Sun'li Yhunja

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Sun'li Yhunja
Ffxiv 03282018 SunliYhunjabanner.jpg

Hey! Call me Sun. If you need a hand, I have two.



Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... Suhn-lee Yooh-na

NICKNAMES... Sun; Li (family only)

RACE & CLAN... Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon

GENDER... Male

AGE... 22

NAMEDAY... 6th Sun, 6th Umbral Moon

ORIENTATION... Demi-bisexual/romantic


Other Statistics

NATIONALITY... Gridanian, the Twelveswood

CITIZENSHIP... Gridanian

FAMILY... Third son, sixth eldest of eleven siblings

RESIDENCE... Officially has an estate in the Lavender Beds, but is rarely at home

OCCUPATION... Traveling Conjurer & Apothecary, also does odd jobs

PATRON DEITY... Azeyma, The Warden & Menphina, The Lover

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulms, 3 ilms. 118 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Neutral Good

General Information
Energetic Sun'li possesses an incredibly strong sense of responsibility, both for his family and for those around him. Try as he might, he can't turn a blind eye to those it is within his power to aid. However, he has an unfortunate tendency to leap before he looks - often leading to him having to fight his way out of many a sticky situation.

Despite his trusting nature, those who seek a gullible and defenseless victim will find themselves wanting. He is not as gentle as he looks. Those that bite his hand after having extended it in succor will find themselves quickly nursing a busted nose from his staff.

Alright there? Keep your chin up; things'll work out.
Rose-gold Rose-taupe, pale blond stripe Pale, easily sunburnt Slim but toned, built for speed Smooth and suited to comforting. Easy on the ears when he's speaking at a normal volume (but he's definitely not above shouting and cursing. Prolifically.)
Cheerful & confident Left None that are outright conspicuous. Miqo'te markings on his upper cheek; two large wing tattoos on his shoulder blades spanning his upper back and triceps. Favors practicality over fashion. Comfortable and durable jackets, long pants, sturdy boots & leather gloves in dark colors (usually red).
Hair & Eyes
The blond streak is natural and runs in the family. His eyes are bright, alert, and very expressive - truly the windows to his soul.
Physique & Appearance
Though he's slender at first glance, his musculature is lean and toned. Having had acrobatics training in his childhood from one of his sisters, he is flexible and light on his feet. He has long lashes, delicate features, and can objectively be considered pretty or boyishly cute.
Observed passively from afar, his small build and trusting nature makes him seem like he would make a target easily taken advantage of... right up until he opens his mouth. His straightforward way of speaking appears at odds with his soft looks, though he doesn't seem to notice the discrepancy.
Hygiene & Attire
Sun keeps an active lifestyle, constantly traveling from one place to another. He doesn't often find himself lacking funds, but is also good at surviving off the land and has no qualms with washing where he can - whether it be an inn or a stream. He favors comfortable and sturdy clothing in dark colors, usually red.
Psychological Profile
Naturally extroverted, Sun is easy to laugh with and kind to the point of naivety. He is an idealist at heart who likes to look for the best in people - even the self-proclaimed 'broken' ones. Despite having been burned multiple times by his tendency to always give the benefit of the doubt, he retains an optimistic outlook on life. He is always ready with a smile and a corny joke, but will recognize when the situation calls for sobriety.
However, he's not all honeyed words. In fact, he's terrible at them. If the situation calls for it, he can be very blunt, spearing into the heart of a problem with unrepentant ruthlessness.
On a similar vein, he's not very good at reading the 'mood'... most of the more subtle overtures, romantic or otherwise, will fly right over his head. The respect he has for women is often taken to such an extreme that he's hesitant to put even a friendly hand on their shoulder without permission. He has no such qualms with men and often is very physical with affection, but even the most common romantic gestures would be taken as an expression of friendship.
His voice is probably a touch deeper than what people expect from his boyishly delicate looks. He has a smooth voice when speaking normally, but when agitated, his voice tends to sharpen around consonants and deepen further, nearing a growl. He can sing well, but only does so on request.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
He has a very strong moral compass and is often quite loud about it. Though he is a bit too trusting, he is far from defenseless. Despite favoring amicable resolutions, he won't shy away from confrontation and is quite stubborn when it comes to his ideals.
His staff definitely gets equal use as a focus for healing and as a blunt force instrument. Needless to say, he won't throw the first punch, but he will finish the fight.
■ Finds it hard to sleep without hugging something solid or crushed under some heavy weight - his younger siblings used to dogpile (catpile?) him while they slept, and he got used to it. Similarly finds ambient noise to be soothing and can’t rest peacefully if it’s dead silent.
■ Can’t sit still unless he’s really tired. Always tapping his feet, drumming his fingers, etc.
■ Respects women to the point of intimidated obeisance, especially if they’re older than him.
■ Thick skinned and rarely bruises - but (ironically) sunburns easily.
■ Prone to ear pulling if annoyed or agitated (his own and others', depending on if they're within reach).
■ Very tactile and affectionate with friends. The closer you are to him, the less he will respect your personal space.
● Platonic skinship
● Taking care of others
● Dad jokes
● Friendly competition
● Staring death in its face & yelling "NOT TODAY"
● Wasting food
● Being in debt
● Feeling useless
● Deadlines
● Conjury
● Herbalism
● Alchemy
● Survival skills
● Odd jobs
