Jebei Dotharl

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Ishgard.jpg Jebei Dotharl
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Male
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela
Citizenship Ishgard
Age 20
Marital Status Single
Height Very tall, 7’ 8”
Weight 273 lbs
Body Type Athletic
Patron Diety Rhalgr, the Destroyer
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Jebei is not your typical Dotharl. Most are quite shocked to learn that he is Dotharl—though he doesn’t mention it often. He’s flirtatious, fun loving, energetic, enigmatic: talkative, inquisitive, friendly and fascinated by just about everything and everyone that he comes across. He could—and has—talk about a button for hours with as much enthusiasm and detail as if he were explaining the intricate internal workings of some magitek device. One thing he is rather close-mouthed about is his past and the politics behind it. He tends to find excuses to leave when these topics are brought up.


Jebei is quite tall, standing at a head or more above most other Au Ra males he’s encountered. His musculature is well defined, his body toned. Jebei is heavily scaled: his black scales contrasting sharply with his pale skin, which shows no scarring despite him having participated in numerous raids and countless battles. His hands and feet are quite rough and calloused: the former from his constant bow handling and armourcraft: the latter because he detests wearing shoes and goes barefoot whenever possible. More often than not, he wears his long, snow white, black tipped hair in a messy ponytail, keeping it up and out of the way as much as possible. Jebei’s horns are jet black, their tips a dull, blood red. His expression seems to default to a cheerful grin or mischievous smirk. His eyes both bear a white umbral ring. His left eye is black and his right eye white. Whether the white eyes is due to genetics or the fact that he is blind in that eye, he doesn’t know. His mother and elder sister both had white eyes.

  • Armour: Jebei’s armour is light. He opts for freedom of movement over the heavy, encumbering options. He finds most pieces slow him down considerably and make it harder to dodge any attacks that get close enough to him.
  • Adornments: Jebei is unconcerned with aesthetics and wears no adornment that doesn’t also somehow enhance his skill. And even those he regrets having to wear.


Jebei is a happy guy. He’s always starting up conversation with random people and seems to be able to relate to anyone he comes across. He is young, but he has done a lot in his 20 years and is always on the look out to learn something new. When someone initially meets Jebei, he will shower them with attention—and questions, eager for insight into the lives of others. His enthusiasm for them tends to inspire them. His zest for life is rather infectious. Jebei is quite flirtatious. He is pansexual and very open with sexuality. He has no intentions of settling down any time soon and has had a parade of women—and men—of all different varieties and races through his bed, and he’s managed to stay friends with just about all of them. Jebei’s flaw in this respect is that he loses interest in things, and people, easily. He always comes back, eventually, but he doesn’t seem to realize the impact that his constant attentions then periods of no contact have on others. He also has a problem with finishing things that he starts. He’s usually able to talk himself out of any sticky situation that results from this, though. He can be quite manipulative—and very good at it. There is little that Jebei wants that he is not able to get. He has a strong sense of independence and, even considering his manipulative tendencies, the idea of controlling others disgusts him. Freedom to Jebei is extremely important. He loves children, he loves their energy and enthusiasm, he loves to play. On the rare occasion he comes across any, he can be found wherever they are, simply playing with them.


  • Martial: Jebei began his training in archery at a very young age. He was fascinated by bows, carving his own crude—but effective—bow at the age of 4. Since fleeing the tribe and Garlean control, he’s working on perfecting his craft, first learning new techniques from Gridanean archers, some of which were quite reluctant to teach them their craft. Ultimately, he won even the most hostile of them over, his skill and proficiency and dedication showing clearly through a series of tests administered to him. While there, he became fascinated with the lance and decided to pick that up, as well. Jebei’s true passion, however, lies within his voice. He’s always aspired to learn the ways of the bard. After he learns everything that he can from the Gridaneans, he plans on taking up—and mastering—the craft.
  • Crafting: Jebei has always enjoyed crafting, though lately—since taking on so many new skills—he hasn’t had any time for it. He does intend to continue his armourcraft at a later date.




  • Meeting people
  • Bows
  • Music [Singing]
  • Talking
  • Children
  • Rain
  • Snow
  • Horses


  • Talking [or thinking] about his past.
  • Heat
  • Salt Water
  • Shoes
  • Chocobos


  • Singing
  • Horseback riding
  • Playing in the snow or rain


  • Colour: Red
  • Food: Basically any meat.
  • Drink: Apple Juice
  • Scent: Rain



  • Mother, deceased
  • Father, deceased
  • Sister, Sechen Dotharl, whereabouts unknown






Common Rumors

Moderate Rumors

Rare Rumors

PC Rumors


  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. "A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those different from himself suffer). A chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it."


Links, Annotations and References

This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea

Jebei means "arrow

Chaotic Neutral
