U'roh Tia
U'roh Tia | |
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Gender | Male |
Race | Miqo'te |
Clan | Seeker of the Sun |
Citizenship | Unaffiliated |
Job | "Free" Dragoon |
Age | 20 |
Alignment | Neutral Good |
U'roh is a Seeker of the Sun hailing from the Forgotten Springs in Southern Thanalan. Formally a warrior of some skill of the tribe U'roh challenged the Nunh and was defeated, leaving him his tell tale scar. Ashamed at his perceived lack of skill he left the tribe and never looked back. He traveled through the scorching sands of Thanalan with naught more then his wits and his will for vengeance against the Amal'jaa. His fortunes changed when he came to the Shroud, at deaths door and content he would be meeting Azeyma, an female Elezen who took him in. Sensing U'roh's desire to better himself and for vengeance, she taught him the art of the lance and encouraged him to travel to perfect his art and grow.
At first glance his biggest feature would be the scar that ran from his forehead down across his right eye ((The skin on his right eye lid is also scarred)) to just below his mouth. He is quite hesitant to speak with even trusted friends about this scar, often leaving it at. "It's a reminder." His fur is Dark Brown and he often wears a bandanna over his hair, another thing he does not comment on often. His tail is long haired, making it soft to the touch.
In general conversation U'roh is a friendly fellow, cheerfully interacting with those that approach him or he approaches. Quick to make a new friend or exchange tales with fellow adventurers he is quite sociable when he wishes to be. He also shows a one would expect out of a Elezen, Chivalry. A result of his training with Ceuline and spending his late tweens growing up on Ishgardian stories inspired Roh to be as knightly as Ishgard's written heroes. Protecting the weak, lending a uplifting hand to those who need one all while fighting to the death for what you believe in. He unfaltering believes in the strength of a Dragoon. These beliefs in turn make him prone to reckless and brash judgement of situations oft putting him in much unneeded danger. Roh welcomes these challenges, seeing as anyone he walks away from makes him stronger so that he can protect what he values now.
- -"Killing folks like that don't sit right with me."- To Val Nunh Upon leaving the Harbingers of Dawn.
- -"I will soarrr heavensward." - Last words to his mother.
U'roh's combat style focuses on the Halberd, primarily in ishgardian techniques. Using the weapon to maintain a medium length distance from his opposition as well as using a combination of the weapon's slashing, hooked and pointed edge to effect in creating openings against his foes. When forced into close combat U'roh tries to reestablish the gap with with tricky maneuvers, often using the calling card jumps of Dragoons. If he cannot do that he resorts to the brawling he used in his Tribe days. Using vicious and brutal headbutts, punches, and kicks to fend off attackers.
Time has made Roh more proficient in the use of his soul crystal, he now has more control over his jumps and is able to tap into some other techniques the past owners had used.
- Knightly Honor.
- Good food, especially fond of a good Marmot Steak.
- Sparring/A good fight.
- Those that hurt others for selfish gains.
- Speaking of why he left Forgotten Springs.
- Harm to his comrades and friends.
- Practicing hand to hand fighting forms as exercise.
- Able to think quickly on his feet.
- Cooking and Goldsmithing
- Pole Arm Fighting (Practiced)
- Dragoon arts (Practiced)
U'qawhu Noh: Roh's biological mother and huntress of the U tribe till the fateful day the Amalj'aa attacked. Considered dead by the U tribe. In a twist of fate Roh was reunited with what was left of his Mother's Aether. Allowing him to say his final good byes.
Ceaulie Fortemps: She found Roh after his self imposed exile from the springs, took him in and mentored him like he was her own son in the ways of the lance.
Rhena Khaz: Roh finally proposed to her, taking her as his fiancée. The wedding date has yet to be set however.
Gharen Wolfsong: One of the many Roh studied under. Mostly from his time in the Grindstone, Roh considers him a friend and a honorable man.
Qaeli Varily: Another trusted comrade and friend. Also may be a bit of a bad influence on the cat.
Jajara Jara: A chance encounter in Limsa led to a friendly rivalry with the little Lalafellin Pugilist. Lance or Fist which will win?!
Reiko Oda: A Doman Shinobi Roh met during his time in the Braves. The two were fast friends swapping tales and exploits.
Ifrit & and his worshiping Amalj'aa: The primal and his worshipers has earned U'roh's fervent hatred, for kidnapping and tempering his mother.
