Ilya'a Zehr

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Ilya'a Zehr

Name Ilya'a Zehr
Alias Ilya
Age 27
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Orientation Bisexual
Marital Single
Deity Menphina
Nationality Gridanian
Occupation Mercenary / Doctor
Alignment Chaotic Good


Taller than the usual Miqo'te, Ilya's physique sooner reminds one of a Highlander, standing a 6'3. His platinum hair and dark skin are an obviously spotted mis-match, although the clash of colors seems common among Miqo'te. However, black roots indicate that this isn't his original haircolor. If his eyes aren't covered by a helm or some sort of mask, they burn a bright amber.

He does not seem of any notable wealth, but his armor and weapons are well-kept and looked after.

Even though not quick to reach out to people himself, Ilya still prefers the company of others to being completely alone. Coming across as rigid, Ilya seems select in the people he wishes to speak and make acquaintances of, but is a good friend if people are willing to look past his naive nature. Once wishing for the bettering of mankind, Ilya is well-versed in white magic and in recognized as a doctor in all city-states... something he seems to have abandoned. Where he had once been a foolish child picking fights he should not have, Ilya now carries a conscience weighed heavily with guilt - and although he seems intent on fixing this and once again finding worth in himself, perhaps his methods aren't the best.

Scars & Markings
The most obvious scar would be the slash across his face, narrowly missing his eye, although many more litter the skin of Ilya's face. There's a decently fresh cut across his lips. A deep scar from what seems to be a stab wound is easily spotted on his neck.
Ilya has three large gashes across his back. The word 'traitor' is carved onto his chest, above his heart. Ilya's left arm used to be shattered, but he seems to have recently rectified this by replacing the limb with something a little more metal.
His right ear has a decent chunk missing.

Although oft seen heavily armored, when out of it, Ilya wears black coats and high-collared shirts. The clothes have the tendency to make him appear wealthy, but he only really owns two pairs of clothes that aren't armor, and isn't likely to be seen in any new, shiny outfits.


  • Flowers [ Perhaps unexepcted, Ilya seems very fond of almost any type of flower - the brightlily being his favorite. Generally seeming fond of plants because of his skills in alchemy and having grown up in Gridania, Ilya tends to be most comfortable in rooms or locations that at least have some type of greenery. If one would wish to calm the Miqo'te down, perhaps a brightly colored flower would help... ]
  • Noise [ Unwilling to suffer his own thoughts in absolute silence, Ilya is quick to search out any location that has a lot of people. While unlikely to engage in conversation, it's the background murmur of voices that keeps him sane. This does, however, make him a great listener. ]
  • Cold weather [ Ilya isn't too big of a fan of heat, and prefers cool days and nights over anything else. For this reason, he is not very often found in Thanalan. ]
  • Potions / Drugs [ Now pumping himself full of ceruleum daily, Ilya doesn't really mind the use of drugs. ]
  • Healing [ Despite having abandoned his position as a doctor once more, Ilya is happy to help out anyone that might need it - whether that be for a fee or a favor... ]


  • Being alone [ Ilya hates being left alone with his thoughts. ]
  • Being touched [ Although this only truly applies to strangers, Ilya prefers people to keep their hands off, no matter the situation. ]
  • Big cities [ Being as directionally challenged as they come, Ilya hates finding himself in big, confusing cities and being forced to ask for directions. ]


  • Himself [ Some things are better left alone... Ilya's past is one of them. ]
  • Water [ Having never been taught how to swim, Ilya prefers to stay far, far away from the ocean and boats, only traveling by such if it is deemed absolutely necessary. ]


  • Favorite Food: Seafood Stew
  • Favorite Drink: Tea
  • Favorite Color: Gold

[ These are the most relevant/prominent relationships currently. If you're not on here anymore, it just means we haven't roleplayed in a while or something has happened ICly for Ilya to cut ties. ]

Color Key
In A Relationship: Name is romantically involved with this character.
Romantic Attraction: Name is romantically interested in this character.
Sexual Attraction Name is physically interested in this character.

Platonic Love/Family: Name considers this person family.
Friend: Name considers this person his friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Name considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

Good Standing: Name has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
Neutral: Name has no specific feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: Name has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.

Dislike: Name doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
Hate: Name consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
Fear: Name is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost.
Rivalry: Name consider this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time she gets to meet them.

Family Member: This character is related by blood to Name.
Business: This character is either an Name's employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character has passed away.
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but Name isn't fully aware of it yet.


Ilya Zehr ( ) ( NPC ) - Mother
Being left in Gridania as an unwanted child, Ilya'a never found it in himself to care too much for his mother - although he does not blame her for her decision.
UNKNOWN () ( NPC ) - Father
A Highlander Hyur that forced himself upon his mother. Conceived from this, it was the reason Ilya'a's mother refused to take him into her family. By the time Ilya sought him out, the man was already dead.
Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
Text, text, text, text.
Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
Text, text, text, text.
Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
Text, text, text, text.


[[]] ()
[[]] ()
A Roe met through the Paw, Ilya has found himself with a first friend in years on his hands.
Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
Text, text, text, text.
Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!


◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

    Although rarely seen anymore after years, one might be able to spot a wanted poster in and around Gridania. The face looks familiar, doesn't it?


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    "Add rumor here." Name
    "Add rumor here." Name
    "Add rumor here." Name

Stories are in chronological order.

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Songs used set a mood, lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. Please mind your speakers when clicking the links.

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Personal RP Limits

I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters.
Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.
I won't play permanent character death or rape plots.
■ If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Title: [Link Here Title]
■ Title: [Link Here Title]
■ Title: [Link Here Title]
■ Title: [Link Here Title]
Time Zone/Server
■ Time Zone
■ Server

Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Background and headers Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.

Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.

{ a heart bleeds, a man weeps, a soul burns; thence comes the darkness, to consume
yet even in the depths, the flame endures }