Kiche Dhava

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Kiche Dhava
Kiche Portrait Screen.png
Dream Seeker
Gender Female
Race Miqo’te
Clan Moon Keeper
Citizenship Gridania
Height 4 fulms, 9 ilms
Weight 90 ponze
Age 17
Patron Deity Menphina
Place of Birth The Coast of the Northern Waste



Kiche’s youth is clear in her face- her cheeks are full, her chin pointed, and her nose narrow and upturned. A small birthmark shows dark on her very fair skin, just under the corner of her left eye. Despite her pale skin, stripes of an even lighter hue naturally stripe her cheeks. A narrow scar cuts across the bridge of her nose along the same line as a small bump, indicating it’s been broken in the past. A black teardrop-shaped stone is adhered to her forehead each morning, though it is often hidden under her hair. Her lips are naturally pigmented in a dark bluish hue, full and shaped in a cupid’s bow.


The young woman’s eyes are large and angled, startlingly dark lashes framing them against the moonlit-fairness of her skin. With the large rounded pupils typical of Moon Keepers, the deep blue of her irises makes them look twice as large, giving her a permanent expression of wonder that is particularly apt for the maiden.


The Moon Keeper’s hair is thick and straight, kept short save for two long tails that frame her face in shining silver. Crafted rings adorn the tails, their silver faces designed with delicate but simple abstract patterns. In bright sunlight, Kiche’s hair is near-blinding- not white, not blonde, but a spectrum of palest silvers and golds. Her tail and ears are closer to the silvery-grey of moonlight, the fur thick, fluffy, and extremely soft.

Kiche’s ears look particularly big because of the fluff and are nearly as expressive as her face- very mobile and always swiveling and twitching, perking and drooping, so that her emotions are broadcasted clearly. Both ears are adorned with delicately crafted silver clasps, gifts from her clan, with the right ear pierced twice and the left once.

She is built on a small but sturdy frame, though she still has growing to do to reach her full height. Slim, with the undefined musculature of a lifetime of physical activity with no real training, Kiche’s bust and hips carry hints at the fullness they will one day display. Her arms and legs are marked with dozens of small scars from life in the wilds, her thighs thickly muscled from climbing and leaping between trees.

Kiche’s tail is long, with the long fur making it look four or five times larger than it is. She carries it high most of the time, with a little question-mark curl at the end.



Light and high, Kiche’s voice seems best-suited for cheerful conversation or bright giggles. When she grows serious, she often tries to lower the pitch of her voice to sound more mature. The effort, rather than comedic, gives clear evidence of her earnestness.

Demeanor and Personality:

Kiche Avatar small.png

In most social situations, Kiche appears shy and quiet but friendly. She’s quick with a smile and a cheery greeting, though falters into uncertain silence if there are three or more people. The more overwhelmed she feels, the more likely she is to engage in self-soothing- usually curling her tail around and petting it or brushing her fingers through the fur to calm herself down and keep her hands busy. In smaller groups or with other Moon Keepers, Kiche quickly shows herself a happy, if somewhat naive young woman. She talks quickly, honestly, with her heart on her sleeve and her ears and tail animated.

Raised by a traditional Moon Keeper clan, Kiche does have a number of superstitions and beliefs that come across in conversations both casual and more serious. She’s also passionately devoted and completely driven to follow the course of her dreams- in a very literal sense.


The girl is rapidly overwhelmed in large groups to the point of being unable to speak and- in extreme cases- retreating. Kiche has a deep fear of giving insult, particularly to Elezen or Hyur, and so tends to avoid the two races if she can- if she can’t, she is painfully formal and polite to a point where it could be seen as mockery. She has next to no formal training in aethercraft. Her lack of experience in the wider world can lead easily to misunderstandings- everything from social faux pas to over-estimating her combative capability. It also makes her relatively easy to trick, particularly if the person tricking her is someone she would possibly have reason to trust. Given the nature of her clan, Kiche hasn’t had many opportunities to interact with different races nor with males, which has frequently left her fascinated and wary during interactions with either.


