Tikka Swift
Tikka Swift | |
![]() | |
Gender | Female |
Race | Miqo'te |
Clan | Seeker/Keeper half-breed |
Citizenship | Undocumented |
Age | 18 |
Marital Status | Married |
Occupation | Street performer/thief/Dusk Dancer |
Height/Weight | 5'2"/110 lbs |
Orientation | Bisexual |
Relatives |
Tikka Swift, sometimes known as "Tabitha Emberfury", sometimes known as "Princess", sometimes known as "Hey, you, stop burning things!" is a miqo'te thief and street rat who has no current permanent place of residence. During the day, she can often be found on the streets of Ul'dah, performing elaborate feats of stage magic and acrobatics in order to draw crowds of marks to make for easy pickpocketing. At night, she plies her trade across the rooftops of the city, testing her lockpicking, safecracking, and trapfinding skills out in the homes of various unsuspecting noblemen. It has recently been discovered that her birth name is L'anya Kharja. Given that she's also learned that L'Kharja Nunh is not only NOT her real father, but he's the one who murdered her family, Tikka has decided that her *real* birth name is L'anya Polaali. Recently, she has married Gen Quickpaw and has appended her name with his last name, now calling herself L'anya Polaali Quickpaw.
[hide]Basic Info
Appearance & Personality
Tikka is an acrobat and it shows through her build. While not overly strong, she is extremely agile and dextrous. She has a small frame and is very light, but uses that to her advantage, both to throw people off guard and to throw herself around. Her hair is a mix of red and white, though the white highlights are a natural coloration rather than a dye job. Her eyes are perhaps her most striking feature, a vivid green that often shimmer with energy and youthful exuberance. Although the young thief appears to be a Seeker, a clue to her hybrid heritage is in her slightly elongated canines -- which are far more pronounced than a Seeker's should be.
A hedonist at heart, Tikka lives a wild and crazy lifestyle. She acts on impulse, and does what she feels like doing at any given time, without any heed to potential consequences. She enjoys being random, a trait that often convinces people that she's actually at least partially insane. Plus she is generally high on sugar cubes, and that contributes significantly to her hyperactivity.
Tikka's mother was part of the Viper ( L ) tribe, and was one consort of many for one of the tribe's nunh's. She got pregnant by a Keeper rogue that she had fallen in love with. Since things would be bad if anyone ever found out the truth, she did her best to trick the nunh into thinking that the baby was his. Fortunately, Tikka was born with mostly Seeker features, save for her elongated canines and heightened sense of nightvision. She continued her relationship with the Keeper, and often brought Tikka to meet her real father in secret.
When she was old enough, her father started teaching her rogue skills, and she hung out with him and his group. It was because of this continued interaction that the nunh of her tribe eventually found out about the truth. He tried to have Tikka and her mother killed, but Tikka's father and his band of rogues swooped in to pull them out of danger. However, the insult would not stand, and the nunh gathered up men of his own. They pursued the band and, during the battle, Tikka's parents (along with most of the rogues) were killed.
But before they died, they urged Tikka to escape. The young rogue ran for her life, but the nunh soon caught up to her. They fought, and he beat her to within an inch of her life. But before he could land the final blow, she struck him with a knife just below the heart. His own blow proved a glancing one, but it bounced her head off a rock and Tikka went unconscious. Leaving her dying, the nunh retreated to seek medical aid -- he couldn't tell anyone the truth of what had happened, for fear of what would happen to his status if it became known that he was nearly killed by not only a female, but a female child.
Soon afterwards, Tikka was discovered by a traveling band of mercenaries -- Louis, Reis, and Shin. The trio of adventurers took her in and nursed her back to health. But after she had recovered, Tikka recalled nothing of her former life. The adventurers invited her to join them. Since she couldn't remember her name, they helped her think of one. Louis started to train her to defend herself, but when he did so, he soon discovered that she had several innate talents related to thievery. He called her 'Swift', because she was innately fast on her feet and quick fingered. Her role within the group determined, she set off with the trio in search of adventure.
- ● Had her heart broken in a relationship with Sparrow. Until she met him, Tikka had never loved anyone before, at least not as far as she could remember. She'd been with a lot of guys, and had certainly felt attraction. But she'd never even considered becoming exclusive with someone. That's why it was so much harder for her when it turned out that he was in love with someone else. This relationship has had a huge impact on Tikka. She has withdrawn, choosing to distance herself even further from people emotionally. She has also found comfort in the bottle, deciding that being drunk all the time keeps her mind from wandering back to the comfort she'd found in his arms.
