Gae'briel Neldawn

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Gae'briel Neldawn
Silent Shadow

Gaebriel banner.png
Name Gae'briel Neldawn
Alias.. Many
Age.. 26
Gender.. Male
Race... Miqo’te
Clan... Keepers of the Moon
Orientation... Heterosexual
Marital... Single
Deity... Llymlaen, the Navigator
Nationality... Unimportant
Occupation... Sellsword, Smuggler, Sailor
Alignment... True Neutral
Gaebriel profile.png

Standing tall for a miqo'te, Gae'briel sports toned muscle underneath clothing with darker colors of black and grey, coupled with some hints of gold, white and red. Often referred to as Blackjack's shadow, he acts as first mate aboard the man's ship, running errands and whatever jobs the man might have for him. Partially tamed raven locks reach down to the back of his neck, longer in the back and shorter coming up to around his face. As a Keeper, his skin sports a darker hue, but not without traces of the sun's rays marking him for the years of labor spent on the docks and deck of a ship. His striking silver eyes are often focused on the task at hand, rather than seeking any sort of conversation.

He seldom speaks unless provoked, preferring to leave the talk of business to his Captain's tongue rather than his own. When speaking, his dialect often reflects that of one whom has spent a lot of time around seafaring folk. Despite his often uninterested demeanor, he is quick to anger when the right buttons are pressed.

Aside from the telltale preferred dark colors in the leather and cloth he wears, around his neck the man carries a handmade charm, given to him by his beloved little sister.

Scars & Markings: Several cuts and faint scars litter his body from years spent in combat, but none are as noteworthy as the scar that runs vertical across the bridge of his nose and between his eyes. Aside from clan markings, he carries few other distinguishing marks.

Voice: The way in which he speaks changes depending on the company he is with. His voice is often gruff, but when around those he is comfortable with, he speaks with a kinder, more caring tone. Around all others, he is often short of words, and prefers to speak as few as possible in order to end conversations he finds no benefit in.

Stubborn. Indifferent. Cold. Loyal. Self-Assured. Cynical
Silence is often bliss.

Gae'briel's cold personality is often difficult to approach except for those who either know how to navigate the waters, or know what buttons are best pressed to illicit a reaction. When provoked, he is harsh and crude in tone, but a night and day difference when it comes to those he shares some level of trust with. For those rare few, he is kinder in tone and mannerisms, though often still referred to as a grump.

He smiles little, save when in the company of those he's more familiar and comfortable with. Otherwise, he often wears a look of indifference, or a scowl, with little care for putting on a front for others.

Despite his cold mannerisms, he is fiercely loyal to those he feels a companionship with akin to family.

Even if the wind is against me, I will change my sails to reach my destination.

  • Books
  • Rum
  • Quiet
  • Apples
  • Sea


  • Disrespect
  • Black mages
  • Nosey people
  • Cold waters
  • Overpowered sweets
  • Chattiness


  • Feeling powerless
  • Losing family
  • Icy waters


  • Favorite Food: Fish
  • Favorite Drink: Rum
  • Favorite Color: Black

Color Key
In A Relationship: Gae'briel is romantically involved with this character.
Romantic Attraction: Gae'briel is romantically interested in this character.
Sexual Attraction Gae'briel is physically interested in this character.

Platonic Love/Family: Gae'briel considers this person family.
Friend: Gae'briel considers this person her friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Gae'briel considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

Good Standing: Gae'briel has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
Neutral: Gae'briel has no specific feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: Gae'briel has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.

Dislike: Gae'briel doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
Hate: Gae'briel consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
Fear: Gae'briel is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost.
Rivalry: Gae'briel consider this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time he gets to meet them.

Family Member: This character is related by blood to Gae'briel.
Business: This character is either Gae'briel's employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character has passed away.
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but Gae'briel isn't fully aware of it yet.


Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
Text, text, text, text.


Vasir'li Solhu ( ) ( PC ) - Captain/Father
Lecherous bastard sometimes, but he's family.
Talorei Neldawn ( ) ( PC ) - Sister
Too smart for her own good sometimes.
Lovete Neldawn ( ) ( PC ) - Mother
Mother, though a bit lacking in being one.
Adrien Soleil ( ) ( PC ) - Friend
Helpful for patching up injuries.
Es'mena Nenda ( ) ( PC ) - Business Associate
She's alright, when she's not being insulting.

Personal RP Limits

I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters.
Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.
I won't play permanent character death.
■ If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Character tumblr: Captain's Shadow
■ Main tumblr: sakialyn
■ Discord: Sakialyn#1050
Time Zone/Server
■ Time Zone: EST (GMT+5)
■ Balmung


Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Background and headers Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.

Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.

"Not all treasures are silver and gold."