Kiche is extremely intelligent- but her knowledge base is particularly narrow and based around what she’s learned at the feet of her clan’s elders or seen in annual trips to Gridania since she was an infant. She’s quick to pick up on a concept and, due to her anxiety, is actually very skilled at reading people and puzzling out the meaning between the lines of their words. She is literate, though has trouble reading silently and often has to mouth or whisper the words.

Religious Views:

Coming from a devout clan, Kiche believes utterly in the gods. She holds a particular reverence for Menphina- whom she refers to as “The Lady”- but also prays to Althyk regularly. When she travels, she leaves small offerings at shrines of Oschon, and prays to Llymlaen and Nophica when along a coast or in the forest, respectively. She is still a bit confused as to the nature of worship of Nald’thal in Thanalan- the Ul’dahni’s views of the twin deities and the nature of wealth running counter to many of her clan’s traditions.


Naive and devoted to her quest, Kiche hasn’t given much (if any) thought to romance or a mate. At least, not as of yet.



Kiche is still trying to figure out what she’s talented in combat-wise, so her style is a little all over the place. She’s confident in hunting and trapping, self-defense, and the basics of spell-casting but hasn’t really figured out where to focus yet. As a small note of interest, Kiche can form elaborate and detailed illusions with her magic.


Unbeknownst to her, Kiche has a staggeringly deep well of personal aether. Should she someday learn how, she could easily wield devastatingly powerful magicks. Physically, she is quick and lithe- and not too proud to run away if she’s in mortal danger. She is minorly skilled with a bow and a knife and can hold her own in a hand-to-hand fight so long as her opponent is a scrapper and not a trained warrior. Kiche is able to see or sense aether in others and in the environment. She has a touch of the Echo- a small chip of crystal passed down through her family, choosing it’s wielder in each generation.


Kiche is small and young- she can be bowled over by almost anyone who is physically stronger or with even a modicum of training. With her magic, she has no sense at all of the depth of her power and thus has no idea how to tap into it- nor, should she ever do so, any sense of how to control it.



  • meat of any kind- though especially antelope and fish
  • swimming
  • travelling


  • crowds
  • unexpected loud noises
  • Wood Wailers



Unknown- Kiche was conceived during a rather raucous period of feasting and celebration and her mother is not certain precisely who Kiche’s father is.

Kiche avatar large.png


Astina Dhava, aka “Astina the White”. One of the Dhava clan’s more competent warriors and mages. She is very supportive of Kiche and extremely proud of her daughter’s drive and dedication to bettering herself.


Six sisters, one brother. Kiche is the fifth-born girl.

Extended family:

Kiche’s clan is tight-knit and all of the women are tied in one way or another via blood or adoption. One being of note, whom Kiche does consider family, is her falcon fledgeling Onotayikowew. Kiche typically calls the little bird Ono and is deeply connected to her, dedicated to training her to be a proper hunting falcon.

Player Character Standings

Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing

Friends and loved ones

>>----under construction----<<


>>None, as of yet<<


Common Rumors:

  • “Poor girl, don’t seem she knows heads nor tails o’ livin’ out here in the wide world.” - Matronly Ul’dahni woman.

Moderate Rumors:

  • “The Dhava clan does trade every year in Gridania. Sad to say, we’ve not always showed them the best side of our city. I hope that girl never saw what she shouldn’t’ve.” - Gridanian carpenter

Rare rumors:

  • “Kiche of the Dhava… aye, she is known to me. That girl holds great power- great potential. Best not to give her reason to use it.” - Miqo’te trapper in the Black Shroud

PC rumors:

((Characters I've interacted with free to add))


Dhava path.png

Early years

Kiche was born to a traditional Moon Keeper clan roughly a decade before the Calamity. Conceived during a traditional feast and celebration (and thus uncertain of her paternity), she was raised by her mother Astina in the midst of a huge family of sisters, aunts, and cousins. The clan is nomadic, spending the warmer part of the year in the far, far north along the shore of the Northern Wastes then travelling south to spend the icy winters under the shade of the Black Shroud where they trade freely with Gridania and the various enclaves of Hyur, Elezen, and Miqo’te.

