Little Grey
- I don't expect everyone to read this all, but please look at the OOC Notes!
Briah Tyaka | |
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Character Information | |
Full Name | Rhu Mhigi/ Briah Tyaka |
Nickname(s) | Little Grey, Grey |
Race | Miqo'te |
Subrace | Keeper of the Moon |
Gender | Female |
Sexual Orientation | Straight |
Relationship Status | N/A |
Nameday | 1st Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon |
Age | 9 |
Guardian | N/A |
Birthplace | The Shroud |
Tribe | N/A |
Occupation | Child |
Family | Xillo Tyaka, most of the Anomaly guild |
General Information
Briah, as she refers to herself, is a rather happy and cheerful nine-year old. Despite a past shrouded in mystery, she doesn't let herself feel negatively too often. Though for a child of her age, her mental capacity is rather limited. She has a lot of troubles learning to read and write, but the most noticeable factor is her speech. There are certain letters she still can't pronounce, and certainly a lot of words that get said wrong. Her mannerisms in general are also rather toddler-like at times, as opposed to what she should be behaving like as at nine. It might seem off-putting to some, but endearing to others.
Briah is downright adorable, even by Miqo'te child standards. Her hair and skin are entirely gray colored, save for a few white patches on the child's skin. Born with them, of course, but the most notable is a white, diamond-shape on her forehead. Others would be the white tipped ears and tail, and less seen are the other diamond-shapes spot on her chest, as well as a stripe down her belly. When she was younger, her tail was more skinny, but as she ages it looks fluffier. Added to her mysterious past, there is a rather interesting. triangular-shaped scar on the back of her head, covered by her hair. To a trained eye, it's clear that the scars is a few years old, and certainly from a wound that a small child wouldn't have been able to just survive from. Another interesting characteristic she has is her vastly different heterochromic eyes, with one being blue, and the other being brown.
Personality Traits
- Caring
- Cheerful
- Empathetic
- Friendly
- Lovable
- Optimistic
- Playful
- Sociable
- Clumsy
- Dependent
- Forgetful
Despite being nine years old, she often acts much younger than she is. Most commonly is how she'll always have her stuffed bear, Moko, with her at nearly all times. Sometimes Moko is accompanied by other of her stuffed toys. It all depends on what she is playing or imagining at that time. Another is that she knows not to get into things, but sometimes can't help herself, and is prone to making messes of things.
Philosophy & Ideals
Being a child, she doesn't think much on this. Just that everyone should treat everyone nicely.
- Naps in random places at times.
- Talks to her stuffed toys.
- Gets distracted easily by shiny things.
Likes | Dislikes | |
Skills | Education | |
Strengths | Flaws | |
Fears | Favorites | |
Early Life
Briah does not remember most of her childhood. But she was born to a rather.. unfortunate family. Her birth mother, Eyu Mhigi, lived a rather normal life until she married Briah's birth father, Gohluh'a. The man was of a rather kind and caring man at first, but the moment after they were married, his true colors showed through. He was quite the definition of a slimy and manipulative man. He was the only boy out of a family of eight sisters, and his mother never settled down with one man. He was treated rather poorly by all the women that surrounded him, and it was of no doubt that it impacted him later in life. He grew to hate the females of his race in general, vowing that he would only have sons and attempt to outnumber. This of course, is not likely with a Miqo'te family, as most often it's girls that are born. But he had a solution to this problem. He.. wasn't the most sane man either, and every time Eyu gave birth to a daughter... that baby would vanish. Living with the conditions she was put under, but still believing that she loved Gohluh'a, she grew a little less and less sane as well, as time went on. In the so far ten years that there were together, she managed to produce one son, Eyu'a. Being the only living child to date that she had, she cherished him. And as more daughters were born.. she grew desperate. When she was pregnant with Briah, she attempted to time perfectly to give birth when Gohluh'a was not around. She managed this, and upon seeing that it was a girl, named her Rhu. She convinced Gohluh'a she had gotten rid of the child herself, then hid the baby in a shack deep within the Shroud, where both her and Eyu'a sneaking away when they could to care for the baby. The succeeded in this for nearly six years, until Gohluh'a was suspicious enough to follow Eyu'a one day. Seeing that he had a five-year old daughter laughing and playing with his son.. he grew furious. He picked up a rusty, square-headed tool from outside the shack, and struck the small girl with it. Eyu'a was of course horrified, begging his father not to, and then was promptly chased away from the shack by his father's feet and fists. As soon as she could, Eyu rushed to her daughter, and was amazing to find that she still lived. Too afraid to get the child care at the nearby Conjurer's guild, she fled to Ul'dah, hoping the Alchemist's guild could help. But she still didn't want to be discovered by her husband, so she dumped the bloody mess of a child in a secluded corner of Pearl Lane, and left a note along with the appropriate amount of gil at the guild. With note in hand, one of the alchemists found little Rhu/Briah, and managed to save her. However the guild was no place for children, so with mixed feelings and a heavy heart, she was left there in hopes of her mother returning. When the child awoke the next morning, she had no memory. She didn't even know her name. Being pitied for being a child left on the streets of Ul'dah, she was in general left alone. The residents of Pearl Lane had taken to calling her "Little Grey", on account of her looks and age. She lived on those streets for about two or three years before she was adopted by a Seeker man named Xillo. From there she lived happily with him and his company, a mercenary guild called Anomaly. Before he owned his own guild, Briah's first home was a different mercenary guild that Xillo worked for. It was there that she was finally named, after a Keeper fairytale storybook where the main character's name was a little girl named Briah.
Briah has yet to reach adolescence.
Briah has yet to reach adulthood.
Recent Times
Briah lives in the Anomaly mercenary guild with her father, Xillo Tyaka. At first he was just a merc himself, but now he owns his own guild. She spends most of her time there at the guild, but has been known to go on walks around the Goblet, or even go as far as Ul'dah by herself. Which.. her father isn't exactly fond of. During a trip to Gridania, she was given small, minor lessons by a conjurer there. She showed some potential, being able to make small amount of Aero wind with just her hands. However, to learn more she was told she needed a wand first.
Common | Uncommon | |
These are rumors that are easily overheard or public knowledge. Use them freely!*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
These rumors may take a little digging to find. Use sparingly or ask permission before use.*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
Rare | Player Character | |
These rumors are very difficult to find. Ask permission before use.*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
These are rumors made by other characters. They are color coded for common, uncommon, or rare.*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
Color Key
Close Friends | Family | |
Friends | Acquaintances | |
Likely Locations | Affiliations | |
RP Hooks
This character is clearly a smol child. Depending on where she's at, this could be very curious.
This character is usually smiling, and very friendly. Very easy to approach.
Acceptable RP | Unacceptable RP | |
Player Info
My Policies
I don't know so much about policies, per say, but I personally believe that OOC communication is very important with RP. If there is something in the RP that you don't like, talk to the other person about it. Rather than bicker about it like children, sort it out like adults.
- Another thing I will say is that IC does NOT equal OOC! My characters are very different from me, and will not make the same decisions, actions, or say the same things that I would! I RP them to be their own people, not myself!
OOC Character Info | Links | |
Wiki Info | Credits | |
This wiki page is updated as the character's story changes.
Last Updated: September 6, 2018 |
Please leave the credits section intact! Many people work very hard on their themes; please do not disrespect them!
This theme was lovingly coded by Shieke. Feel free to use this theme for your character! I have taken inspiration from the following people:
A big thank you to all these lovely people! |