Adlai Mishra
Aldai Mishra --- About
Despite being a pure-blood Garlean, Adlai stands short at only 5'9, however his other features are the very picture of his heritage. Hair sits as a barely tamed mop, threatening to cover his grey iris and the small ridges of metal that peek from beneath the skin around his left eye. His body features a stockiness that causes him to be more often seen as hired muscle than the doctor and researcher that he truly is. With potential at a young age Adlai began his career by providing early, on location medical aid to soldiers wounded in battles for foreign territories before progressing to assist research in the advanced uses of magitek with organic tissue. His creative mind allowed him to move up the ranks at a respectable pace until becoming one of the capital's leading researchers and being dispatched to aid work in Doma and the far east. Years later more recent orders brought him to Eorzea to aid in the work of the XIVth legion before its loss of leadership and subsequent collapse. Scars & Markings: Adlai's skin features several pieces of magitek across its surface from around the outside of his left eye down to often symmetrical areas across his torso, arms and legs. Largely due to the advancement of Garlean medicine the visible magitek, along with the ridges beneath, seem to feature no scarring- the only markings coming from recent skirmishes or the impromptu removal of something from within the tissue. Voice: Softer and higher than many of his more grizzled counterparts he makes a conscious effort to keep his voice modulated and confident when amongst strangers and officials, though in private or with those he is familiar with Adlai falls back into a much gentler tone. Clothing: Whether loose or more form-fitting his outfits tend to prioritise freedom of movement over other aspects, and though his wardrobe features darker colours as a whole there is a deliberate effort to add different, brighter shades (his fashion skills however are perhaps in need of work at times). ---
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