would keep him from starvation, or sleep under the stars every night. As his swordsmanship improved, Y'uraq has been able to offer his services as an accomplished sellsword to fellow travelers, scholars and excursionists alike, which has earned him even more success over the following moons, and a fairly comfortable home to call his own as well as getting to enjoy some of life's leisures every now and again.

In his personal time, Y'uraq has also developed an deep curiosity for the mysteries, legends, wonders, and dangers found over Eorzea's past and present. In result, he spends much of his time researching and planning possible excursions to ancient ruins, dig sites, and trips libraries from Limsa, to Gridania, to Ul'dah. Y'uraq's love for books and knowledge has earned him a special interest scholarly pursuits.




Alternate Combat:


Healing Hands:


The Life and Times of Y'uraq Tia

Before the mystery


A Stranger in a Strange Land

(Nov 14, 2014 - Jan 6, 2015 - 2.4) - A sad mystery turned into a grand journey for a lost wanderer, in search for his place in the world.

The blazing sunlight rained high over the wastelands of Thanalan as as a lost wanderer made his way through dried up fields, unable to remember anything prior to waking in the middle of nowhere, he was lost, and confused in its entirety. Having no idea where he was, who he was, the lost wandered spotted

  • awakes in thanalan
  • runs into a peiste, Y'uraq finds a weathered sword, memories come back to him. He takes out the peiste with ease.
  • Y'uraq wanders into Ul'dah
  • Meets Shas Tarry, who soon points him to join the gladiator's guild, starts making gil doing small jobs (killing critters outside of city walls)
  • Starts saving gil, buys armor, supplies and sets off northeast to the twelveswood
  • Arrives in Gridania, immediately falls for the place, begins to explore around, finds the conjurer's guild, sticks around for a lecture, decides to join and learn from them for a few days, Y'uraq gains some more memories of tropical shores, his instinct tells him to head west.
  • Arrives Limsa, begins traveling around La Noscea for answers, finds a great deal of memories including his real name
  • Y'uraq is low on gil, finds a flyer for a free company hiring mercenaries
  • Joins the 81st, decides to make la noscea his new home.
Echoes of the Void

(Jan 14, 2015 - February 8, 2015 - 2.5) - Seeking to find a greater purpose in his new life, Y'uraq turns to the distant past in search of answers for his uncertain future. ...

  • Y'uraq begins adjusting to his new life with his fellow mercenaries, but soon begins to seek a new purpose outside despite his talents and the benefits that came along with the risks, Y'uraq looks to other paths he can take in parallel with being a mercenary.
  • Y'uraq has been overwhelmed researching over a lost Allagan artifact for the past moon, only to find dead ends as every scholar and archeologist from the Sons of St. Coinach deemed it as mere "fable". Regardless, Y'uraq has been making frequent trips between La Noscea and Mor Dhona, in search of anything that might suggest otherwise. His trips have usually included a night or two in Gridania on the way.
  • In his efforts to understand the links between Allag and the voidsent as well as their potential dangers, Y'uraq has enlisted under the Thaumaturge's guild guidance in Ul'dah
  • Y'uraq begins to study the fundamentals of thaumaturgy in hopes of being able to start making connections between the voidsent and the ancient Allagans
  • Y'uraq continues his pursuits as he begins to make connections, he is soon disturbed by his discoveries
  • Y'uraq
A Local in a Familiar Land

(February 8, 2015 - April 23, 2015 - 2.5) - A second journey across Eorzea turned leisure to self-reflection.

Under the advice of his fellows of the 81st, Y'uraq took a much needed break from his overwhelmingly daunting research and took back to the roads of Eorzea. Unlike his first known experience as a lost wanderer, Y'uraq was able to revisit familiar sights from his first journey with ease. In addition, he was able to spend more time, further familiarizing himself personally with each regions and their respective city-states, while also taking interest in new hobbies and skills. From harnessing his rage into raw power with the marauders guild and learning the art of patience from the master fishermen of La Noscea, to perfecting his oversight with archery and further appreciation for the land through botany in the Twelveswood, to honing his physical combat through pugilism and mining once he returned to Thanalan.