- ● During a beach party, Tikka was refusing to go into the water to join the rest of her friends due to her fear of sharks. Instead, she stubbornly camped out on the beach and built herself a sand castle. After awhile the others managed to coax her out to join them. For unknown reasons, the sand castle animated and became a sort of miniature sand golem. From that moment, it started following her around like it was somehow connected to her. She cannot currently figure out a way to rid herself of this construct. She has tried smashing it, slicing it into pieces, dropping it from high altitude, burning it, and having mages throw magic at it. It has thus far managed to reconstruct itself each time. She has since named it 'Sandcastle' and treats it like an annoying pet. Her theory is that someone who doesn't like her placed some sort of a curse on her. Currently, in order to give herself a few moments of freedom from it, she has taken to bursting it apart into tiny pieces, putting the pieces into separate containers, filling them with water, and sealing them. Each time, Sandcastle has somehow managed to escape, reform, and locate her again. How long this process takes seems to vary from a few hours to a few days.
- ● Tikka was hired to help rig some fights run by her friends Yorric, Ari, and Gen. They figured that with her charisma and her enthusiasm she would have no trouble whipping up crowds into a frenzy, causing them to bet on their fighters, who would then throw the match. It's became a profitable arrangement for all parties involved. Plus Tikka had gotten lots of pretty gems and sugar cubes out of the deal.
- ● She kept a secret stash of her belongings and stolen goods at her room at the Quicksand. Recently, her room exploded and a group of unknown assailants attacked her and Yorric. There were no survivors amongst the assailants, and there were no identifying marks that might indicate their origin. The explosion was confined mostly to her room, with just a bit of damage to surrounding rooms. The wall in which her window was placed was pretty much blown wide open. Until she's able to secure a new base of operations, Tikka's current status is mobile, and she's relying on her set of emergency caches scattered throughout the major cities. Update: Her friend Cookie (Vanilla Wayfarer) offered to share her room with Tikka, thus solving her housing situation.
- ● Tikka, Glow, Gen, Yorric, and Ari perpetrated an intricately planned heist and stole millions of gil worth of artwork from an art auction in Ul'dah. They are currently sitting on this now hidden stash, preparing to sell it later.
- ● Armed assailants working for L'kharja Nunh tracked Tikka down to the headquarters of the Light Crusaders. They managed to render her unconscious and, despite the valiant efforts of her friends and company members, she was abducted and taken away to an unknown location. Tikka's half-brother, Pyha'to, and half-sister, Sumari, had been tracking L'kharja's men and wound up locating her just before she was kidnapped -- Tikka hadn't recognized either of them, and had fled from Pyha'to when he confronted her. Tikka's real name was revealed to be L'anya Kharja.
- ● Tikka spent many months in captivity. She was held by a group of cultists known as the Eyes of Zzahg'ghazz. They were a primal cult, based in a volcano lair about a day and a half's travel by airship from the shores of Limsa Lominsa. They were gathering crystals, intending to summon their insect god, the "Singing Lord of Shadows". Tikka was indoctrinated through the use of a special serum. She was given various magitek augments, and turned into a brainwashed assassin for the cult. She had her baby while in captivity, and L'kharja cruelly named it 'L'tarra', after Tikka's mother. He fully intended to raise L'tarra to worship Zzahg'ghazz as well. But thanks to the timely intervention of Tikka's friends and allies, and her brother and sister, Tikka was rescued from the cult and given an antidote to the indoctrination serum that had claimed her. While she had no memory of her time spent with the cultists, she catches glimpses in nightmares. Her baby was rescued from the clutches of the cultists as well. When she was introduced to her child by the father, Gen, Tikka dropped the L from the baby's name, and decided to call her Tarra Swiftpaw.
- ● Tikka is now a part of the group 'Might and Magitek'. While she occasionally runs missions with the group, her main focus is on her revival of the "Dusk Dancers", which she views as a separate faction within a faction. This group is an homage to the one that her parents helped found -- a group of benevolent rogues. Her vision for the Dusk Dancers is more a group of benevolent sky pirates, and her attention has been specifically focused on monitoring the routes of Garlean treasure ships.
Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC! ◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
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- Template by Bancroft Gairn