Brave Horizon

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Brave Horizon
Gender Female
Race Roegadyn
Clan Hellsguard
Citizenship Ul'dah
-- Currently requires edition --


A young Roegadyn refugee hoping to find more to life than hard labor

At a glance
Female Lohengarde Roegadyn
Age Hair color Eye color Height Weight
24 Dirty blond Orange 7 fulms About 220 ponze
Build Distinguishing marks Figure
Strong; Heavily muscular with little fat "Third eye" jewel matching eye color; Occasional face paint Broad shoulders; Broad hips; Distinctly feminine profile
General appearance
Poor quality clothing; Basic hygiene only, no makeup, no fragrances; Self-cut hair; Calloused, rough hands; Deep yet feminine voice; Well-spoken


Much of Brave's personality has been shaped by her upbringing in Ul'dah's lowest social and economic classes. She has learned to find value in things that cannot be measured by their cost in gil, such as health, friendship, and pleasure, although she sometimes struggles with finding her own worth as a person. Despite her lot in life, Brave tries not to become angry or bitter, but she does have a short temper. Thing such as waste, decadence, and acts of superiority based on wealth or power could cause her to snap. Otherwise, she can be quite friendly, happily sharing smiles, laughs, or even more intimate gestures should the mood arise. Despite her warmth, she has very few meaningful relationships with other people. While this has suited her in the past, she finds herself desiring truer friends or even a lover of late.

Brave's hobbies are limited by her lack of wealth and cultural exposure. Like many other refugees, she enjoys drinking, recreational drugs, and casual sex with either gender. Unlike most, though, she is literate and very much enjoys books. She likes cheap adventure and naughty romance novels as much as the next person. Scholarly texts are worth their weight in gold to Brave, however. She is very intelligent, and she devours any book of knowledge she can get her hands on. She especially adores books about mathemetics and the physical sciences. In her dreams, she becomes a successful machinist or engineer.

Brave's morality is her own; she does not follow any formal creed or worship any diety. She does believe that kindness begets kindness and that hate begets hate. After a lifetime of being marginalized, she has no love for law or authority. She has no qualms against using violence to protect her own health or livelihood, but only just enough to get the job done. She has no real martial training, and she has never killed or even severely harmed another person.


NPC Rumors PC Rumors
  • Coming soon!
  • "I thought her a promising student when first I took her on, and I was not disappointed. She has become a capable swordswoman in her own right; impressively so, in so short a time of tutelage. She is reckless, however, both in battle and in matters of the heart. I am... Well aware that I have been distant with her. Were it that she did not remind me so much of someone I once knew." -- Brynhilde Wulf


Birth and the Fall of Ala Mhigo

Bhaldswys Rhothimalwyn was born in the Ala Mhigo on the Third Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon to Lohengarde parents. Her father, Rhothimal Moeghundsyn, was a smith while her mother, Bleiwyda Doeshwabwyn, was an officer in the city-state's standing army. Both emigrants from the Hellsguard ancestral home in Abalathia's Spine, the met in a mercenary band. They continued that work until Rhothimal was wounded too badly to continue fighting, after which they settled in Ala Mhigo. Bhaldswys, or Brave Sister, was four years old when the Garlean Empire began their occupation of the city. Bleiwyda was presumably killed along with many other military officers during the invasion. Unable to evacuate with his daughter due to the Garleans seizing forges throughout the city, Rhothimal sent Bhaldswys ahead with a group of citizen transporting orphaned and abandoned children out of Ala Mhigo. He was able to give her the third eye piercing she wears to this day that night, hoping he would find her again one day.

"How come the sky isn't closer?
"What, dear?"
"We keep walkin' at the line of the sky, but it don't get closer."
"It never gets closer, Brave. No one can walk to the sky."
"Hmph. Well, I can."
"*laughter* Maybe one day you will brave the horizon."

Early Years

The Hyur couple that escorted Bhaldswys, now called Brave Horizon, and a number of other children to safety were librarians. They were also transporting a few priceless texts they managed to save before they left. They lent these books to an Ul'dahn library in exchange for guaranteed housing and work. At that time, the attitude toward refugees was much milder than during the times after the Calamity. Many of Brave's new "siblings" found work of their own right away. Others simply ran away. Within two years, she was child remaining with her foster parents. Under their care, she learned how to read and write, and she developed a love of learning. She assisted her foster parents in the library whenever she could.

Life of Labor

At age thirteen, the library was purchased by a Monetarist investor. Under the new management, the money spent raising Brave was considered payment for the books her foster parents had lent, and the library claimed ownership of them. Now forced to pay for everything on a meager salary, they could no longer support themselves and the young Roegadyn. A distraught Brave opted to find her own way in life. After a tearful farewell, she began work for a local merchant, whom her parents had convinced to hire her. She was as large and as strong as most Hyur boys three years older, and she found herself performing simple labor. She was offered a few square fulms of floor space in the corner of a warehouse as a home.

The Calamity

Brave's life would remain mostly unchanged for over a decade. Her employer was a small-time merchant. He traded in small volumes within Thanalan for the most part. When Brave reached the age of majority, she began to travel with caravans as labor and protection. While she was not directly affected by the war between Eorzea and Garlemald and then the Calamity, she was subject to the same hardships that fell upon everyone in the wake of those incidents. The new influx of refugees began the major tensions between citizens and refugees that still exist in Ul'dah. Additionally, with the rise in bandit and Amalj'aa activity throughout Thanalan, her employer provided her with a cheap sword and required her to carry it. No additional training or armor was offered.

Braving the Horizon ((Character Creation))

Shortly after her 24th nameday, Brave began to question if was trapped in her life of hard labor, poverty, and prejudiced treatment. She decided that if change was going happen, it would have to start with her. Having spent much of her free time in Ul'dah's Quicksand, she had watched countless adventurers of all kinds come and go. Without any training, however, she knew she could very likely die if she tried adventuring on her own, but she was too poor to afford formal training. Fortunately, she met Brynhilde Wulf, a Highlander swordswoman, who agreed to teach her how to properly wield a blade. Brave would eventually leave her job of eleven years and join Wulf's free company.