Zorai Naccal

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Zorai Naccal
Forbidden Hunter, Sage of the Third eye
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 19/21 - She is not sure herself.
Namesday 3rd Sun of the 3rd Astra Moon
Height 5 Fulm, 0 Ilm.
Free Company The Black Diablos
Ocupation Hunter, Leader of the Black Diablos
Homeland Minegarde
Zorai Naccal



Zorai Naccal, a seer, Healer and freind to all. this young Miqo'te who stedfast became the leader of the Black diablos...

Forbidden Hunter: Inheriting the title from her mother and Father before her, a family title yet Zorai herself has acheived great feats to be worthy of the title, back home in Minegarde a forbidden hunter has proven themselves to be an adepet hunter, taking on the greatest challenges, allowed to hunt in any hunting grounds, a forbidden hunter is an indavidual who knows the lay of the land, can face any monster... and knows when to leave a fight to live another day.
Sage of the Third Eye: another title inherited from her mother, given to the seer of the hunter village, Zorai displays great Aethertical power and has been known to see the future, and be empathic, feeling as others feel, seeing through their eyes events of the past. she won't use this very often, but it can occur on accadent.
Currently lives with her free company, The Black Diablos, having previousley taken up resedence at No Hope cave in Thanalan the Hunters Guild now work from a Hunting Hall in the Lavender beds, "The Gathering Hall" as its known is the center of Diablos life, where the hustle and bustle of passing hunters gain work, rest and relax. Zorai can often be found here overseeing guild activities. She is however a traviler at heart, its not uncommon to find her wandering the world somewhere for seemingly no reason.


Height 5 Fulm, 0 Ilm
Weight currently underweight
Build Currently Slim and malnourished
Skin Tone Gentle blue/grey.
Tail Big, Fluffy and purple, her tail often finds its way into the oddest of places.
Notable Features:
Scars Large Speer gash on her left shoulder, cuts and bruses on various parts of her body.
Head / Facial Features
Hair Dark purple, slight highlights of white.
Eyes purple, one duller than the other.
Notable Features:
Scars Scar below her left eye, on her cheek.


Abilities and Skills



Sword: Zorai learned how to use a sword in Monegarde and has a unique fighting style which keeps her close to the ground, she only remmbred this after a long while training with Cybrielle Durnba and fourished during a fight with Azranahr Stormchaser
Dagger: her unique fighting style and mastery of her tail allows her to hold a dagger at times when fighting, this can be used as a suprise attack.




Trees and Nature.
Tea of any kind.
Shiny things.



Favorite Food: Chocolate, thanks to Cyb
Favorite Drink: Tea
Favorite Color: Purple



Noraxia Lunn (Mother, Deseaced) (Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon)
Zorai's birth mother and teacher in healing arts she owes all she knows to Noraxia with her ways of healing she has saved many lives, recently deceased, Zorai will be
A'Naccal Nuhn (Adopted-Father, Deseaced) (Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun)
The man who rescued Zorai from a fate close to death.
Ackee Naccal (Adopted-sister) (Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun)
The man who rescued Zorai from a fate close to death, he became her father after raising her for a while, re-teaching her how to hunt, talk and live in society once more.
Cybrielle Durnba (Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun)
Zorai's bestist freind, they go on incredible adventures together with muffins, she cares deeply for Cyb and thinks of her as a sister. The two together get up to all sorts if micheif, they are freinds through good and bad.
Izrikairin Rish (Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon)
having met through twists of fate at points in their lives Izzy as he is known is a strange one, Zorai considers him her brother and would protect him with her life.
Amida Lunn (Adoptive-Sister, Childkike) (Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun)
Adopted by her mother back in minegarde at an unknown age, Zorai has become to know Amida as her little sister, though not related by blood, only the kinship of their mother Noraxia.


N'shiki Talien (Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun)
Zorai grew up with Shiki and considers her to be her aunt, she's a great hunter and Zorai respects her for it.
T'rau Durnba (Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun)
a deer freind of Zorai, they met when she was young in Minegarde having known Zorai's mother, Zorai sees him as a tursted freind and ally, someone she can trust her life too.
Jun/Theiolen Nakatomi (Hyur, Doman)
Cybrielle's other half, quiet and never looks at Zorai, at first she thought she had done something wrong, but soon she reoised it was just how he acted, since then they have become freinds.
Paran Hywel (Hyur, Midlander)
Joujiein (Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon)
A dear freind of Zorai, they met in a dream and became fast freinds, they often spend time together alone.
X'aros Jardin (Missing in Action) (Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun)
D'emi Rhoja (Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun)
Arzranahr Stormchaser (Au Ra, Xaela)
A Storyteller and freind, Zorai has known Azzie for a long time, but dosen't remmber him ever aging as she grew up, tthey lost eachother a long time ago due to certain events, found eachother in Limsa Lominsa where she perswaded her long lost freind to eat a purple fish raw. due to recent events she is still somewhat scared of him at times.
Y'riel Tia (Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun)
A Shy Miqo'te who Zorai calls 'Just Riel' after their first meeting, she cherishes his freindship and always makes time for him.
Aeomatra Staar (Hyur, Highlander)
A curious person to Zorai, they met soon after Zorai came to Limsa and struck a fast freinship, since then Aeo has taught Zorai many things.
Tei Rish (Deseaced) (Hyur, Hylander)
Mechanic and freind while Zorai didn't know him long she grew close to him, close enough for him to make a music box, given to him by T'rau when he passed away.
Rhuya Moui (Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon)
Izrikairin's other half, she met Rhuya for the first time when she was pregnant with twins.
Dyolfen Bloodstone (Garlean)
A rather strange indavidual who's tallents take him in many directions, he seemingly works at the Golden Saucer.
Luca Blossoms (Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun)
Zorai grew up with Luca in minegarde, they remained freinds throhout their stay in Eorzea having adventures of moogles together, though she hasn't seen Luca in such a long time.
Kassandra Enora (Missing in Action) (Hyur, Highlander)
Former leader of the Black Diablos and Zorai's freind and partner in Hunting, presumed missing in action, left on a great hunt and never seen again.