Common Rumors
- "You mean the funny looking man with the fuzzy ears and tail? He's nice and helped me get my doll back!" - Limsan Child
- "He's a rowdy and loud one, also doesn't seem to think twice about picking a fight. I mean the bleedin' Knight had it coming, talking the way he did, but he full blown punched a Temple Knight right in the unmentionables for and I quote. "Ya damned cats are always trying to be something you can't. Do yourselves a favor and go warm someone's lap." Next thing I knew, he had bleedin' started a bar brawl." - Forgotten Knight patron.
- "Seems the Kit fancies himself a knight, he goes about aiding those he can. Helping children find their lost dolls and pets, parents their missing children, and will go and slay a small beast for starving families." - Ishgardian Citizen
Moderate Rumors
- "The kit has some sort of personal grudge against them Lizards. Now most do, but they must have took something very close to em' to get that vengeful." - Ul'dan Citizen
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Rare Rumors
- "I'll never forget what the Kit did for us. Standing up to the invading horde like that." - Whitebrim Citizen
- "I watched him walk into Zahar'ak, a man on a misson. He came back but I suspect a piece of him still lingers there." - U tribe Huntress
- "I watched that man kill three blades and mortally wound a Brave, all for some merchant. Too good of a heart on em." - Ul'dahn Merchant.
PC Rumors
((Those that U'roh has interacted with feel feel to edit this page and add some!))
- "He's kinda silly, that one, but I reckon he's got a good heart to 'im. Seems ta think he can beat me in a fight, though. Ha! We'll see about that." - Jajara Jara
- "He's a fun guy ta get drunk with" - Valirelia Ferox
- "Been awhile since I've seen 'im, but he left me with th' impression tha' he's got th' potential te be a master o' th' lance one day." - Gharen Wolfsong
- "An honest boy. I could sense no lies, no falsehoods. His concern for his teacher is great, and that same concern reaches deeper still when we consider Gharen was also his friend. He will want for justice, I think. He will give it his all." - Delial Grimsong
- Early Life/Pre-Defeat:
Roh's early life wasn't nothing out of the ordinary, spending his young days among his tribe in the Forgotten Springs. Learning to hunt and survive off the slim pickings of the Sagolii Desert as well as defending himself the constant threat of the Ifrit worshiping Amalj'aa. As a adolescent he practiced hand to hand combat in this pursuit and often found himself in brawls with other Tias and some extreme cases huntresses of the tribe.
Overall what many tribal seekers would consider a fulfilling life, however after a brutal Amalj'aa raid that led to the death and tempering of a valued friends Roh pleaded to the Nunh to retaliate. Roh was refused, leading to the reckless and experienced young Tia to lose his temper and challenge the Nunh for the title. He was quickly and brutally defeated, however the Nunh spared him for reasons unknown. The next day Roh left the springs out of shame and a new scar to constantly remind him of that day, using it as drive to improve himself and grow stronger.
- Post Defeat:
After he left Roh found he had nothing more then the clothes on his back and the fresh shame in his heart to drive him forward through the howling Sahagoli desert sands. Through force of will he had traversed the sands, barely surviving off what scraps he could scrounge and the scarce water could find. Eventually his travels brought him to the shroud, however by this time his meager supplies had run out and he was at death's door. Collapsing shortly before Quarrymill U'roh fell unconscious, expecting to die. Fate however would deem otherwise, having been found by Ceaulie. She helped Roh come back to health. After telling him his story, she resolved to train him. Teaching the former brawler how to use a Halberd and many Ishgardian techniques, as well as how to fend for himself for the next few years till Roh had left deciding to make his way in life as a Adventurer.
- Achieving the Dream:
((Coming Soon))
- Closure from the past:
((coming soon))
- "I will soar Heavensward":
Annotations, OOC Notes and Character Trivia
- Roh is heavily inspired by the Protagonists of "Shounen" or "For Boys" Genre of Japanese Animation and Video Games. Such inspirations were Characters such as Zack Fair from FFVII/Crisis Core, Goku and Bardock of the Dragon Ball Series, and Hero tropes in general.
- Roh's favorite Story told by Ceuline was the story of Kain. A Ishgardian Dragoon who forsook the nation for his duty.
- Roh unlike most other Lancers favors the Halberd, finding the Axe edge to be a powerful weapon when he needs it.
- This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea
- Art commissioned by Aurora!