Time Tyrn

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Ishgard.jpg Time Tyrn
Tyrn bust 2.png
Race Roegadyn
Clan Hellsguard
Citizenship Ishgard
Aliases Ben(n), Lilac Benediction, Lyle, Solk, Tyrn
Nameday 5th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Occupations mercenary
Patron Deity Althyk
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Time Tyrn (born Solkeim Guhtstralsyn 5th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon) is a Roegadyn Hellsguard hailing from Ishgard in Alabathia's Spine. While an altruist by nature, he is a marauder and mercenary for hire and attempts to hide his inwardly caring demeanor.


Time marauder.png


Alignment: true neutral

Marital Status: single

Server: Gilgamesh

Sexuality: unknown


Attire: generally dresses in business wear—that is, suits of armour and the like. His armour sets and outfits alike are generally colour schemes of black, red, and white

Birthmarks: mole, left cheek

Eyes: lilac

Facial Hair: moustache & beard combination, common of Hellsguard men

Hair: black with lilac; fashioned up and out of his way

Height: 214 cm

Physique: very muscular, very lean

Piercings: none

Scars: multitudinous due to his choice of work, but none that particularly stand out

Skin Tone: dark brown

Tattoos: none

Weight: 117 kg

In-Game Screenshots




Disciples of War/Magic


Disciples of Hand


Disciples of Land



dedicated, faithful, loyal
good listener
good with instructions
great follower


self conscious & self doubting




attractive people
being told what to do
living up to & beyond expectation
making people proud


disappointing others
feeling lost
putting himself first


incredibly fast runner


follower, not a leader
generally doesn't question people or their motivations
outspoken, but not candid or open
would rather stay silent than say something incorrect


Colour: blue, white



  • Free Company: White Wolves
  • Guilds: The Astalicia
  • Grand Company: undeclared
  • Military: no military experience
  • Other: House of Dzemael
  • Aspiring Affiliations (OOC): none as of yet


Details about family are currently unknown.


As a travelling mercenary-for-hire who rarely, if ever, opens up to people, Time has only made acquaintances outside of his home setting and has no real friends, yet.


Details about any enemies are currently unknown.


Common Rumors

  • "Aye, he's a good merc, that one. Always brings back evidence of the hire—bit o' hair, jewelry, piece o' fabric..."

Moderate Rumors

  • "He's a fine mercenary, but he forgets often to bring the proof of death I've asked for. How hard is it to remember to cut off one ear, or a finger?"

Rare Rumors

  • "Oh, don't you know? It turns out he's a big softie, he'd'n't hurt a fly."
  • "That man, he's the one who gave me a second chance, and for that I'm grateful."

PC Rumors

  • submit any freely


Solkeim Guhtstralsyn was born on the 5th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon to an Ishgardian Roegadyn family. He was named Solkeim—"Blessed Purple—" by his mother immediately after his birth on account of his striking lilac eyes. They were, no doubt, the result of his mother's light blue and his father's deep purple. His mother died after giving birth, something for which he has since felt extremely guilty. His father was an archer and a knight for the House of Dzemael, and so Solkeim reasonably dreamt to be similar.

Growing up, Solkeim was often teased for his altruistic tendencies and concerns for others, and as such begun to keep his feelings to himself. While his father encouraged him, the other Hellsguards that he spent his time with didn't have families as devout to the city-state, and so their cynicism became the root of his self-doubt. In an attempt to fight their attempts at emasculating him, he devoted himself to training with melee weapons so that he was visibly strong. He dreamt of being a knight for the House of Dzemael, one day.

When his father was killed during a fight with a dragon, his comrades' cynicism overtook him. They openly questioned why anyone would sacrifice their life for others; what that devotion had paid Solkeim and Guhtstral, his father; what good being a knight would do for Solkeim. Seeking the guidance he now lacked from his father, he sought advice from his social circle, and his friends pointed out that the best way to live would be that of a mercenary on the basis that it meant you did whatever you wanted, and went wherever you wanted. However, they discouraged him from freelancing using his "traditional" Roegadyn name, warning that it was difficult to pronounce for non-Roegadyn and would discourage xenophobes.

Solkeim considered their recommendation as he continued to train and prepared to leave. Attempting to translate his name into the common tongue, he felt that "Blessed Purple" surely wouldn't do him any better as a freelance mercenary than Solkeim Guhtstralsyn. Imagining himself to lead the life of a defender and saviour, he converted the common words to be "Lilac Benediction," feeling that the adjective was reminiscent of him visually, and that "Benediction" was evidence that he would be a blessing to hire.

When he tossed this name around with his friends, they took the piss, and so he asked for further advising. Having experienced his growth spurt quite early on and being quite tall for his age, his friends mockingly suggested "Benntyrn," or "Legs Tower," which became a teasing nickname for a while as the conversation kept coming up. Eventually, he was advised by one mate that if he were to use a word in the common tongue combined with a word in the Roegadyn tongue, he would seem just "exotic" enough to intimidate others, and just familiar enough to hire.

While still in Ishgard after his father's death, Solkeim switched from training with sword and shield to training with greataxes, having been coerced into the class by his traditional Hellsguard mates. They convinced him that as much was traditional of Hellsguards. While training, he kept in mind his patron deity, Althyk, wielding his mythril greataxe. In admiration of Althyk's supreme austerity, Solkeim chose the name Time Tyrn in order to travel and freelance.

After much training following his transition of arms, including the growth of facial hair in order to seem more fiersome and wisened than he truly was, he his Ishgardian friends farewell and set off for work in Eorzea, where he would continue on to find himself.

Time profile crop.png

Future, Goals (OOC)

Class, Job, Occupation

  • level mrd to 30
  • level glad to 15
  • warrior job
  • level glad to 30
  • level conjurer to 15
  • paladin job


  • currently no particular faction goals

Upcoming Page Updates (OOC)

  • add more images
  • add to history


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea Multi-coloured column headers & purple bullet coding was takent from Yloise Dolet.