Ashlee Quinn
Ashlee Quinn is the granddaughter of Balmator Quinn, a black mage and scientist of some repute. Having recently been allowed to venture beyond the walls of his estate, her thirst for adventure has driven the naïve young mage to wander Eorzea and experience first hand its marvels and the depths of its forgotten ruins.
[hide]Basic Info
Appearance & Personality
The young red-haired mage has a bookish quality, and an air of naivety hanging about her. She is not often without a smile on her lips, and a certain look of awe shimmering in emerald green eyes. Years of spending most of her time reading books has left her physically lacking, but she has still managed to retain a slim figure from healthy living.
She is as friendly as she is naive. Ashlee tends to assume that everyone is a good person, and this trait often comes back to bite her. Don't mistake her innocence for stupidity, however; Ashlee is highly intelligent, and a student of both magic and science. She tends to treat most everything as an experiment of some sort or other, and enjoys testing her hypotheses in each given situation.
Ashlee lost her parents to the war with the Garlean Empire, several years ago. She was taken in by her grandfather, who raised her as he would his own daughter. Her grandfather was once a powerful black mage, but he retired from adventuring shortly after the death of Ashlee's parents. During the Calamity, he kept her locked up tight, his estate protected by layers of magical barriers. Even after the Calamity had ended, Ashlee was not allowed to leave. She was told to focus on her studies, which she obediently adhered to. With nothing to entertain her but mountains of books and the friends that she could summon for herself, she lived a fairly lonely life.
She longed for the adventure that she found in books. Playing in the mansion halls, she often pretended that she was raiding long forgotten tombs, or battling alongside powerful heroes as they turned aside the tide of evil. Her grandfather soon realized that he couldn't keep Ashlee locked up forever. Not only was it unfair to her, it wouldn't have been what her parents would have wanted for her. Besides, he reasoned – there was only so much magic that she could learn from books. Reluctantly, he lowered the barriers and let her go out into the world to explore.
Unknown to Ashlee, her grandfather arranged a bodyguard for her through one of his old adventurer contacts. A man named Scirin Windblade was to be her protector, though as part of his contract he was forbidden from letting Ashlee know his true purpose – he was to approach her as a friend, and simply maintain that facade. Fortunately, Ashlee was all about making new friends, and was too inexperienced with the way of the world to question anything.
- Currently working as a lab assistant for Sumari Polaali. Sumari is also apprenticing her, and teaching her the finer points of magic.
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- Template by Bancroft Gairn