Lady Stefania Emal
Lady Stefania Emal | |
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Character Information | |
Full Name | Lady Stefania Emal |
Nickname(s) | Lady, Ladybird, Ladybug, and Pumpkin Queen |
Race | Hyur |
Subrace | Midlander (Half Elezen) |
Gender | Female |
Sexual Orientation | Straight |
Relationship Status | Engaged |
Nameday | Thirty first Sun, of the fifth Umbral Moon |
Guardian | Oschon, the Wanderer |
Birthplace | Ishgard |
Occupation | Mercenary |
Family | Lord Stefan Emal, and Lady Constantina Emal |
General Information
Lady is a child of Ishgard. She is half Elezen and half Hyur, Wildwood on her father's side, and Midlander on her mother's side.
Lady has jet black hair, usually worn short, or tied up in some way. Her eyes are a shade of amber/gold, and she is fair skinned. She has curves, and a decent sized bosom, but she's not the sort to show them off.
Personality Traits
- Headstrong
- Stubborn
- Loyal
- Mischievous
- Childish
- Imaginative
- Caring
- Passionate
- Devoted
- Quick Tempered
- Understanding
Lady is pleasant to people when they first meet. She can be stand-offish however, if something rubs her the wrong way.
Philosophy & Ideals
She tries to be open minded, and treat people how she'd like to be treated.
- Has the tendency to be formal, seemingly at random
- Can be socially awkward
- Isn't always good at remembering people's names
Likes | Dislikes | |
Skills | Education | |
Strengths | Weaknesses | |
Fears | Favorites | |
Early Life
From childhood, Stefania was trained with the intention of her joining the military. Her first training was given by her father, then it was passed on to the Temple Knights of Ishgard. It was her wish to become the next Azure Dragoon, but it became apparent to her with time, that her calling lay elsewhere.
Stefania spent her youth training, learning to play musical instruments, and helping her father in his infirmary. She was also quite the little trouble causer... becoming well known for her pranks, and general mischief.
From the age of 18 onward, Lady Emal traveled Eorzea, taking on work as an adventurer, and studying with the Thaumaturges of Ul'Dah. She became part of a five person party, and still shares a close bond with each of them.
Recent Times
Lady has quite the story to tell, regarding the past few years. She fought in the Dragon Song war, and was there when Ala-Mhigo was finally liberated. She fought as part of Ishgard's forces, but also did so to help free her mother's homeland. After returning to Eorzea, she went back into education, studying Arcanima in Limsa Lominsa. And has most recently joined a mercenary company (The Broken Blades). Her long-time love interest, Damien Luneris, also proposed to her days ago, so she is now happily engaged.
Relationship Status Key
- ❤ Romance
- § Complicated
- ❤ Likes Them
- ✘ Dislikes Them
- ϟ Hates Them
- ● Neutral
- ? Uncertain
- † Deceased
- ⚔ Rivals
Intimate Relations
Lord Damien Luneris❤❤
Their families had always been close, but it wasn't until Stefania was sixteen, that she was really able to get to know him. They traveled together when she was eighteen, spending a year in education, as well as adventuring to make money. They returned to Ishgard during the Dragonsong War, then went on to help with the liberation, of Ala-Mhigo. Eventually, after many years of fighting alongside each other, the two finally settled down together. They are now happily engaged.
Friends | Family | |
Enemies/Rivals | Acquaintances | |
Likely Locations | Affiliations | |
RP Hooks
Lady was born and raised in Ishgard. Perhaps your character is also Ishgardian?
She has frequented the main cities of Eorzea, so maybe someone has seen her around.
It's possible that someone's character could have met her, or seen her in Ala-Mhigo, or Doma.
Acceptable RP | Unacceptable RP | |
Player Info
I live in the UK, so go by GMT time, but am willing to work around time differences :) Also, I play on Balmung, going by Lady Emal in game.
[[1]]: My Tumblr Blog
My Policies
Policy Name
I won't do shipping, but am always happy to make new friends ^^
Policy Name
Description of policy.
Policy Name
Description of policy.
Wiki Info | Credits | |
This wiki page is updated as the character's story changes.
Last Updated: September 6, 2018 |
Please leave the credits section intact! Many people work very hard on their themes; please do not disrespect them!
This theme was lovingly coded by Shieke. Feel free to use this theme for your character! I have taken inspiration from the following people:
A big thank you to all these lovely people! |