The Roegadyn are easily identified by their massive, muscular frames. They are descended from a maritime people that roamed the northern seas, though many of their ancestors turned their longships south to brave the crossing into Eorzean waters. Often considered a barbaric race, the fiercely competitive Roegadyn are also known for their compassion and unswerving loyalty. Many of the greatest warriors in history were born of Roegadyn stock.
The Sea Wolves were once feared as brutal pirates of the north seas. Now, however, they are one of the principal races of Limsa Lominsa, most often seen employed as sailors or seamen. In keeping with the old ways, the Sea Wolves bear names taken from the ancient Roegadyn language.
The Hellsguard are a small clan of Roegadyn that have carved out a home in the north of Abalathia's Spine. It is clan tradition to enter the mercenary trade; thus the Hellsguard took to giving themselves easily remembered names made up of words in the common tongue. They are a common sight on the streets of Ul'dah, earning a living as sellswords or bodyguards and are also said to have mastered the magical arts.
Other Physical Traits and Stats
Height |
Minimum (0%) |
Average (50%) |
Maximum (100%) |
Sea Wolf: STR22 DEX18 VIT23 INT17 MND21 PIE19
Hellsguard: STR20 DEX17 VIT21 INT20 MND22 PIE20
Naming Conventions
Roegadyn - Sea Wolves
At a glance, Sea Wolf names can oft appear like an amalgam of seemingly random letters, pounded out by a starved monkey chained to a thrift store typewriter.
Ah, but that is where you are mistaken! There actually is a pattern!
Sea Wolf names are actually all formed from two words taken from the ancient Roegadyn language that the race's ancestors spoke before they came to Eorzea. For example, Ahldskyf is a combination of Ahld (meaning 'old') and Skyf (meaning ‘ship’). Rostnsthal is a combination of Rostn (rusty) and Sthal (steel). Pronunciation of the names can be a bit easier after splitting the name into its two parts: Ahld + skyf (read "ald-skeeff").
- Greintoum (grein + toum = bronze dream)
- Mytemyrgan (myte + myrgan = middle morning)
- Ahtmhas (aht + mhas = eight scars)
Fun Fact: The word Roegadyn actually means ‘people of the rain’: roega being a distorted form of the word ‘roegan’ (rain) and ‘dyn’ (people), as the weather in northern islands from which they hail fluctuates from thick fog to torrential downpours...and that’s when it’s too warm for snow.
Female first names follow the same rules as male first names, except that the second word used in the names is almost always one of the following:
- Swys (Sister) -> Aermswys (Poor Sister)
- Thota (Daughter) -> Klynthota (Small Daughter)
- Wyda (Willow) -> Dyrstwyda (Thirsty Willow)
- Geim (Jewel) -> Rhotgeim (Red Jewel)
- Wyb (Woman) -> Merlwyb (Sea Woman)
- Rael (Doe) -> Doesrael (Two Does)
- Lona (Gatherer) -> Styrnlona (Star Gatherer)
- Bhyda (Bride) -> Blyssbryda (Blossom Bride)
Sea Wolf last names can appear even more imposing, but in fact, they follow rules similar to the first names. A last name simply takes the father's name and adds either Syn (meaning 'son') or Wyn (meaning 'daughter'). For example, Limsa Lominsa Admiral, Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn could be broken down like this:
Merl (sea) + wyb (woman)
Bloe (blue) + fhis (fish) + wyn (daughter)
In other words, "Sea Wife, daughter of Blue Fish"
Both ‘thota’ and ‘wyn’ translate as ‘daughter’; however, the use of wyn is exclusive to last names. You will never see it used in a first name (such as Klynwyn), as you will never see a last name that uses thota (such as Bloefhisthota).
Roegadyn - Hellsguard
You will find the "old language" used in a lot of Sea Wolf names, as the Sea Wolves tend to adhere to the ancient traditions and customs the northern islands from which they hail. The Hellsguard, on the other hand, are more prone to adapt to their surroundings, and often choose to 'translate' their names from the old language to modern Eorzean. That said, the lines between the two clans aren't set in stone, and you will find some Hellsguard have chosen to use the old language in their names, and some Sea Wolves have given themselves "translated" names.
