Ayame Kurogane
■ BIRTH NAME... Ayame, Kurogane ■ RACE & CLAN... Au Ra, Raen ■ GENDER... ♀ ■ AGE & NAMEDAY... 24, 24 Sun of the Fourth Astral Moon ■ ORIENTATION... Pansexual ■ RELATIONSHIP STATUS... Single |
- Personality/Physiology
- Biography
- Organization Interactions
- Character Interactions
- Writing/Art + Music
- OOC Notes + Links
- ■ Spirituality/Religion: Ayame pays tribute to the Dawn Father and Dusk Mother.
- ■ Politics: A boring trade, with little enough immediate payout for Ayame.
Ayame was born a single child to a rather well off family. Although not quite nobility, it was,not often that she found herself wanting in her youth. As such, when she started to show early signs of skill at manipulating aether, she was brought to get some of,the most,expert training available.
This is where she spent the next few years of her life at a boarding school, that specialized in these matters. Among math, reading, culture, and the arts, she was taught Aether Theory, practical magic, crystal studies. Through it all, she excelled, quickly getting a grasp of it.
Soon enough, she had finally come of age, and was ready to set out on her own. She found new work, performing parlor tricks and relatively menial tasks. It wasn't terribly fulfilling, but it helped her earn some gil, even if she didn't quite need it, her parents still supporting her. But, as many of Doma would learn, that pleasantry could not last.
When the rebellions started,and subsequently were stamped down, she was on one of the first ships to Eorzea, ready to forge her new life.
The Grand Companies of Eorzea! Listed below is the Reputation, Status and any IC notes each Grand Company might have on this character! ◢ The Immortal Flames - Ul'dah's Grand Company -
◢ The Maelstrom - Limsa Lominsa's Grand Company -
◢ The Order of the Twin Adder - Gridania's Grand Company -
Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category! ◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
Stories are in chronological order. | Notes on Music.
❇ I've been RPing for a few years now. Whether it's tabletop, forum-based, or in-game, you name it, I've done it. I like to think I'm an understanding sort, and I generally let everyone do what they do. If it directly involves me though, expect me to in turn get more involved.
❇ For Combat in Roleplay :: I'm comfortable doing free-form or roll-based combat. However, the exception is that if someone is notorious for having a bit of Special Snowflake Syndrome, with untouchable characters, I may push for Roll-based, if at all instead. ❇ Concerning Romance RP :: I myself am not against Romantic RP.
| Unless otherwise stated, all information below is OOC knowledge.
- ■ Do: --- RP with me. At any time. Just toss me a whisper, I can be ready for RP at a moment's notice. Anything from just friendly talking, to a nice spar.
- ■ Ask: --- Anything that can involve permanent damage to a character, such as severe maiming. Scars are generally fine, depending on severity.
- ■ Don't: --- Expect ERP. By all means, flirt. But don't be surprised and OOCly offended if you're turned down.