Aiko Nakamura
General Information Aiko spends most of her days at the Sanguine Den, overseeing tasks and the talent of the establishment. Trained in the craft of Smithing before fleeing Othard, she carries an extensive knowledge of the Hingan arts of the trade, specializing in blades and swords of all kinds. Her combat training lies in that of the shinobi and - while by no means an expert - carries herself with a quiet step and cautious gaze wherever she may tread. . Appearance
History Born and raised in Sui no Sato, Aiko loathed the life she was presented. She hated gathering from the gardens, tending to the clothing and wanted to see the world sprawled out before her. She found herself fleeing to the surface at the young age at fourteen, where she managed to wander to Yanxia. There she'd meet up with a old, established Blacksmith by the name of Matsumoto Hideki. It was him who taught her the value of hard work, the concepts of respect and challenge, how to swing and wield a katana and gave her a father figure for the coming years.
One fateful day at age seventeen, she returned to Hideki's home to find the building alight with flames. The Garleans had come. She saw him there, holding his steel in defiance to his oppressors and it was at that moment that they locked eyes. He yelled out to her "Aiko! Run!" "I...I will not!" She replied, her hands wandering to the grip of her katana. "Aiko! They are not worth your steel. Flee this place. Find someone worth protecting. Find someone worth your steel.!" He yelled back, the Garleans turning to glance back at the frightened young girl. She hesitated, and he swung, taking down the Garlean who had turned his gaze away from an armed opponent. What followed was an execution plain and simple. The remaining forces cascaded down onto him, slicing the old man down where he stood. It had taken her this long to run. Seeing her mentor collapse to the ground, her work burned to the ground. She fled, just as she had before. Years had passed. She found herself on Eorzea, working odd jobs with the other Doman refugees. Another mentor, another message, this time - the ways of the shinobi of Doma. She'd grown jaded, sullen, loathing, but took the knowledge and teachings to heart. Until one day when she was approached by an agent of misfortune - a criminal, so to speak. They offered steady work and reliable pay, all for the low price of sacrificing every bit of honor she held dear. She did. She would for years to come. She still finds herself in this line of work, still finding time and energy to regret it, up until the moment that she gained control of The Sanguine Den - a theater located on Othard. From there out she formed the Ebon Rose Troupe, a group of miscreants and slaves hellsbent on making as much gil as possible.Disclaimer: An old, devoloped character. Some backgrounds can change if anyone would like to play a piece of her past.
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