Male names are formed from two words (usually a descriptor and a noun), and tend to draw heavily from nature, whether it be vegetable or animal, inanimate or animate, abstract or concrete.
Tall Mountain
Spinning Blade
Anonymous Moose
Still River
Bloody Catapult
Female Hellsguard names follow the same rules as those for male names. In addition, there are no restrictions on the second word (as exist in Sea Wolf forenames). The only real difference between male and female Hellsguard names is that the latter tend to include plant imagery (though there are many which do not). On the other hand, the use of trees, flowers, etc. is not exclusive to female names, as there are also many male names which incorporate them.
Blue Lily
Weeping Orchid
Diving Sparrow
Silent Moss
Highly independent in nature, Hellsguard despise being defined by the actions of anyone but themselves, and therefore those who leave their mountain homes for the city-states of Eorzea, will often completely drop their family names, choosing only to be referred to by their first.
When pronouncing Sea Wolf names, you can, for the most part, follow the rules of English. There are, however, some exceptions:
AE: Somewhere between the 'e' in 'egg' and the 'ai' in 'air' depending on the consonant that follows it
Aerg (ambitious) would be pronounced like 'airg'
Aent (duck) would be closer to 'ent' (rhymes with 'sent')
Aergaent (ambitious duck)
Y: A long 'e' such as the 'ea' in 'eat' or the first 'e' in 'Steve'
Alyr (alder) would be pronounced 'ah-leer'
Blyss (blossom) would be pronounced like 'bleece' (rhymes with 'fleece')
Alyrblyss (alder blossom)
OE: An 'ooh' sound such as the 'ue' in 'blue' and the 'oo' in 'I pity the foo'
Broen (brown) would be pronounced 'broon' (like 'broom')
Loef (leaf) would be 'loof' (rhymes with 'goof')
Broenloef (brown leaf)
PF: Closer to an ‘f’ than a ‘p’
Pfym (five) would be 'fim' (rhymes with 'slim')
Skapf (sheep) would be 'skaff' (rhymes with 'staff')
Pfymskapf (five sheep)
TH: More like a hard 't' than a soft 'th'
Thosin (grey) would be 'toe-sin'
Sthal (steel) would be 'stall'
Thosinsthal (grey steel)
W: Somewhere in-between a ‘w’ and a ‘v’: nowhere as hard as the ‘v’ in ‘villain,’ but with a little more zing than the ‘w’ is ‘west’ (and nothing like how Chekov pronounces ‘vessels’ in Star Trek IV)
Wyzn (white) would sound like 'vee-zin'
Wilf (wolf) would sound like 'vilf' (rhymes with 'filth')
Wyznwilf (white wolf)
G: Almost always hard (like the 'g' in 'guilt' but not the 'g' in 'page')
The 'gin' in Swygyn (silent) would be NOT be pronounced like the drink 'gin' but like the 'gin' in 'begin'
Agat (amber) would be 'ah-got'
Swygynagat (silent amber)
J: A 'y' sound like in 'year' and 'yummy'
Jungh (young) would be pronounced 'yoong'
H: When paired with a vowel (before or after), almost always silent
Smhid (smith) would be pronounced 'smid' (rhymes with 'kid')
Junghsmhid (young smith)
Roegadyn Dictionary
Grammar Key
AN....Both Adjective & Noun
VN....Both Verb & Noun
Modifying Grammar
Noun -> Adjective
Ais (Ice) + i = Aisi (Icy)
Ex: Aisibhir (Icy Ale)
(Entries which are designated as AN (both adjective & noun) will not change in structure when they are used as an adjective. For example Agat (amber) will NEVER become Agati.)
Verb -> Noun(er)
Braen (Break) + a = Braena (Breaker)
Ex: Aisbraena (Ice Breaker)
Verb -> Noun(ing)
Floer (Lead) + n = Floern (Leading)
Ex: Floernmann (Leading Man)
Spelling Rule
Always remove doubled letter when combining a word that ends in the same letter the following word begins with.
Rostn + Noez = Rostnoez (Rusty Walnut)
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