Remimont Portier
 "Your face was priceless. Hahahaha!"
Patron Deity
Althyk, the Keeper
Knight Aspirant
6' 3", 202 Ponz
- ??? (Father)
- Ceaulie Portier (Mother)
"You are not Nymeia mother dearest! It is too bold of you to fashion a fate for me that will account all the way up my epitaph. Have I no right a decision of my own?"
-- Remi to his mother, the eve before his departure.
Remimont Portier is a young man born, raised, and, due to his mother, confined in Gridania, until his eighteenth summer, when he more less ran away from home. While he was intended to be made a librarian, Remimont is has always desired to be part of a brave order or knights like famous fictional and historical figures alike. Sadly, it's going to take a lot of work to get there. While well spoken and mannered, he's quite naive about many of the realities of Eorzea, and at times his mouth works a little faster than his brain does. He often ends up with a lot of broken pairs of glasses.
Basic Info
- ■ Specialties: Being terrible
- ■ Trained: Sword and Shield (D)
- ■ Miscellany:
The Echo
- ■ Magical: Conjury (D)
- ■ Reading
- ■ Swordplay
- ■ Dancing
- ■ Cooking
- ■ Vice(s): None!
- ■ Favorite Food: Dzemael Gratin
- ■ Favorite Drink: Apple Juice
- ■ Elemental Aspect: Ice
◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
- ■ "He's a dummy if even if does read a lot." -- Gridanian Child
- ■ "I heard he don't like Amalj'aa." -- Quicksand Patron
- ■ "Known him since we were kids. He likes to have a good time, you know, for an Elezen." -- Stacy Keaton, Hyur Weaver
◢ Uncommon Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
- ■ "He still looks like a wet noodle, but I suppose he did tackle a few Amalj'aa by his lonesome. I wouldn't believe it if there weren't witnesses." -- Mylla, Head Gladiator
- ■ "Wasn't a few summers ago he started sneaking off with folks... you know, for a good time? Lads or lasses, didn't seem to matter to him. You would think he had some standards." -- Desile, Gossiping Botanist
- ■ "Always going on and on about being a knight. Says his father was. I don't think I've ever seen that boy's father about... even afore he was born." -- Eshu'ta Wonrosa, Lancer Guild Member
- ■ "His mother is a real piece of work. Easy lass, but not worth the trouble by a damn sight." -- Sandor, Wood Wailer
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
- ■ "Mother often whispers about how he suffers from headaches, and at times loss of consciousness. Says he sees things and picks up on any language he sets eyes on. The boy's not right and is like to never be. He should just stay somewhere out of the way... especially away from me." -- Franz, Private Doctor
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from Playable Characters, Feel Free to Add!)
- ■ "His swordplay is like that from a book. Perfectly executed single actions, but nothing to put them together. What he lacks in natural initiative, I hope to train with skill and reaction. He's a good kid, don't want to see him get him killed."
- ■ "He has potential. More than I've seen in most new recruits." ~ Coatleque Crofte
♥ Romantic Interest ♥ Platonic Love ● Good Standing ● Neutral Standing ● Poor Standing
- ● Sugin Zakugin - "If he had not been present there within the Sagolii, I would likely not stand afore you now... He has my eternal gratitude."
- ● Oswain Gerralt - "She might... elaborate a little in places, but her assistance shall not go unappreciated."
- ● Coatleque Crofte - "At first she seemed a little rigid, but I have a feeling she can be flexible in the right ways. ... What? Why are you snickering? Curse your perversion!"
- ● Natalie Mcbeef - "I appreciate her freely asking my aid and 'expertise' with the incident in Haukke Manor. Tis good to feel I have some use."
Royal Crown Revue - Hey Pachuco
Credit goes to Bancroft Gairn for the page template!
Thanks to Moengeim Wistyrmanwyn and Osric Melkire for things I thought were cool on their pages.