Despite his efforts to distract himself with leisure travel and activities, Y'uraq's second trip across Eorzea didn't unfold without some reminders of his first journey as a stranger in a strange land. Despite his own past hardships, Y'uraq has been able to look back for the first time since that fateful day and realizing how far he's made it mostly by his instincts, and through the guidance of some kind strangers he's come across in his travels up to that point. His feelings of accomplishment were cut shot as Y'uraq began to realize the mystery that surrounded his circumstances still haunted his present life. Regardless of the unfortunate circumstances that still afflict him, Y'uraq seized his present situation and took extended stays in each region, exploring sights and places he may have missed or overlooked during his first journey, to mingling and interacting with more of the locals, and even partaking in events and festivities happening during his stays. Despite this previous fortune with side quests and encounters in his first journey, none of his new experiences availed more lost memories for Y'uraq, his efforts have been for naught.

In result, Y'uraq felt more discouraged than ever before, in no real hurry to report back to his crewmates in La Noscea. He entered through the Gates of Thal, unconsciously re-enacting his first moments in the city, only the night was setting in his present time. Y'uraq decided to wander through the city one last time before making his way to the airship landing high above the city. He wandered the busy streets, things seemed a slight more hectic than he originally remembered as well. Brass Blades roamed the city in greater numbers than before as well. As Y'uraq continued wandering across the city, he continued to feel more at home in the heart of Thanalan, than he did anywhere else in Eorzea.

As this familiar confidence came to him, he became more affirmed that perhaps he might found himself in Thanalan for a reason that fateful day. It wasn't long until he convinced himself he would find all the information in the one place he never thought to look. And even though his own decision to resign from his crew in La Noscea wasn't an easy one to make, it was clear to him that his answers, whereabouts of his kin, and his true calling are all waiting in the deserts of Thanalan.

(CURRENT ARC - The White Jaguar)

(April 27, 2015 - present) - Y'uraq's life prior to his mysterious awakening in the badlands of Central Thanalan remains a mystery to him. With only his instincts and his fragmented memories to guide him, Y'uraq decides to return to the arid lands where his adventure began.

Current Occurences
  • Through his instincts, Y'uraq has carried through with his decision to return back to Ul'dah along with all of his worldly belongings.
  • Y'uraq moved to a new home in the Goblet in a large house he shares with a free company of adventurers, The Fireborn.
  • After settling in and becoming acquainted with his new fellows, Y'uraq now seeks to resume his own scholarly pursuits, but not without a master's guidance. He has resumed to reading and learning from basic texts and encyclopedias until he finds something worth his interests. In his leisure time, Y'uraq has been taking to the Streets of Ul'dah, often seen with a drink in his hand at the Quicksand.
  • Y'uraq has been sparring at numerous gladiator events around Thanalan, namely the grindstone. Through fight and fight again, Y'uraq has been revealing a very disturbing reality about himself and his in-combat displays of rage and savagery at his opponents. A sudden memory from his past came to him locked in combat with a nunh of his tribe. Much of the fight, and its outcome remains clouded to him.
  • Y'uraq wins a sparring competition, at the Rum n'rumble, not leaving before spending a moment to speak, apologize, and mend his opponent's wounds from their fight.

Reputation and Social Relations


◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"He's a little too enthusiastic about fashion and glamour, if you ask me. Even his armor looks like it was built for show as much as practicality! Yes, all of them!" [Weaver's guild receptionist.]
"Hmph, he just showed out of nowhere! Probably another damn refugee looking to scrap after dropped coin." [Brass Blade]
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Hm, I've never seen that boy walking with a thaumaturge staff before... Just what kind of research does he do?" [Ul'dahn merchant]
"He's always so quiet! for a while he's just been coming in and finding somewhere to sit and read his books after buying a drink before leaving a while after. You'd think he was waiting for someone?" [Quicksand Personnel, Ul'dah]
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"I heard he lost his memories, I say he's not telling us everything." [Ul'dahn Gossiper]
"There is a savage soul possessing that meek looking fellow. Don't believe me? Watch him in combat sometime!" [Grindstone Spectator, Ul'dah]
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)

Please feel free to add your own rumors!

"He seems to have some potential, but his mind is clouded... I want to teach him, but I think for now, I am happy being his friend and not his teacher." - Rahn'a Lihzeh


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Poor Standing
Shas Tarry
Rhesh'ir Zhwan
Y'lyfriel Sikah
Ralamano Nulumano



Fun Tidbits:
* Won the Run'n'rumble competition on May 23, 2015! His winnings were earned after enduring some very rogue-ish trials, armed with a sword, a shield, and his instincts. His winnings are saved aside for a Building large enough for his future goals in the world of scholarly academics.

Theme Song: Underdog

Templates by Bancroft Gairn and L'aenoh Tia