In the heart of her clan, Kiche spent her early years fairly carefree- playing and scrapping with her sisters, learning at the feet of any clan member that would spend a tick to teach her, and generally being a little wildling.

Growing up

As Kiche grew up, she didn’t really show a particular aptitude for any special skill. She spent time learning the basics of how to be a huntress- how to fish, how to trap a game trail, how to shoot and hunt in the forests. From her sisters and cousins she learned how to fight and- because of frequently losing those matches- how to run. Her elders watched her closely to see whether she would develop a clear path into one of the three accepted branches of the Dhava clan. Their vigil over her seemed to be in vain, Kiche not seeming to lean towards crafting, nor towards sailing, nor towards battle or hunting. She seemed, in truth, to float through the clan’s doings as distant as the Moon herself- happy to be anywhere but never staying long.

The Calamity

When the red moon began to grow too-bright in the skies, the Dhava clan retreated from the Black Shroud- heading north into the snowy wastes. It was there that Kiche got her first real taste of a battle that went beyond just taking the life of a fish or antelope. The monsters that seemed called from the void itself did not spare the northlands and even the youngest members of the clan were forced to fight. It was in these battles that Kiche began to show signs of her future promise- clumsily shaping the ice and snow into a weapon.

The fall of Menphina’s Hound and the escape of Bahamut threw the clan into chaos and they scattered into the wilds. Kiche remained with her mother and sisters, along with a half-score of others. It took a year and a half before the clan resumed their normal paths along the White Maiden River from the coast to Gridania. In that time, Kiche’s magical talent seemed to go back into slumber- though the keener minds of her clan noticed the way she seemed drawn to paths in the wilds that followed aetherial ley lines, the way she would gravitate to the mages of the clan. Astina was approached to begin guiding Kiche’s training to the path of “the White”- the magics and warriors of the clan- and to her surprise Kiche took to the training with the same easy manner as she took to everything else.

Sadly, Kiche’s somewhat disengaged manner led to trouble on one of the annual trips into Gridania. Whilst her older sisters traded, Kiche wandered away to explore the city. She found herself witness to an argument between a group of Hyur, Wildwood, and Duskwights. A minor disagreement about a supposed slight spiraled rapidly into a screaming argument, then into a fight that ended with the Duskwights beaten into unconsciousness and the Hyur and Wildwood walking away all but unscathed. The Wood Wailers nearby looked the other way, even when Kiche ran to them and begged for help. She was shrugged off and, when she became too insistent, shoved down and ordered to go about her way.

Shocked at the injustice and the violence, Kiche returned to her sisters a much-troubled young woman. For the rest of the season, the Moon Keeper girl was quiet- observing the world around her with an even greater degree of removal than she’d ever shown before. At the same time, she began to actually ask her family to teach her how to fight- how to defend herself. In the seasons spent travelling back to the north and along the coast, Kiche began to bond with the hunting falcons and the huntresses of the White. Each new moon, the young woman began having strange dreams; disjointed, filled with strange symbols and messages she could not interpret or even put into words.


During the dark moon, in the middle of the summer, Kiche participated in her clan’s ritual of the Wild Hunt. Despite not being old enough nor trained enough to actually win the contest, she raced through the trees with the others and gave herself over to the wild joy of hunting under the new moon. The dreams she had when her strength finally gave out were exceptionally vivid- and finally gave her a clear enough path to tread that when she woke, she returned to her family and explained that the Lady had called her.

With her mother gifting her the falcon fledgeling Onotayikowew, Kiche set out into the world to find the meaning of her dreams, no matter where they lead her.

OOC notes

  • Long-time RPer, though I enjoy playing with people of all levels of experience. My play time in game is limited, though I can be reached through Discord. I’m a bit of a lore nerd and am open to questions!
  • Kiche’s Soundtrack ((under construction))
  • Kiche’s Tumblr ((under construction))


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea with additions and Ideas from Siobhain Surtsthalwyn, Brynhilde Wulf, and Renaise Galwind