Camille Everardi (Hyur, Midlander)
An aquantance through Cyb and Jun, Zorai first met Camille when she was being snuck into their house inside a box, she like Camille and thinks she has the nicest coats.
Moltove Montova (Elezen, Wildwood)
To Zorai, Moltove is only known as a Pirate lord Molbury Tontova.. who's weakness is dodo's, she has yet to fully meet him properly, however the dodo thing may stick.
Keru Lowry (Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon)
Batoyuun Qestir (Au Ra, Xaela)
One of the first Au Ra Zorai met, A scilent charater who Zorai thinks has something perminantly lodged in his throat, they communicate through elaborate hand jestures, as Zorai thinks it rude to talk to smoeone who cannot talk back, half of the time their conversations are misinterprited.
Sokhatai Noykin (Au Ra, Xaela)
One of the first Au Ra Zorai met, she dosen't know much about her other than she's a freind of Jun.
Caimeta Tigersoul (Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun)
Quartermaster of the Diablos, Zorai respects Cai for how orginised she is and allows her free rein in the Diablos to do as she wishes in Quartermaster.
Strangers (unknown, unknown)
An unknown entity known only as "Strangers", these people have a hidden ajenda which proves to threaten their very way of life.


Common Rumors

Moderate Rumors

Rare Rumors


Player Rumors'

"Sh' can see th'Song too, an' Speak back. S'nah much a Zorai can' do, don' le' th'ou'side fool ya~." ~ Izrikairin Rish
"Such a charming young lady! ....Ask her on a date and I'll break your legs." ~ N'shiki Talien
"A kind gentle soul... though acts more like a sylph then a Miqote" ~ Dyolfen Bloodstone
"Oh Zorai? Yeah, she's a real sweetheart, will do almost anything for you. Don't let her look after you when you're sick though, unless you don't mind being used as a canvas for her doodles." ~ Azranahr Stormchaser


Otherwise known as "notible events"


Sample Event
Marshmellow Madness
A day in which Zorai will never forget... she made a million marshmellows and shared them all with her freinds, T'rau Durnba, Luca Blossoms, Kassandra Enora, Azranahr Stormchaser, Izrikiarin Rish. she ate so many that she had a sore stomach that lasted clear onto the next day where her and Azzie KOed in the Guild hall
Pina, the little light
while praticing her magic arts alone in the forrest a young Zorai heard the smallest voice that could be, it was like a jingle, no a jangle.. quiet, yet loud. she followed the frantic voice to a clearing where she saw a monster, in its jaws a fairy who's light seemed dim, she rushed to the fairys aid, managing to get the fairy free from the monsters mouth. taking the hurt fairy home, Zorai nursed her back to health, sharing with her her very life force. the fairy soon recovred from her ordeal, yet choose never to leave Zorai ever again, the now named Pina would be at her side ever more.
First Hunt
Zorai was


The Black Diablos formed
The Black Diablos, a hunting group made up of freinds formed when Zorai was very young, a freindship that would last a lifetime, and quickly become a thriving guild.
Forbidden Hunter Zorai
Proving herself a capable hunter in her early teens, Zorai enherited the title of Forbidden hunter officually recognised by the guild after taking out a monster that was headed for the capatol city, her and a small group of hunters took down the mark, earning her the offical title of Forbidden Hunter and saving not only her village but the capatol aswell.
Goodbye Brother, Azranahr Stormchaser Leaves Minegarde Leaves Minegarde
Valko, Zorai's brother named after her father was killed in a sparring accident with Azranahr Stormchaser, Zorai had been coming to see them both having heard from her mother they were training at the beach. when she neared the presephis of the hill to the beach, she saw what could only be discribed as a raging fireball, like dragonfire.... when she saw over, amist the flames her charred brother, Azranahr Stormchaser looking down at what he had done... Azzie left minegarde that night, but not before Zorai managed to give him one thing, her flute which she used to play every day, an ornate flute, with a string of crystals at the end, hand carved. she gave him this gift and they parted ways.
Left Minegarde
The Black Diablos left minegarde behind in search of adventure and new lands, when they eventually found thsmselves on the mainland, one night while they made camp Zorai got lost, where she ended up alone in the Shroud for a very, very long time.
3rd Sun of the 3rd Astra Moon (The day that would become her Namesday)
Zorai was found on the 3rd Sun of the 3rd Astra Moon by her now adoptive father A'Naccal Nunh after being beaten almost to death by beastmen in the shorud, when she was rescued she spent a long time in a coma recovering from her ordeal, when she woke up she had no memories of who she was or how she got there, A'naccal took her in as his own, living with her sister A'ckee she slowley learned how to talk, hunt, and be part of the community once more. though the vast majority of her past is still missing, it dosen't seem to bother her that much.


Found her Freinds
After being seporated for over a Year Zorai was reunited with her freinds and hunting group The Black Diablos

Annotations & Additonal Information

This Template was created and Edited by Zorai Naccal, Feel free to use it! :3 find the blank version at User:Zorai

The Black Diablos - Free Company
Server Balmung
RP Style Hunting, Casual to Heavy RP
Contacts Zorai Naccal, Izrikairin Rish, T'rau Durnba
Website [The Black Diablos]
Timezone(s) GMT, GMT+1
Headquarters The Gathering Hall.
Location Lavender Beds, Ward 3, Plot x.