Kiht'a Awandah

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Kiht'a Awandah
The Gridanian Bookworm

Quick Summary:
Name- Kiht'a Awandah
Aliases- Kiht, Glasses, That Guy With His Nose Stuck In A Book
Age- 33
Gender- Male
Race- Miqo'te
Clan- Keeper of the Moon
Orientation- Asexual
Marital- Single
Deity- Thaliak, the Scholar
Nationality- Gridanian
Occupation- Aether User, Store Owner/Head Manager of Heartswood Sundries, Adventurer, Do-Gooder
Alignment- Either Chaotic or Neutral Good, depending

Scars & Markings: Small tattoo of a book overlaid with an ink and quill on his upper left shoulder. Small tattoo of a stylized golden sun on his upper right arm. (Not that he's ever unclothed enough in public for them to be seen much...)

Voice: A warm baritone, with it increasing slightly in pitch when he gets excited. No discernible accent. Voice Claim: Travis Willingham as Colonel Roy Mustang

Clothing: Generally will be found in loose fitting robes, or on occasion in slightly tighter fitting leather or cloth when practicing the arts of Red Magic. He tends to favor deep greens and dark browns.



  • His Heartswood family (AKA his family of choice) and his blood family
  • Doing good deeds when he can
  • Books, his great hobby and passion in life
  • Working with his hands, particularly the arts of goldsmithing and tailoring
  • A comfortable chair in front of a warm fire
  • Learning new things


  • Cruel, malicious or otherwise deliberately evil/unkind people
  • Thanalan
  • Prejudice
  • Corruption
  • Smelly cheeses
  • Answers eluding him


  • Everything crashing down around his head
  • Not being able to assist those that need it
  • Voidsent, especially and particularly the Gargoyle types
  • Tempering
  • Getting lost
  • Finding out what happened during his missing five years


  • Favorite Food: A good, medium-rare aldgoat steak; lentils and chestnuts
  • Favorite Drink: A glass of warm, spiced red wine in fall and winter, ice cold apple ale in spring and summer
  • Favorite Color: Deep Green


Color Key
Platonic Love/Family: Kiht'a considers this person family.
Friend: Kiht'a considers this person his friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Kiht'a considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

Good Standing: Kiht'a has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
Neutral: Kiht'a has no specific feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: Kiht'a has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.

Dislike: Kiht'a doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
Hate: Kiht'a considers this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
Fear: Kiht'a is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all costs.
Rivalry: Kiht'a considers this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time he gets to meet them.

Family Member: This character is related by blood to Kiht'a.
Business: This character is either an employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character has passed away.
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but Kiht'a isn't fully aware of it yet.


Audrey Greystone ( ? ) ( NPC ) - Founder of Sea Breeze Sundries and the Dawnbreakers
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Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
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Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
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Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
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Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
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Some of these rumors may be exaggerated or even entirely false. Feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category if you've interacted with Kiht!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

    "Heard he's living full time in the Shroud now, running some sort of strange sundry that you can get most anything in if you've the gil for it. Even switched his allegiance from the Flames to the Adders in the process." -Gossipy Highborn, Ul'dah
    "Seen 'im in an' around Mealvaan's Gate a few times with a Lalafell what was all hidden under a big blue robe. No' sure if 'e just had some business in there or if 'e was actually studyin' with the arcanists." -Eagle-Eyed Merchant, Limsa Lominsa
    "Kiht'a? That one always seems to have his nose stuck in some kind of book, and he seems like a real homebody. Seen his brother, or who I'm guessing is his brother, dragging him around- literally -a few times, though. Think his brother, or whoever it was, was trying to get him out of the house." -Nosy Wood Wailer, Gridania
    "He always orders a glass of red wine and lentils and chestnuts and just sits in the corner furthest from the door with a book of some sort in his hand, looking up and staring at the front door now and again as if he's waiting for or looking for someone that never shows up. Well, at least so far he's always left alone." -Whispering Waitress, The Carline Canopy

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear/harder to pick up on. Use sparingly or please ask first!

    "I've heard from a Wailer friend of mine that place Kiht'a runs, Heartswood Sundries, may be a lot more than it seems to be on the surface. The Wailers have seen odd comings and goings all hours of the day and night, way outside of what you'd consider standard business hours, and there's been reports that they're openly dealing with certain beastmen tribes. They've never managed to find any hard evidence of anything untoward, though." -Conspiratorial Merchant, Gridania
    "Awandah? Been told b' some lil' birdies I trus' tha' 'e's head o' some sort o' bunch o' do-gooders, bu' they keep real quiet about i'. Seems they fancy 'emselves t' b' 'eroes or some shi' like tha'." - Drunken Patron, The Drowning Wench
    "Had a Duskwight ganged up on one night, getting called all kinds of names, spit on, that sort. Only time I've ever seen Kiht'a actually get angry, and it wasn't a pleasant sight. Watching that pack of Wildwood run off with their pants all alight was pretty funny, though." -Attentive Trapper, Buscarron's Druthers
    "Hear tell he can't remember five years of his life. Seems awful strange." Chatty Rumormonger, Ul'dah

◢ Rare Rumors - Very hard to come across or overhear. Please ask before using!

