Kaim Vellan
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Kaim Vellan
Dancer in the Dark
There's no one to catch me if I take a dive |
Shatter Me by Lindsey Stirling
General Information Kaim is a dancer by trade, but has moved from that as much as he used to in order to take on more active adventuring. He is a member of the Free Company "Rainbow Connection," and frequently does jobs and tasks for them. As a general rule, Kaim is difficult to get to know, as he is very closed lipped and introverted by nature. Once in his close circle of friends, however, he is fiercely loyal and never shuts up. He also dabbles in mysticism and tarot as well as learning more stalwart techniques in order to best support his friends. Appearance
Combat, Abilities & Weaponry
Non-Combat Abilities
Combat Abilities
OOC Note
History Most of Kaim's history prior to his joining Rainbow Connection is a mystery. He speaks of himself and his background very rarely, and keeps details about himself close to his chest. What is known about him, however, is that he was born in Gridania, raised in Thanalan, and moved later back to Gridania. He is also adopted, hence the non-miqo'te name. He has never been a part of a miqo'te clan, nor does he ever wish to be, for the most part. He does enjoy "belonging," and puts a lot of effort and time into deeds for his Free Company that will hopefully earn him acceptance. Disclaimer: Kaim's backstory and history will only be revealed to those he trusts implicitly. Therefore, it will take quite a bit of RP and chemistry, or in-game RP events in connection with his backstory or people involved in his history to bring this knowledge to the fore.
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