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Neheon Wolfsbane
Miya Kha

Actions speak louder than words do. I don't want to hear dead words from you.

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Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... nay-on wolfs-bane

NICKNAMES... 'Neon' 'Neho'

RACE & CLAN... Au'ra / Xaela / Kha

GENDER... Female

AGE... Twenty - two

NAMEDAY... Unknown

ORIENTATION... Heterosexual

MARITAL STATUS... In a Relationship

Other Statistics



FAMILY... Enoji Kha (Father, Deceased), Vlow Kha (Brother, Deceased), Invalmos Kha (Brother), Oskhara Dotharl (Mother)

RESIDENCE... Lavender Beds : Harbinger's Manor

OCCUPATION... Martial Archon, Hunter, Skinner, Tracker

PATRON DEITY... Oschon, The Wanderer

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulms, 3 ilms. 124 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Lawful/Neutral

General Information
Where she runs, where she hides, where she hunts, the wild's eyes. From Shroud to snow, the Xaela knows and strives to learn the lands around her with keen eyes. She's mindful of the territories each bit of wilderness falls under and often seeks out the local wildlife to check their state of living within said areas. Most often you will find this Auri in the wilderness or occasionally within the Harbinger's Estate, assisting the Martial Branch and other friends with anything she can.
Not all beasts walk on four legs, some of the worst, walk on two.
Hair & Eyes
Neheon has black hair, and bright green eyes. Umbral rings of bright emerald seem to give her hues a glow during the darkest times of night. Her hair is often pulled up fully or pulled partially up, letting the rest hang down. When fully down, her hair just barely hangs over her shoulders, but she only lets it stay down for special occasions when she is out with friends or loved ones.
Physique & Markings
The Huntress is short, as established earlier, her stature makes her often easily overlooked, but she's learned to use this to her advantage while hunting. She keeps herself in shape, climbing trees, running through woods and frozen tundra, she's athletic and proud to show off her physique whenever she gets the chance to swim out on the beach. Any markings she dons are during hunts with other more tribal Xaela who wish to recreate a bit of sport from their days on their home. When events like this are on, Neheon often sports black face paint over her, or under her eyes, with three dots under her cheeks and above her brow to symbolize the family she hunts for.
Hygiene & Attire
Neheon keeps herself well take care of. A leatherworker, she often goes into the field and kills whatever game needed to gather leathers for orders and personal use. Even while she hunts, she makes sure that everything from the bones to the meat of the kill gets used. When on her hunts, she often becomes caked in blood and other wonderful things from her kills, but as soon as she steps into her home, she works to get clean and stay that way.Neheon's attire often consists of leathers, stained in black or other darker colors. She also wears fur wraps around her waist and sometimes over her shoulders depending on the area she's traveling to. At times she can dress up, wear 'pretty' things, but if given the chance, she'd spend all day in loose fitting clothing, sweaters, furs, and other warm things wither they are fashionable or not.
Psychological Profile
In a nutshell, Neheon has a bit of a broken mind. Within her past, things left her rather hurt, emotionally, and to this day she still struggles to move past some of those barriers. Simple things, terms of phrase, even the occasional 'smart' joke seem to confuse her as well as larger words that are used to explain something simple. Quiet and reserved, she doesn't like to speak much, unless it's concerning a friend or someone she feels needing help. She often thinks herself as 'stupid' for she doesn't know nearly as much as everyone else around her, when truth is, she secluded herself for so long, she not only fell behind in ways of social conversations, but common knowledge taught in the ways of magic and Aether.
Soft, pleasant, hesitant.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
To the huntress, the rules of the wild are easier to understand than the rules made by people. If someone kills someone else, she believes that person should be struck down with no hesitation. Eye for an eye. She believes her family, her friends, are the same, a pack. A group that looks out for each other and for that reason, when she decides someone is a 'friend' she will often go out of her way bringing them gifts and sharing with them her time and effort.
● Snow
● Fogweed
● Rain
● Camping
● Puppies
● Tall People
● Racism
● Arrogance
● Witchcraft
● Void Magic
● Voidscent
● Void anything
● Cooking
● Tracking
● Leather working
● Archery
● Story Telling
● First Aid
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