- Alias... ---
- Occupation... Machinist
- Age... 26 cycles
- Gender... Female
- Race... Hyur
- Clan... Midlander/Highlander mix
- Orientation... Bisexual
- Marital... Engaged
- Deity... Oschon, the Wanderer
- ● Protective
- ● Strong
- ● Passionate
- ● Social
- ● Outgoing
- ● Lewd
- ● Athletic
- ● Stubborn
- ● Loss of motivation
- ● Unintentionally belittling or insulting
- ● Tactless
- ● Needy
- ● Arik Kha
- ● Makeup
- ● Jewelry
- ● Magiteck
- ● Sailing
- ● Being spoiled rotten
- ● Guns
- ● The ocean
- ● Loneliness
- ● Being stagnant
- ● The cold
- ● Boring food
- ● Being ignored
- ● Not being waited on
- ● "She acts like she's the queen of all of Eorzea. She better get her shit straight before I do it for her." - Lominsian Trader
- ● "Her ass so big that when she's walking through town, people scream that Dalamud is dropping again." - Drowning Wench patron
- ● "I don't know, I think she works for her brother or something? I think she flies space ships? - Grdianian resident
- ● "She has crazy beginners luck. She succeeds at everything she tries on the first try, but can't seem to maintain it. The longer she goes at something the worse she gets." - Golden Saucer patron
- ●"I hear she doesn't take shit. She knows how to rile you up and bring you right back down. She demands attention and she will let you know when she wants it. Usually with a whip." - Quicksand patron
- ● I heard she only likes Roegadyn and those lizard folk." - Drowning Wench patron
- ● Place of birth was aboard the Xiaah uv dra Cxiymm on the Sea of Jade
- ● Name Day is 1st Sun of the 2nd Astal Moon (March 1st 1994)
- ● Height: 5 Fulms 6 ilms
- ● Weight: 170 ponz
- ● Favorites include: Color - pink; food - Sermon-worthy meuniere and Baklava; Drink - Frozen spirits; place - Costa del Sol
- ● Hobbies include: Designing new magiteck, teasing her big brother, teasing her boy toy, sewing, sailing, and singing.
- ● She is agnostic. After traveling far and wide she is unsure about gods, but she is sure something happens to a person's soul after dying. Weather that is returning to the lifestram to be created again (or not) or becoming crystallized aether.
The player or mun of Dyna has low self-confidence combined with a desperate need to RP. Unfortunately these things don't mix, and so I don't get the RP I seek all of time. This is also paired with the fact that I RP when I'm bored, or have any kind of spare time (even if it's just five minutes). Please never feel like you are a bother to me! Do not be afraid to come to me looking for RP! I accept walks ups and tells in game, and I RP over Discord as well. Aside from that, I am also an artist! I do take commissions on occasion, just ask! I promise I wont bite, and I try to work with you every step of the way. Again, please do not be afraid to tell me something. But that is a discussion for another time.
I am in my twenties, working five days a week and have little time to actually RP or do a lot of stuff in game. I try my hardest to always be attentive and I reply to everyone's messages as soon as possible! I do try to be in game when I can, and I am constantly on Discord (FayneFirestar#7298)! I try to be very understanding and open-minded, and I hate conflict. I am always trying to improve myself, so if you see anything wrong or weird, please tell me and I will fix it.
- ● Communication is very important. Communication is something very important to me. Weather it's just a fun little slice of life RP or a heavy hitting drama, please be sure to talk with me and I will talk with you about what's going on. I want to make sure everyone is okay with what is happening OOCly, and that no stress will come of anything.
- ● Wiki made by D'lyhhia Lhuil. Base layout taken from Atreus del Alumet.
- ● Color pallet selection found at http://paletton.com
- ● Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.
...but I guess you'll do.❞