    "There's a certain house in the Shroud where you can find any sort of magical book you'd ever need, including the banned or denounced ones. Ask the sylphs of Little Solace to show you the way, and respond 'I seek to pierce the darkness' when they ask why you're seeking such dangerous knowledge." -Shady Alley Dweller, Ul'dah
    "I was walking outside of Camp Dragonhead and saw him talking with an Ixal calm as you please- in the thing's tongue! I fled before either of them could notice me." -Nervous Noble, Ishgard
    "They saved my son's life. Leave Kiht'a and the Dawnbreakers alone!"-Determined Father, Kugane
    "As we were being released and the fight raged, we heard a rallying cry- 'Break the light of dawn!' I'm almost certain I heard the name 'Kiht'a' at some point in the madness, but my ears may have been playing tricks on me." Liberated Slave, Limsa Lominsa


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    "Add rumor here." Name
    "Add rumor here." Name
    "Add rumor here." Name

Currently being fully written up

Birth and Childhood:

Kiht'a was born in the northern fringes of the Shroud to a clan consisting of his mother Kiht Awandah, her sister Lho Awandah and three other families. His childhood was almost idyllic, though he was raised in the typical Keeper fashion by his aunt and mother and the rest of the women of the clan, with almost no male influences aside from the occasional visits from his wandering father Vaki'to Epocan coming back around to the clan now and again to partake in both the mental and physical comforts of the women and to check in on the children he had sired. Vaki'to was a very skilled thaumaturge and a fairly passable conjurer, and Kiht'a's aether appeared immediately to showcase the same sheer strength as his sire's. As he grew older it became even more obvious that his destiny lay in the arts of aether use and manipulation, Kiht'a eschewing physical combat of any kind even as a kit roughhousing with his cousin Lho'a and the other kits of the clan, vastly preferring to run away and try to manifest spells from a distance.

I do ask that you please ping me first if you'd like to use any of the Difficult/Rare RP Hooks as generally, they are not something Kiht has out in the public eye/public knowledge.


Gridania and The Black Shroud: Extremely likely.

Specific Locations: The Carline Canopy, Stillglade Fane, Greatloam Growery, Bentbranch Meadows, The Bobbing Cork, The Hawthorne Hut, Little Solace, Buscarron's Druthers, Ehcatl, Cascade View (Kiht's personal cottage/residence that he shares fully with his half-brother Mikh'a Amariyo, Lavender Beds Ward 17, Plot 8,) Heartswood Sundries (Lavender Beds Ward 17, Plot 9, right across the road from Kiht'a's home.)

Kiht'a fully considers the Shroud his home now, to the point that he not only moved the former Sea Breeze Sundries to the Shroud and officially renamed it Heartswood Sundries, but he has also relocated his personal residence from Thanalan to across the dirt path from the sundry as well. This makes it even more likely that he'll be found either curled up at the Carline Canopy with a good book when he takes the day off from running the sundry, attending schooling at Stillglade Fane, or wandering the streets in and around Gridania keeping an eye on the peace as well as soaking in what he considers the lush, serene atmosphere of the Shroud.

Limsa Lominsa and Vylbrand: Somewhat likely.

Specific Locations: The Drowning Wench, Mealvaan's Gate, The Bismarck, The Missing Member, Wineport, Costa del Sol, Red Rooster Stead, Memeroon's Trading Post, Jijiroon's Trading Post, Camp Bronze Lake, The Moraby Drydocks, The Gull's Cry (A "bar" that's a remodelled and reoutfitted medium-sized boat anchored off of The Salt Strand in Lower La Noscea owned by his cousin Lho'a Awandah.)

Business (both sundry and personal) will occasionally take Kiht to somewhere in Vylbrand or to Limsa herself, and he also likes to poke his head into the Arcanists' Guild at Mealvaan's Gate while he's visiting the city to keep up with the latest research and theories involving the arts of arcanima. He's a somewhat frequent visitor to the Moraby Drydocks as well, as Kiht'a uses the aetherite there to make the trip out to visit his cousin Lho'a at his floating bar that much faster.

Ul'dah and Thanalan: Highly UNlikely.

Specific Locations:Arrzaneth Ossuary, Eshtaime's Lapidaries, Frondale's Phrontistery, Sunsilk Tapestries

Kiht'a found going from the lush greenery and temperate climate of the Shroud to the unforgiving sun and arid climate of Thanalan to vehemently disagree with him almost immediately upon his first foot stepped into the region almost ten years ago, though he fell in with the Flames and so stayed there longer than he liked. This is one of the only areas and city-states that Kiht'a actually somewhat actively tries to avoid visiting since changing his allegiance from the Flames to the Adders and moving to the Shroud full-time, though he can be occasionally spotted heading to one of a few guilds that makes its home in Ul'dah due to not being able to learn the crafts elsewhere or, on occasion, meeting a client, his half-brother Mikh'a or another Heartswood member there for something or another.


-Coming into the sundry to buy goods

-Looking for work, your character stumbled into the sundry, or heard that they were seeking employees

-Your character needs help tracking a particular item down and heard about Heartswood Sundries

-Your character runs across Kiht in Gridania and they get to talking


-You're after a particular rare/hard to find book or item and hear rumors around that Heartswood Sundries in the Shroud may just be able to find what you need

-You've stumbled across a rare/strange book or item and need help with an appraisal. You're pointed in the direction of Heartswood Sundries

-You're having some form of difficulty with one of the beast tribes and you hear a Keeper by the name of Kiht'a Awandah "may be able to help"

-Your character runs across Kiht in Gridania and they get to talking

Songs that tend to put me in a 'time to RP Kiht' mood, lyrics may not directly reflect Kiht's views.

Personal RP Limits

I will play mature content and themes (violence, drug / alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters.
Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.
I won't play permanent character death or rape plots. Kiht is also asexual and, as such, would respond politely but firmly in the negative to any kind of romantic interest or hookups. He also will not (in fact, will absolutely refuse) knowingly work for an evil person, or towards evil ends.
■ If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion. I generally like to be very clear on any boundaries before we start roleplay to avoid exactly this, but please let me know.

Time Zone/Server
■ Time Zone:Pacific Time
■ Server:Mateus

Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Background and headers Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.

Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.

"Good works and deeds for others makes a good life."